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What's the psychological reason why a man might be attracted to a woman with muscles?

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Jun 18, 2023 - permalink

I think I just like the idea of women being superior to me. Because I don't just like the fact that a girl is fit and/or strong, I'm most turned on by a girl being fitter and/or stronger than me. I also like it when a girl is wealthier, smarter and has higher status than me.

Damn I feel this, especially the being stronger part. Muscles definitely look and feel nice, but it's the strength part that really gets me going haha.

Jun 30, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Well then, after a slight pause, new theories.

Jul 08, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

It may be about attraction towards a woman with supposedly heightened self-control.

Jul 09, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Real confidence is a mental characteristic, not tangible or prominent like muscles.

Jul 13, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Fapping weakens the connection between mind and body because it's motivated by purely imagined things.

Aug 04, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

An addiction can act as a simulation of focus.

Aug 04, 2023 - permalink

For me, there is no underlying "psychological reason," I simply like looking at them, just like thin girls, chubby girls, etc. I don't feel any need to be protected by them, nor do I consider them somehow "superior" to any other type of woman.

Aug 04, 2023 - permalink

Why does there have to be a psychological reason why men are attracted to muscles? Why are people attracted to Fat People? Why are people attracted to skinny people? Why are people attracted to Ugly people? Maby it's because everybody is attracted to a certain type therefore there is no stupid ass psychological reason you idiots!!!!

Well, there could be psychological reasons for those too. Just because other psychologies exist doesn't mean that the one we're currently discussing doesn't.

Aug 13, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Again someone is offering the idea that something can happen for no reason.

Aug 13, 2023 - permalink

The echo chamber carries on...

Aug 13, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I doubt you have any idea what an echo chamber is.

Aug 13, 2023 - permalink

They’re hot.

Aug 14, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Men are wired to sexually compete against other men, and muscular women may trigger this in them by being perceived as men.

Aug 14, 2023 - permalink

They’re hot.

Exactly,thats my only reason

Aug 14, 2023 - edited Aug 14, 2023 - permalink

Like someone said before, the male sex drive is so strong that it becomes broken, I find muscular girls really attractive, but I'm also attracted to girls without muscles if their faces are on point which is like 90%, so I'm not exclusively attracted to muscular girls, but it's a big turn on for me when it's there.

But I've been thinking about this for a while and after analysing what men are attracted to in women, and what women are attracted to in men, I found out that my attaraction to muscle chicks makes zero sense. Men are attracted to women with big tits and asses because that means the woman is able to have children and breast feed them well. Women are attracted to strong, dominant men because that means the man is able to protect and provide.

This might be controversial but that's also how we know that same sex attraction makes no sense naturally, sex' primary function is procreation and male climax releases baby making liquid...

In the end I'm still turned on by female muscle as ever and I don't want this attraction to go anywhere.

TL;DR attraction to female muscle is fine but makes no sense biologically, male sex drive is so strong it goes ham

Aug 15, 2023 - permalink

It does make sense biologically too .because stronger women have a higher survival chance and could produce stronger offspring. But most men are not interested in female muscle. because women have a disadvantage in terms of strength so its too hard to find a woman with decent strength .and the man will be stronger most of the time even if he puts in less effort the woman would have to work very hard to be stronger than the average man .it's easier to just let the man do all the work .having stronger women would be better but we humans have evolved in a weird unpractial way where half of the population has a disadvantage.

Aug 15, 2023 - permalink

It only needs a “psychological reason” if it’s damaging to the individual or society. An attraction to drug addicts, the morbidly ill or physically dangerous, for example. In those cases, there is a genuine risk of harm (think of the “heroin chic” look, or the damaging effect of excess thinness). Yes, there are dangers in bodybuilding obsession, but it’s generally healthier than either of the things I mentioned.

Aug 15, 2023 - edited Aug 15, 2023 - permalink

in my own experience, this whole thing spiraled out of a tall woman attraction. why? because I'm not that tall and I understood that height comes with genes and so I want/need taller 'genes' for my children. but this is was just the beginning.

there's also the power dynamics of sex. power is always attractive for both genders.

but in the end it's all about health and the signals which tell us that our partner would help us make good/better offspring. and this works in spite of what you think you want. many of these things are older than modern culture, they work subconsciously. and they will influence your behavior regardless of whether you want children or not; in general the subconscious part of our psyche works like this, as if automatically.

there are two types of women on this site, healthy looking and them who have come to abuse performance enhancers due to various reasons and up to various degrees of abuse.

there's also this concept https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernormal_stimulus which I think is very important, and even more so with the advent of AI generated cartoon fetishism: "In 1983, entomologists Darryl Gwynne and David Rentz reported on the beetle Julodimorpha bakewelli attempting to copulate with discarded brown stubbies (a type of beer bottles) studded with tubercules (flattened glass beads)" I wonder if those beetles are still around

Aug 15, 2023 - permalink

like muscle, don't like fat? like strong, don't like weak? like confidence, don't like weak minded.

Aug 15, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by cj44
Aug 16, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Like strawberry ice cream.

Aug 18, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

And chocolate.

Aug 20, 2023 - permalink

After some self reflection, I can't pin it down why I'm attracted to them. Well first, they're sexy as fuck. But I find all size and shapes of women sexy as well. Normal women turn me on as well. Maybe it's the oddity and the taboo of being attracted to them is a part of it. You don't see them every day. A flat tone stomach and thick legs will always be my kryptonite.

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