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Real-Life Encounters

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Apr 08, 2023 - permalink

Some of you guys are too delusional, ffs

May 05, 2023 - permalink

Guys today i was at the pool. and i saw a young woman practicing sincronised swimming. she had minor muscle tone i am not sure if she would be good enough for this site .but she had great thighs and calves. and i noticed a small bicep .but her movements where so seductive to me .i had to stop looking leg movements like that are my krptonite.

May 09, 2023 - permalink

I just had a encounter this weekend with this ripped mom at a club she was in her early 40s I saw her in the line sparked a conversation she said she been doin CrossFit for 6 years and she was active military her delta were huge amazing biceps

May 10, 2023 - permalink

If they're strangers I just leave them alone. I'm fit but I'm a bit on the thinner side, and I just assume she has a jacked ass boyfriend anyway. The fun part is friends and coworkers, where you compliment them and they (almost to a woman) say something like "oh my man arms?" Then I tell them they actually look great and should be proud. The little smile I get is worth it by itself, it's probably happened like 20 times.

May 14, 2023 - edited May 14, 2023 - permalink

Had a walk in St Neots, Cambridgeshire England town centre this afternoon. Came across a gorgeous girl in a green sports crop top and matching leggings.

She had fabulous large muscular delts and traps, big arms, flat abs and lovely quads. She was out shopping with another girl, then they sat outside a coffee shop for a drink... she looked to be mid- 20's, shame as I am mid-40's... but oh what a sight...

Seeing her walking down the High Street it was obvious she not only worked out but had significant muscle!! Did I mention gorgeous...

May 15, 2023 - permalink

Was actually at a baseball game today. I was watching the game and she’s walking down the aisle to sit in her seat. Was about 5’2ish, nice muscular shoulders, vascular arms in a tank top and some cut off shorts. She had a strong jawline which I really like. I couldn’t stop staring at her lmao. She was sitting with her boyfriend otherwise I would’ve approached her.

May 15, 2023 - permalink

Had a walk in St Neots, Cambridgeshire England town centre this afternoon. Came across a gorgeous girl in a green sports crop top and matching leggings.

She had fabulous large muscular delts and traps, big arms, flat abs and lovely quads. She was out shopping with another girl, then they sat outside a coffee shop for a drink... she looked to be mid- 20's, shame as I am mid-40's... but oh what a sight...

Seeing her walking down the High Street it was obvious she not only worked out but had significant muscle!! Did I mention gorgeous...

That's actually the last thing you could expect to see in St Neots, nice catch !

May 15, 2023 - edited May 15, 2023 - permalink

One of the repseptionist at a gym I frequent looks very much like Marika (marikavet).

Indeed I first tought this Marika was her when I found that picture here. But she is not. She (the fit receptionist) is a very nice and open person, happy to joke around and change a few words with customers. It is a pleasure to behold her confidently strut around the gym with her tight figure. Unfortunately she usually works out extremely early every day.

May 15, 2023 - permalink

couple of recent-ish ones from my gym

there's a regular who i used to see daily in the mornings, usually in my back half. very cute, gorgeous back and shoulders, surprisinly muscular chest. I've tried to talk to her a couple of times but she's got the whole airpods + hat thing going on and the last time i talked to her i asked for her IG and she simply told me she had a boyfriend, so i haven't talked to her since, or even acknowledge her existence lol other than seeing her work. really great physique, saw her today. very consistent and works very hard.

saw a new woman today (new to me), and had really nice lats and back/shoulder definition. may see her if i go around the same time the rest of the week, cute as well.

in the evenings i've been seeing this other woman come in, cute, cute with GLASSES, amazing glutes, really great back and shoulders. unfortunately she comes in with her boyfriend so that's basically a no go.

there have been a couple of one offs the last 3 months:

one woman i saw with her boyfriend who was an eye popper, really impressed, but haven't seen her in months.

another woman i saw about two months ago, ripped abs, pretty stocky build but defined and shaped. haven't seen her either.

May 19, 2023 - permalink

Just (20 mins ago) ran into a WBFF competitor in town for a show. Good physique, looked dialed in tho idk enough about that league to know what’s the look they want.

Anyways, asked about the show, she came from Australia for it. Wished her luck, said she looked great, went about my lift

May 19, 2023 - permalink

Anyways, asked about the show, she came from Australia for it. Wished her luck, said she looked great, went about my lift

She's probably from the eastern parts of Australia. Cause I'm in Western Australia and compared to the eastern parts of the country, there aren't that many muscular women.

May 20, 2023 - permalink

So I was going through a drive threw at Burger King and this girl gave me the food and I seen her arms was veiny and when she bent over to hand me the food her neck got like huge like you can see her Adam’s apple every time she bent down to hand me it her neck got got wider and I was like I wasn’t trying to stair but I was staring asf I going to lie and I got aroused

May 20, 2023 - permalink

Im not going to mention any names but I was at work in a gated neighborhood and I went to the clubhouse to use the bathroom and outside teaching water aerobics was an older ifbb pro. I almost immediately recognized her. I went back a couple days later and she was there alone. I went up and talked to her. She was the sexiest woman I've ever seen in person. We talked for a little and I asked her to flex and she did. She flexed her biceps and legs and let me feel both. They were like granite. It was one of the best days of my life. It didn't feel real

May 20, 2023 - permalink

Im not going to mention any names but I was at work in a gated neighborhood and I went to the clubhouse to use the bathroom and outside teaching water aerobics was an older ifbb pro. I almost immediately recognized her. I went back a couple days later and she was there alone. I went up and talked to her. She was the sexiest woman I've ever seen in person. We talked for a little and I asked her to flex and she did. She flexed her biceps and legs and let me feel both. They were like granite. It was one of the best days of my life. It didn't feel real

You are one lucky guy !!!

May 20, 2023 - permalink

You are one lucky guy !!!

That or he was reading a passage from his fantasy diary

May 20, 2023 - permalink

p/s no better place to meet fbb girls than after-party on related events, when alcohol is involved.

Which events are you referring to @twiw69?

May 20, 2023 - permalink

Im not going to mention any names but I was at work in a gated neighborhood and I went to the clubhouse to use the bathroom and outside teaching water aerobics was an older ifbb pro. I almost immediately recognized her. I went back a couple days later and she was there alone. I went up and talked to her. She was the sexiest woman I've ever seen in person. We talked for a little and I asked her to flex and she did. She flexed her biceps and legs and let me feel both. They were like granite. It was one of the best days of my life. It didn't feel real

Sounds pretty realistic

May 20, 2023 - permalink

I've seen two successful female bodybuilders in public, both in the 1980s. One was the winner of a recent local contest, who was with her boyfriend on the street at the Detroit Grand Prix. She was totally shredded and looked as if she could have immediately stepped back onto the contest stage.

The other -- a woman who achieved a national reputation (but whose name I won't divulge) -- was walking through the crowd at the local county fair and looked terrible. Wearing a tanktop, she was bloated like an overinflated balloon, and her back and shoulders were covered with angry red acne. When I told a friend, who was inspired by the FBB to try her hand at bodybuilding, about the sight, she replied, "Yeah, that's what steroids will do to you."

Jun 03, 2023 - edited Jun 03, 2023 - permalink

Welp... I got a "muscle girl next door" situation as of yesterday. Not literally next door, as she lives about 15 floors up but it still counts imo.

Left my building's gym yesterday evening after getting some extra steps in and there she was, waiting for the elevator with a grocery bag in hand and Beats By Dre headphones on her head. Never seen her before.

Elevator came, I let her go in first even though i was closer to the doors (gotta create a good first impression even!).

Throughout the elevator ride i was mostly looking at my feet (there were 2 other people in there so didn't have many places to look without being awkward) but did a quick scan and yea.. Those thighs and glutes have definitely deadlifted and squatted some weight. Arms were more buff than normal. Upper back Had some thickness.

Physique wise I'd say she's in the realm of someone like Kelsey Horton in her off-season shape. Obviously works out, but could still blend in to a crowd.

Now every time I leave I gotta be on my A game. Lol

Pray for me gentlemen!

Jun 03, 2023 - permalink

Welp... I got a "muscle girl next door" situation as of yesterday. Not literally next door, as she lives about 15 floors up but it still counts imo.

It's hilarious that you post this today, as I had my own "muscle girl next door" experience just yesterday afternoon!

The other day I received a letter that was addressed to a neighbour who lives a couple of floors above my flat. I guess the postman/woman had a brain fart and delivered it to the wrong door. I decided to be a good neighbour so I walked up the stairs and rang my neighbour's doorbell to deliver the letter. After a few seconds of waiting, the door to my neighbour's apartment opens and I see this 25-ish year old blonde girl smiling at me, wearing the shortest shorts imaginable and a sports shirt that reveals her midriff. She was not FBB-ripped but she definitely had very defined quads and more than a hint of abs. Almost speechless and trying hard not to look down from her face, I delivered the letter and exchanged some quick pleasantries with her.

As soon as I got back into my flat I did a bit of googling and it turns out that the girl is a member of a competitive cheerleading team here in Sweden! I guess all that jumping and twisting gives a girl a fine body.

Jun 04, 2023 - permalink

I haven't had an offline encounter since 2012. Oh, yeah, I see the muscle pritty kitties around here and there. Even said a word or two to them here and there. But, nothing of importance has come of any of it.

Jun 04, 2023 - permalink

One hour ago. Information booth. Farmers’ market. Charles Town, West Virginia.

Background: Doing my regular Saturday morning shopping. I am very tall, very tanned, very good looking, and super friendly/talkative. Chatted with old woman next to me in line about my favorite YouTube recipe for stuffed peppers, with young guy stocking vegetables about how he looks like Prince Harry, with older guy stocking meat about how he likes to hunt, with cashier about her 8-year-old twins who are taking Taekwondo, with store manager whose baby just turned one on May 12th, with old farmer in parking lot worried about the drought.


Look: I’m so fucking friendly/talkative that if I didn’t live in the South, I might get arrested.

Then I got to the farmers’ market and saw that the chick behind the info table who was (hell yeah) wearing a tank top was ripped.

Slim, very slim, yes — but ripped, ripped, ripped.

I wanted to chat her up and ask her to let me take a photo (or twenty), but when I took out my iPhone, my hand started shaking. And shaking. And really shaking. And then I got all tongue-tied.

Oh yeah. And did I mention that I speak several foreign languages?

Well, it’s all fucking useless when I see an actual muscle girl.

Plan for next week: Maybe if I down an overpriced brew or two around the corner at Abolitionist Ale Works, I’ll be able to minimize the shaking.

In the meantime: If any of you all live near Harpers Ferry or Charles Town, go check this ripped chick out. That’s Charles Town, West Virginia, where they hanged John Brown, not Charleston, the capital.

Maybe one of you all can get photos? Be safe!

Jun 04, 2023 - permalink

Never seen one at the gym ever. A couple fit girls not muscular at all. The only place I've seen them was at an Ohio State Football Game, as I remember it as I went to OH. Other people would have called the night the Arnolds. Year was 2014. Saw lot of muscle babes, the whole bar was basically bodybuilders, and I remember my friend saying, we better not get too drunk tonight. Long story short we got smashed. I was talking with Monica Brent, Sheila Bleck, and a few others I don't know their names, but I was slurring like a mo'fo'. I said "Hey your look, you know, I think it's great, I don't care what other people say I think it's great." They are starring at me, my friend is in a full on fight close to me. I went to help him and some guy out of movie broke a bottle over my head. I had a pool que swung like a bat and crack me on the hood too. So that's it that's the encounter. I do remember the bouncer taking us outside, and the cops who had the guys that beat the f@#ck out of us in custody. They showed us the guys and it was three 20 year old kids. Hippies, maybe 5'10 110 lbs. I had so much blood in my eyes but, I had no idea what hit me, but when we saw the guys we were so embarrassed we just said, let them go. It was probably our fault anyway. We then solemnly boarded the ambulance

Jun 04, 2023 - permalink

Saw a woman in the street today with beautiful muscles. Probably only figure size but outstanding hard looking biceps. She was pretty too. It really got Mt pulse racing seeing such gorgeous muscle pass by.

Jun 05, 2023 - permalink

Was at Rock Im Park yesterday. During the Limp Bizkit set, I saw a very fit blonde in front of me. You could tell she worked out. Great shapely legs and when she lifted her arms you could see the curves in the biceps. I squeezed past the people and got next to her. We smiled at each other, bumped into one another a couple of times but I was too shy to say anything beyond that. She disappeared after the set was finished 😭

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