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Male vs Female Experiences?

Jan 22, 2022 - permalink

I have loved girls with muscle for as long as I can remember. It's always been the appeal of seeing the muscles but maybe even visualizing how strong she might be. First recollection was chasing down a girl "Eileen" in Florida. She had ripped my rubber toy alligator, in two, intentionally. We were about 7 or 8. I caught her, knocked her down but as I tried to pin her down, she rolled me over, on my back and pinned ME DOWN. She was my first love. 🥰 Another event that shocked me was my freshman year in high school. In science class, this one girl challenged my male teacher, to arm wrestle her. She had thick, solid looking arms and was a big girl, maybe 5'8". He was kind of dorky looking, thin man but watching her pin his arm to the table drove me crazy. I had dreams about that girl. Anyone have some good memories?

Jan 25, 2022 - permalink

Great stuff - those early imprints cannot be denied!

The girl from next door pinned me on the grass in front of my house when I was 4. She was wearing jeans and I've never forgotten that moment. I'm not sure why she did it, but it's a safe bet I that had done something to deserve it and I was not going to win anything that day.

I tried sparring with a sexy, muscular fighter last week and let's just say I was a bit overmatched for that "friendly" NON-competition. lol It's been a week and I can still feel the gentle soreness in my nose. My jaw is fine, but the ego...not so much.

Jan 25, 2022 - permalink

When I was in the fifth grade many years ago the teacher tested us ten year olds to see how many pull-ups we could do. I couldn't do one. The top boy did 8. The most pullups that anyone did was 13 and they were performed by a girl.... Speaking of pull-ups there was a circus acrobat named Lillian Leitzel who performed a hundred years ago. Her record for ONE ARM pullups blew out all the male competition: She did 27 with her right arm and 19 using just her left arm! Gillian Ward (formerly Mounsey) was the strongest person, male or female, in her large Queens, New York high school. Her record is 81 pullups and 600 pushups!! I met a girl a while back who did ONE ARM handstand pushups. They were done against a wall and she said she performed between 5 and 10 with each arm!

Jan 25, 2022 - permalink

Yea while i have never fight a real muscular woman before during my childhood i got my ass kicked by a lot of girls more times than i can count.

Jan 25, 2022 - permalink

When I was 12 I had just started taking tae kwon do lessons. It was a small school, and I had maybe 4 or 5 other people in the class with me. Mostly people older than me, including adults. For some reason my instructor had us armwrestling, lol (I can't remember why).

We were put against each other until there was a clear winner. One guy's wife beat everyone (all males) except for one guy who you could tell trained at the gym for years. I remember going against her and being amazed at how much stronger than me she was! I literally couldn't budge her arm at all, and from that day forward I had a newfound respect for the opposite sex. I couldn't tell how muscular she was though, since we all wore karate gi's which fit pretty loosely around the arms and legs.

Jan 27, 2022 - permalink

When I was 12 I had just started taking tae kwon do lessons. It was a small school, and I had maybe 4 or 5 other people in the class with me. Mostly people older than me, including adults. For some reason my instructor had us armwrestling, lol (I can't remember why).

We were put against each other until there was a clear winner. One guy's wife beat everyone (all males) except for one guy who you could tell trained at the gym for years. I remember going against her and being amazed at how much stronger than me she was! I literally couldn't budge her arm at all, and from that day forward I had a newfound respect for the opposite sex. I couldn't tell how muscular she was though, since we all wore karate gi's which fit pretty loosely around the arms and legs.

Do you consider yourself a fighter?

Jan 27, 2022 - permalink

Do you consider yourself a fighter?

I know how to fight, but I don't go out seeking fights. Not sure what or why you're asking.

Jan 27, 2022 - permalink

9 days now, and I still feel it in my nose. :( Oh, sweet memories...

I know how to fight, but I don't go out seeking fights. Not sure what or why you're asking.

I like to know who is participating in conversations.

It was a multi-lane question, actually. I have a mythical understanding of TKD - even with the kicks - and aikido as being more self-defense arts/sports rather than being combat sports. I only asked this question to one other TKD practitioner before and her answer was a similar to yours - "I can fight if I have to, but I'm not a fighter" - meaning, she could defend herself in a dangerous situation, but despite being a champion forms competitor, she could never envision herself being a combat fighter.

Jan 27, 2022 - permalink

It was a multi-lane question, actually. I have a mythical understanding of TKD - even with the kicks - and aikido as being more self-defense arts/sports rather than being combat sports. I only asked this question to one other TKD practitioner before and her answer was a similar to yours - "I can fight if I have to, but I'm not a fighter" - meaning, she could defend herself in a dangerous situation, but despite being a champion forms competitor, she could never envision herself being a combat fighter.

I see. Again I was 12 when I started and growing up I always liked old Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan movies, and so I thought it would be cool to be able to fight like them. The instructor I had was more focused on self defense, as well as the importance of form when doing each move, and so that got instilled into me. Now I'm out of practice, although I'd like to think the muscle memory is still there.

Jan 27, 2022 - permalink

this wasn't a personal experience of mine, per se, but when I was in 8th grade and the school was doing the presidential fitness exams. this was back in 2003--not sure if those are required anymore but they were required then.

the usual stuff, shuttle run, mile run, stretch and reach. i didn't care about those. this was at the very beginning of my female muscle phase so I was looking at chin ups/flexed arm hang and push ups.

Only one girl in the entire school did chin ups/pull ups that year, and she got somewhere between 12-17. I can't be too sure. Also, she broke the curve for push ups, and where most girls that could do them off their knees did maybe 7-12, she did around 60. so that definitely caught my eye. and others, because people definitely talked about her on the bus ride home and said she was a gymnast and had a six pack.

i did end up finding out exactly who she was later on and got a great look at her really buff arms, and the hint of abs through her shirt. really formational memory.

Jan 28, 2022 - permalink

Mine was very specific and vivid. It was 8th grade and I had just moved into the area. I had met my classmates and among them was a very very devoloped 8th grader from Colombia. She had killer legs/glutes thanks to her genetic heritage and she played basketball and did track and field. She had very visible 8 pack abs and nice big biceps. She used to arm wrestle me and my friends for fun and of course no one could beat her. She took pleasure in beating all the boys. Ill never forget this one day we had to run a mile in PE and I was dead last. She was first to finish and just walked laps around everyone while showing off/rubbing her abs. She taunted the boys to touch them and we did. It was at that exact moment I knew what kind of women I liked. I still have her # because I ran into her a while back but theres no rush in reconnecting with her. Glad I found this community!

Jan 28, 2022 - edited Jan 30, 2022 - permalink

For most of my young life, I was a skinny, weak guy who loved the look of muscles on girls. Been enamored with muscle girls my whole life. My first wife was not only muscular but very strong. I've written about her on herbiceps, on this site and as far back as Diana the Valkyrie. She had a very physical job, usually reserved for men but due to affirmative action, females were hired to fill a void. She was from San Francisco and took me to the old Cliff House amusement park, in San Francisco. They had all these old arcade games including an arm wrestling one. Just a big burly, mechanical man, who you tested your strength on. No technique, just sheer power. I'm trying to recall if there were settings or if the mechanical man just got stronger the more it was challenged. Anyway, my attempts were feeble but I secretly did it, not wanting to embarrass myself. Sheryl, my ex-wife saw the machine later that day and naturally, she was going to try and beat him. I was astounded at how strong she was. She pinned the mechanical arm a couple times and was drawing a crowd, watching her arm wrestle. Even some of the guys who had gathered around to watch her, made comments about how strong she was. I was embarrassed, emasculated but also very turned on watching her determination and obvious strength. Sheryl is personally responsible for me becoming a gym rat. After we divorced, I found out that she told our mutual friends, that she made a man out of me. Kind of irritating that she worded it like that, but damn, she sure did inspire me to get strong. I started lifting during our marriage but we divorced soon after. I haven't seen her in years but she holds a very special place in my heart.

Jan 28, 2022 - permalink

I still have yet to write about my multiple experiences arm wrestling females throughout my life, but those are for the arm wrestling thread. A non arm wrestling experience with female strength stands out from when I was in 5th grade. A green-eyed blonde named "Katie." I am unsure if that was her real name or her American name since she was from Europe and her dad played professional soccer. She called herself "big boned" and she was built larger than the rest of us, but she was not fat! I remember she was quite animated when she would talk and she would move her arms; and I could see visible expansion whenever she would bend them.

My first experience with her was a back to school weekend party. I still had no idea who she was back then, and this was my first year at this new school. The party was at a local park with a pond and grass fields for games like water balloon fights, etc and there was BBQ for food. I remember standing with a group of boys talking about whatever toy or cartoon that was popular when suddenly I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind, pick me up and swing me back and forth! The other boys ran away, and I panicked because I came from a school where bullies ran rampant, so this felt like an attack from a bully, and the boys running away confirmed it. I squirmed myself free and ran toward the other boys who were all laughing. We calmed down enough to fall back into our routine, when she did it again, this time to a skinny blond boy. She didn't sneak up either...she just confidently and quickly walked up, put her arms around him and lifted him up swinging him back and forth. I panicked again and grabbed an egg and threw it at her and ran away. I heard her scream in disgust. Some of the boys told me later that she was really upset and was out to get me, so I had my guard up looking for her. I was a skinny kid, but I was fast, and have outrun plenty of bullies before, but I never had to deal with a female bully. I remember I had a chocolate flavor tootsie pop, my favorite, and one of the more difficult flavors to find, and I was enjoying it by myself when Katie charged at me trying to smash an egg on my head! I took off running, and she chased me! I ran all the way around the pond with her slowly falling back. I thought she gave up, so I quit running and tried to retreat to a more remote area when she caught up to me and tried to grab me so she could throw water balloons at me with her friends. I spun around quickly and with my tootsie pop, I smacked her on the head as hard as I could. She screamed "OW" and let me go, and I took off again. I looked at my lollipop and saw it covered in blonde hair so I threw it away, upset that I never got to the tootsie roll center.

At school, she left me alone, but she let me know that there was a big lump on her head after I hit her with my lollipop. I told her that she put her hair all over it and I had to throw away my favorite flavor. She looked at me as if to say "I guess we're even" but no more words were exchanged. She did her lift and swing move to me one more time before she settled on the skinny blonde boy to repeatedly pick on. She would grab him and swing him around like a rag doll multiple times a week. He told me he hated it but theres nothing you can do once she has you in the air.

Looking back, I don't believe there was any malice involved. I think she may have been at the age where she started to like boys but didn't know how to express it. At that age, boys haven't noticed girls yet, so it's easy to interpret her actions as hostile. The skinny blond boy was one of the more popular kids so that's probably why she gave him so much attention. She stopped picking up any boy when the skinny blond kid kicked her while she was swinging him. He was just kicking, hoping he would connect, and he did, and she immediately dropped him. Everything stopped. The boys went to one side, the girls went to another side. Eventually, we acted like nothing happened, and everything went back to normal, only Katie no longer would pick up the boys.

There was physical fitness testing, and while I don't remember how Katie did, there was a kid named John who did 6 pullups, the most of anyone in the class. He was a very athletic kid, and was always showing off something physical he could do. One time in class, we were doing a rehearsal for some event, and I noticed Katie and John in a nearby corner talking about something. I looked over at the perfect time. Katie rolled up her sleeve and flexed a HUGE bicep. She said "Look at that. That's a GIRL!" John was both impressed and intimidated. He flexed his arm, but did not roll up his sleeve and I saw him squeeze his bicep with his other hand. He didn't give her eye contact after that. This confirmed what I already knew. That her biceps were huge, and bigger than the strongest boy in class. I was both scared of her and intrigued.

One more event with her that I remember was the blond boy had a birthday party at his house, and one of the activities was a scavenger hunt. She was on my team, wearing a tank top, and at one of the stops she put her hands behind her head and stretched out. You know the pose. Not only were her arms big, but there were peaks on those biceps! I looked, but couldn't believe what I was seeing, and she wasn't even flexing very hard! Later, I went with the boys and said "Katie was all like this" and tried to mimic the pose as if to make fun of her, but the boys didn't really care. The girls left the party early and the boys got together and watched a movie with naughty language. We later had wrestling matches and one kid got wasted by this other kid who used to go to our school. I didn't know him. I began thinking what if Katie had wrestled him. He might have ended up like the poor kid who almost was knocked out. We had to stop after that.

Katie did not return to 6th grade. I checked the soccer roster for her dad. I guess they went back to Europe.

Jan 28, 2022 - edited Feb 01, 2022 - permalink

My friend built up her muscles in a short time. She is not to be trifled with.:)

Jan 28, 2022 - permalink

Quite a few actually. I have written about some here. Check out my posts.

Apart from the ones already posted.

Late teen I was together with this cute petit blond. She has played soccer alot. Her thighs was so hard and strong. Very shapely too. She leg scissored me alot. She always talked about how strong her younger sisters legs was. Quite some years later as I work at Naitilus that sister started to train and I gave her instuctions. She maxed out the legpress (her thighs and ass was like stone) and the calf rise machine. She said her calves had always been strong, flex a super round hard gastrocnemius, due to her walking on her toes all the time as A child.

In my twenties workin in ER as a helper we started to talk about strength and this nurse maybe 45-50 said She worked out alot, biked and skied, and was stronger than probebly alot of us boys she thought. She challenged us to wall sit. You know 90 degres. She won easy and stopen after 12! Minutes. We where No way near.

My wife beats me AW left and sometimes put me in a head lock. Her bicep then is so hard both the pressure and the acctual hardnes of the muscle hurt. Can’t break free. Her leg scissors are realy good too.

Mar 27, 2022 - permalink

I think a real fight with overpower of the girl has a lot of erotic moments. If a real dominance of the muscle woman is to be presented, then against men who really resist it. And he still lose in the end. So have to give up the greater muscular strength of the women.

We plan to film a real fight situation between man and muscle woman, where he really overestimate yourself and end up physically failing. He is chosen from the category "Strong Man" who never believes that a woman can defeat him physically. It's cast like that, as a real fight (to the pin or forced to surrender, tap out, givin' up etc.) But before the real fight, will be a physical showdown take place, like arm wrestling, weight training of all kinds, with the men clearly losing their self-confidence beforehand. And then the fight should begin. I think it will be an interesting study. Mainly because the girls would only appear as normal girls "extras" at first - in normal women's clothing. Without big muscles, so that the men are arrogant for the first time. The man could only get the first shock, when the woman takes off her clothes and big muscles become visible. This schould be shown as a kind of real intimidation. We want to focus on these moments in the film. And at the final moment, - after the fight - when the fight is given up as defeated. Maybe also with injuries and bruises on the male body. I Think it will be an interesting study... This could show the TRUE DOMINANCE. There are many examples like "Mixed Wrestling" Session-men vs. SHEENA Wrestler / NIKA Wrestler / Renata HRONOVA / or real MMA Mixed Fight vs. Rin NAKAI / or Training Joke by Miesha TATE vs. 4 guys in the MMA ring. And many others. Since the men often had zero chance and had to tap. Or would he have been crushed....

Jul 14, 2023 - permalink

I armwrestled a girl from Kenya in school when I was a kid. I remember she said she didn't know what arm wrestling was. I was surprised she'd never heard of it, and she kept saying she didn't know what it was. I showed her, I grabbed her hand and said "basically, you have to push my hand down this way, and I have to push your hand that way." She let me do it for a while, I was pushing her hand down to show her that I have to go that way, then I was letting her push my hand down showing her that she had to go this way. I was in control the whole time, her arm was limp, she just let me grip her hand and just do that for some amount of time. I eventually stopped, and let go of her hand, because I was just showing her what armwrestling was. When I stopped, a few moments later, she said "wait, I wanna try that again, I still don't get it." So she grabbed my hand this time. I was showing her again, I said the same thing as before. Her arm was limp and she was letting me go back and fourth again, until she finally stopped and started trying suddenly when we reached the starting position. I felt that, and didn't think much of it, so I was putting a little more effort in thinking I would easily take her down, but she wasn't budging. I was like oh shit... I started trying harder, still not budging. Eventually started trying my best, and I couldn't even move her. I looked at her and she was just smiling. She had no expression on her face the entire time until I started trying, where she smiled. She then proceeds to slam my hand/arm on the table fairly easily. I was really shocked. I said "wait... ? so you knew what armwrestling was the entire time?" ... she could have said something to rub it in but she just said "yeah, I just wanted you to teach me anyway." I was really embarrassed. I wanted to armwrestle her again but I didn't even bother asking.

I cite this as the experience/moment as the seed that was planted that has grown into me realizing that I'm really into the idea of being weaker than a girl.

Jul 14, 2023 - edited Jul 14, 2023 - permalink

When I was in the 10th grade, armwrestling become a thing in our class for a longer time. We had one girl who was even a year younger than most of us, who was really tall (5'10) and thick. She never lost a armwrestling fight against anyone. She was a handball and gymnast girl. Again and again we asked our male p.e. teacher to armwrestle her, but he never say yes. And then on the last day of the school year it finally happened. It was a really hard and long fight and she really takes him down while the whole class was chearing for her. Unfortunately after that the armwrestling thing becomes unpopular :/ I've only ever see her one time again armwrestling on our A-Level party against another teacher in front of nearly the whole school. But she looses against a really strong teacher in a close match. .. Maybe I can post a Pic of her later

Aug 12, 2023 - permalink

When I was growing up I was really close friends with the girl across the street. As we got older I noticed her more and more in that sort of way at the pool, she was shorter than me by probably 6 inches and I was really skinny. But I noticed she was just more built in a muscular way. During the Summer I would go to her house just me and her and for whatever reason we started comparing muscles. Her arms measured like 3 inches bigger than mine at least, and every Summer day we would do push ups and curl the dumbells her Dad had and compare. Hers were always at least 3 inches bigger. Then we started testing it and I would pick her up and baby cradle carry her and struggle mightly. Then it would be her turn and she would pick me up and cradle carry me around the house like it was nothing and tell me how light I was and throw me on the bed. We did this everyday and I would have a woody in my underwear. Then one day we were playing in the front yard and she got on top and kissed me. Her divorced Mom found out and basically said I couldn't come over anymore, and that kinda ended it. But man, she was just one of those girls who was genetically gifted to be super strong and build big muscles. I was an active kid on sports but she had some serious bicep size.

Aug 15, 2023 - permalink

Not many experiences in my life. One girl let me touch her muscular legs and kiss and caress them at a club. But, to my trepidation, I soon realized she was only letting me play because she was drunk. At one point, she had a moment of clarity, upon which she brushed my hand away with a look of sheer disgust. I stopped immediately and spirited myself away, lest I be accused of something false.

Two other muscular girls allowed me to get a brief feel but nothing more.

Another girl used to let me go crazy over her muscular legs somewhat regularly but, she was infuriatingly stingy with how much I would get to obsess so....that got old mighty quick. Especially as her mental illness began to rob her of her sanity at an increasingly rapid clip.

And, that's pretty much it for my experiences with muscular women.

My experiences with sexy, muscular, passable she-males, on the other hand....

Aug 18, 2023 - permalink

Oh boy. When I was in middle school, I had a 7th grade english teacher who was in her 50's who was tall(5'9). I'm pretty sure she didn't go to the gym, but this lady was strong. I was a little shit as a 7th grader like most people were. She didn't take any of it at all and would call me out to embarrass me in front of class if I ever did. Well this one day, I decided to talk back to her and claimed I didn't have to listen to her because I was in football.

I will forever replay this moment for the rest of my life because that day I realized how strong physically a woman can be. She just stared at me and without saying anything stood up. She walked to my desk with a deliberate confident stride, brought up a spare chair, and sat across from my desk. I looked back at her nervously as my throat started drying up with the whole class watching us. She just continued staring into my eyes, elbow on my desk and raised her hand. She didn't say a word, but she had the biggest smirk on her face. She knew at that moment she was the ALPHA. She was the BOSS of this classroom. And she was going to make an EXAMPLE of me in front of everyone. I didn't say anything for a few seconds so she merely said to me so everyone could hear, "Well....I'm waiting." I declined her so I could save face. I was a growing teenage, but at the time, I was not very big (5'7 and 130 lbs). After I declined her, She just placed her hands on my desk and asked me if I was going to continue disrupting the class. I shook my head and told her, "No Ma'am." Everyone in class "ooooohed" at the fact that I was put in my place by out mature english teacher.

Class went on without any further interruptions and the situation was forgotten...except it wasn't. As class ended, everyone was heading out, but my teacher called me to her desk. She apologized to me for embarrassing me in front of everyone, but explained that she did it so I would stop causing a ruckus. I was still shook from the moment because I was a young teenager who was already I was attracted to muscular women, but never encountered a strong woman up to that point. As I said earlier, she wasn't muscular or fit in the obvious way women on this site appear. She was strong in the way some women are genetically without having to work out. I told her I understood and that I promise not to cause anymore disruptions.

She smiled at me and said, " OK. That's good.....but if you want we can still arm wrestle." I looked at her like a deer caught in the headlights. She laughed at me and before I could answer, said, "We don't have to if you don't want to." I thought about it for a moment and was excited at the idea of arm wrestling my strong english teacher. I told her, " It's ok we can arm wrestle." She walked me to an open desk and sat across from me. She placed her elbow down on the desk and raised her arm again. I would be a liar if I said I wasn't scared witless at this moment. I grabbed her and was taken back at how rough it was. I still think to this day at the texture and feel of my teacher's hand as she gripped my own. Any confidence I had left was out the window. We locked our positions and she asked, "Ready?"

I was not. I tried with all my strength to pull her arm down, but was met with an unrelenting yet calm resistance. I grunted as I continued trying to muster everything, but her arm was not moving. After I realized she wasn't moving, I looked up at her and was greeted with the most confident smile I ever saw on her. It was the most beautiful smile my teenage eyes ever laid upon. My heart was fluttering because at that moment, I knew....I knew that she was the winner of this. She continued smiling at me and with confidence in her voice asked me, "When do you want to start?" I had the biggest hard on of my life right then and there as those words left her mouth. Knowing it was over, she began applying pressure on my arm and slowly my arm starting moving back. I reapplied pressure, but like trying to stop a moving car, I wasn't capable of stopping my arm from going down. Then in a few second, it was over. She beat me.

She tried to console me by telling me that she does this a few times a year to the students that decide to act up. I asked her if she has ever lost and she said, "A few times, but the boys are usually bigger than me." I told her that from this day on that I would not act up in her class ever again. She winked at me and said, "You better not or else, we will arm wrestle again in front of everyone." This is a 100% true story that I think about. That teacher forever changed my life by showing me how strong a woman can be and humbling it is to be beaten by one for acting inappropriately.

Aug 19, 2023 - permalink

Oh boy. When I was in middle school, I had a 7th grade english teacher who was in her 50's who was tall(5'9). I'm pretty sure she didn't go to the gym, but this lady was strong. I was a little shit as a 7th grader like most people were. She didn't take any of it at all and would call me out to embarrass me in front of class if I ever did. Well this one day, I decided to talk back to her and claimed I didn't have to listen to her because I was in football.

I will forever replay this moment for the rest of my life because that day I realized how strong physically a woman can be. She just stared at me and without saying anything stood up. She walked to my desk with a deliberate confident stride, brought up a spare chair, and sat across from my desk. I looked back at her nervously as my throat started drying up with the whole class watching us. She just continued staring into my eyes, elbow on my desk and raised her hand. She didn't say a word, but she had the biggest smirk on her face. She knew at that moment she was the ALPHA. She was the BOSS of this classroom. And she was going to make an EXAMPLE of me in front of everyone. I didn't say anything for a few seconds so she merely said to me so everyone could hear, "Well....I'm waiting." I declined her so I could save face. I was a growing teenage, but at the time, I was not very big (5'7 and 130 lbs). After I declined her, She just placed her hands on my desk and asked me if I was going to continue disrupting the class. I shook my head and told her, "No Ma'am." Everyone in class "ooooohed" at the fact that I was put in my place by out mature english teacher.

Class went on without any further interruptions and the situation was forgotten...except it wasn't. As class ended, everyone was heading out, but my teacher called me to her desk. She apologized to me for embarrassing me in front of everyone, but explained that she did it so I would stop causing a ruckus. I was still shook from the moment because I was a young teenager who was already I was attracted to muscular women, but never encountered a strong woman up to that point. As I said earlier, she wasn't muscular or fit in the obvious way women on this site appear. She was strong in the way some women are genetically without having to work out. I told her I understood and that I promise not to cause anymore disruptions.

She smiled at me and said, " OK. That's good.....but if you want we can still arm wrestle." I looked at her like a deer caught in the headlights. She laughed at me and before I could answer, said, "We don't have to if you don't want to." I thought about it for a moment and was excited at the idea of arm wrestling my strong english teacher. I told her, " It's ok we can arm wrestle." She walked me to an open desk and sat across from me. She placed her elbow down on the desk and raised her arm again. I would be a liar if I said I wasn't scared witless at this moment. I grabbed her and was taken back at how rough it was. I still think to this day at the texture and feel of my teacher's hand as she gripped my own. Any confidence I had left was out the window. We locked our positions and she asked, "Ready?"

I was not. I tried with all my strength to pull her arm down, but was met with an unrelenting yet calm resistance. I grunted as I continued trying to muster everything, but her arm was not moving. After I realized she wasn't moving, I looked up at her and was greeted with the most confident smile I ever saw on her. It was the most beautiful smile my teenage eyes ever laid upon. My heart was fluttering because at that moment, I knew....I knew that she was the winner of this. She continued smiling at me and with confidence in her voice asked me, "When do you want to start?" I had the biggest hard on of my life right then and there as those words left her mouth. Knowing it was over, she began applying pressure on my arm and slowly my arm starting moving back. I reapplied pressure, but like trying to stop a moving car, I wasn't capable of stopping my arm from going down. Then in a few second, it was over. She beat me.

She tried to console me by telling me that she does this a few times a year to the students that decide to act up. I asked her if she has ever lost and she said, "A few times, but the boys are usually bigger than me." I told her that from this day on that I would not act up in her class ever again. She winked at me and said, "You better not or else, we will arm wrestle again in front of everyone." This is a 100% true story that I think about. That teacher forever changed my life by showing me how strong a woman can be and humbling it is to be beaten by one for acting inappropriately.

This is an awesome story!

Sep 05, 2023 - permalink

This is a 100% true story that I think about. That teacher forever changed my life by showing me how strong a woman can be and humbling it is to be beaten by one for acting inappropriately.

Adding something like this to the end of it usually signals (and is intended to signal) the exact opposite.

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