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Social Influencers

Are you turned on by social influencers? (230 total votes)

I don't care one way or the other. Looks are everything. (59, 25.7%)
No, not at all. I just can't get past the fake persona they put forth. (56, 24.3%)
Yes, yes, and yes! (41, 17.8%)
Yes, even though I'm aware that most of what they post tends to be carefully edited and disingenuous. (41, 17.8%)
I'm kind of in between. I'm willing to accept her if she's hot enough. (33, 14.3%)
Jun 30, 2023 - edited Jun 30, 2023 - permalink
title edit

Fit chicks with 100K+ followers. Are they typically a turn-on for you, or no?

Jun 30, 2023 - permalink

They are very beautiful so it doesn't matter since i don't know them irl and i will probably never see them i just enjoy their posts. some seem nice but have a big ego .while others appear as evil scam artists or very mean to men who are lower than them .and they cause drama so they get more attention and views and profit.

so if i got lucky and i get to date one i would probably prefer a lesser known fbb. since she is less likely to be toxic and elitist .but it's hard to know since most influencers don't share enough of their personal lives to know what they are like in person.

Jun 30, 2023 - permalink

Most I have seen - not all - are mid. But neither of us cares, because I was never meant to be their customer anyway.

It's actually better overall that so many musclegirls are NOT into what I'm into. Why? It increases the specialness and value of those who are. Instead of everyone having an expensive little hobby that nets little, thousands of women are able to monetize their physiques and earn a decent living or side income having fun with their muscles.

**Before anyone here gets deep in their feelings, I'm not saying the being a fitness or lifestyle coach isn't fun, nor am I suggesting that being a "muscle model" is not a real business.

Jun 30, 2023 - edited Jun 30, 2023 - permalink


It's actually better overall that so many musclegirls are NOT into what I'm into. Why? It increases the specialness and value of those who are. Instead of everyone having an expensive little hobby that nets little, thousands of women are able to monetize their physiques and earn a decent living or side income having fun with their muscles.

That's an interesting take on it... would you consider social media to be more of a tool for conducting business, rather than just a simple means of connecting with others?


so if i got lucky and i get to date one i would probably prefer a lesser known fbb. since she is less likely to be toxic and elitist .but it's hard to know since most influencers don't share enough of their personal lives to know what they are like in person.

If dating them is your goal, then I wouldn't jump to that conclusion so quickly. The major problem you would face is that there are thousands of other guys DM'ing her regularly. Your chances of standing out amongst them (especially if she doesn't know you in person) are slim to none.

Jun 30, 2023 - permalink

**Before anyone here gets deep in their feelings, I'm not saying the being a fitness or lifestyle coach isn't fun, nor am I suggesting that being a "muscle model" is not a real business.

for most its a means to an end.

random women start posting on social media, blow up because they're hot, and at some point decide: ok well, maybe i don't want to do what i'm doing OR maybe I want to supplement what i'm doing and make some flip. Some quit their day jobs or college or switch majors to become coaches, others continue on their path and maybe pick up some relatively painless work on the side. "Designing" merch and putting together cookie cutter workout plans is not exactly rocket science.

however, that's likely not why i followed them in the first place, and chances are i got to them before the blow up. so i usually leave at that point, because natural progressions there are weird captions about mental fortitude, shilling product for whatever company is using their large following, and (mostly) generic workout advice i don't really need.

a lot of them are really good looking, a lot are "mid" but still conventionally attractive which I think their muscles improve on. But the above is my breaking point.

Jun 30, 2023 - permalink

That's an interesting take on it... would you consider social media to be more of a tool for conducting business, rather than just a simple means of connecting with others?

The girl who committed to building her following most likely has a product or service to sell. Yes, "I just want a lot of followers!" girl does exist, though. The "likes" do mean more than money for some.

Jun 30, 2023 - permalink

Don't know. I don't follow or even watch the so-called 'influencers'. I carefully avoid any hint of 'influencer'.

Jul 01, 2023 - permalink

If this is solely on a physical basis, yes, of course. Otherwise, absolutely not. I could never date an influencer.

Jul 01, 2023 - permalink

For me any girl with following over a thousand is immediately a turn off. Mostly because it becomes pretty evident that they are only doing it for attention and I don't see them as a wife/gf material anymore.

Jul 01, 2023 - permalink

I'm always disappointed when they blow up because the muscle posts stop, and they tend to opt for a softer, more mainstream look.

Although I do get a kick out of the ones who post "progress" videos of them flexing in a bikini to "motivate their followers".

Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

Personally,I avoid anything on the WWW that is in any way related to any of the so-called "social influencers". Therefore, I have not the slightest clue what they do, say, recommend, suggest whatever.

Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

I can follow some "social influencers" which have down to earth vibe. But I can't stand those toxic "I'm the best" or "I need no man" type stuff. It is so forced and cringe, or even if it's not it's not my thing. There is absolutely no need to act/be toxic for no apparent reason. Plus the tiktok dances some do is so so cringe.

Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

I don't care. If it's anything to me, it's a mild "minus". I find the whole vapid "influencer" culture nauseating and fake. But it's just the way the world is today and I'm not going to begrudge anybody just because they have a hustle that makes them money and gets them free merch and stuff. Go for it. It's not really relevant to me one way or the other.

The one upside I would say is that influencers are highly visible, so if fitness influencers inspire more girls and women to build muscle, that can only be a good thing.

Jul 03, 2023 - permalink

You are perfectly within your rights manlikesteve and hedgeborn.You are free to do what you wish. And I am also free to ignore the "vapid", as hedgeborn indicates.

Jul 06, 2023 - edited Jul 07, 2023 - permalink

I can follow some "social influencers" which have down to earth vibe. But I can't stand those toxic "I'm the best" or "I need no man" type stuff. It is so forced and cringe, or even if it's not it's not my thing. There is absolutely no need to act/be toxic for no apparent reason. Plus the tiktok dances some do is so so cringe.

I have terrible news for you. About the toxic ones, I mean. Yeah, man, those arrogant, hateful proclamations you hear are not forced by any means. These ladies aren't faking it. They mean every horrible word of what they are saying. And even if they ARE faking it, most of them are too proud to ever admit it, let alone repent from such evil. They'll sooner dive into Hell than to appear "weak" by turning away from evil.

Jul 12, 2023 - permalink

I don’t have much of a social media presence these days, which I highly recommend as a free mental health boost. With ublock origin and SponsorBlock (for youtube) I avoid most advertising too. What I want to see from fitness influencers is safely distilled here.

The only super obnoxious thing I used to see on reddit from influencers is filming in public places and getting entitled about people staying out of their shot. The gym is not your private film set, and if you want to shut down an overlook at a national park you better have a valid permit from the park service to do it. That and actively shaming/harassing people going about their business who did not consent to be filmed (IE secretly filming the fat guy on the treadmill or the OMG that “creep” walking by glanced at my butt... without paying for my OnlyFans where I have 1,500 photos of it in various stages of undress).

At the same time I’m kind of envious of them, I wish I could make Kardashian money while providing Kardashian level value to society...

Jul 12, 2023 - permalink

I wonder what "Kardashian Level Value" actually is? Could it be just another form of absolute snobbery taken to new levels of deceit?

Jul 13, 2023 - permalink

Another thing i don't like about Instagram culture is that everyone is trying to look rich. but i doubt most of them actually are because even people with low followers do this and they complain about the low rewards for bodybuilding competitions. i don't see the appeal of this but a lot of people follow rich people online.

Jul 13, 2023 - permalink

Aim higher than the Kardashian! I wish I could film myself and do a youtube channel about certain subject and have sponsors and followers but I don't like my voice on cam (too many channels on cars/workouts/gaming/pc building).

Jul 14, 2023 - permalink

I wonder what "Kardashian Level Value" actually is? Could it be just another form of absolute snobbery taken to new levels of deceit?

I mean is “useless” really a controversial adjective? I assumed it was relatively common public sentiment, but will admit that is probably my own bias. I only pick on the Kardashians because they are the prototypical influencers and I was once subjected to 12 hours of their TV show. I’m also not exactly the target demographic for whatever std spreading facial or pump and dump crypto scheme they are hawking this week, so I struggle to see the appeal. But hey we live in a post agrarian society and I don’t tell the idle rich what to do, I’m just of envious of their ROI given their qualifications (or apparent lack thereof).

Aim higher than the Kardashian! I wish I could film myself and do a youtube channel about certain subject and have sponsors and followers but I don't like my voice on cam (too many channels on cars/workouts/gaming/pc building).

Yeah it’s a saturated market for YouTube content creators. I have an acquaintance who used to be a semi-professional streamer and he left due to burn out and the risk of getting de-platformed or de-monetized either by algorithm or because the people the running the platform just don’t like you (lots of big and easily bruised egos in esports). Not to say there aren't potentially profitable niches out there. I think everyone except pathological narcissists hates the sound of their recorded voice, at least at first.

For fitness influencers that are personal trainers, I can see being on insta as a reasonable advertising tactic. But past a certain size the “personal” part usually goes away, and I get skeeved out when they just become salespeople for sketchy supplements. IE every fake natty with 500k+ followers.

Jul 14, 2023 - permalink

Another thing i don't like about Instagram culture is that everyone is trying to look rich. but i doubt most of them actually are because even people with low followers do this and they complain about the low rewards for bodybuilding competitions. i don't see the appeal of this but a lot of people follow rich people online.

this isn't new, there's just a place online to put it. reality is tho a hot woman on social media is far more likely to attract someone to pay for those vacations while they're young, and they don't have to spend too much while theyre there.

Jul 14, 2023 - permalink

Another thing i don't like about Instagram culture is that everyone is trying to look rich. but i doubt most of them actually are because even people with low followers do this and they complain about the low rewards for bodybuilding competitions. i don't see the appeal of this but a lot of people follow rich people online.

A lot of younger people are choosing to take vacations that are normally reserved for older people who can more easily afford them. It's less about "looking rich" and more about "do some things while you're young, even if they cost more, because you've got more energy to enjoy them and there's no guarantee you'll even be here in the future".

Jul 14, 2023 - permalink


my dad substitutes and he's been getting way more regular work the last few years because teachers are taking their vacation days. used to be pretty rare to have a sub, and maybe a few sick days a year, RARELY for a week while school was in ssession

might as well have some fun while you're young.

Jul 18, 2023 - permalink

Does Carolyne Marquez count? Because her TikTok output and engagement bait YouTube videos are certainly cast in the mold of influencers.

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