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Blocks you'll never recover from

May 04, 2023 - permalink

There's some entitled men in this thread. The women you're social media creeping don't owe you a thing, it's not a hard concept to understand. For some people anyway.

May 04, 2023 - edited May 04, 2023 - permalink

Paying for someone’s attention is equally bad.

I agree. I’d rather pay for music downloads or for bags of kickass, delicious coffee or a pair of drumsticks or for books.

You know. Things which last longer than a lousy five or fifteen to sixty minutes? However long these chat sessions usually go for?

May 04, 2023 - permalink

This entire thread feels so alien to me. I don’t know that I’ve ever been blocked by even one female bodybuilder. That people are here having a conversation about their MANY blocks, and which ones are their favorites and all that … it feels like when I hear people comparing the conditions, and the different jails and prisons they’ve been in. Like, there are people living lives, that are so different than mine, I can’t even imagine

May 04, 2023 - permalink

It's kinda weird not to get a response before being blocked and signalling "too far". I guess people usually get these signals in RL conversation (that being said, most of them gonna ignore it anyway).

May 04, 2023 - permalink

> You guys can listen to me or not, but I have a lifehack on how to have great convo's with huge muscular women and not get blocked. The secret is... > > BE A CUSTOMER > > Your average FBB with a sizable following is getting bombarded with idiotic messages all day long. While I'm sure it feels nice to be called beautiful and goddess all day, I'm sure that the novelty burns out quickly. I've been told this by many girls. If you're just sending compliments and solicitations, then you're one of like hundreds of guys doing that. > > Most girls are selling something: Onlyfans, merchandise, supplements, amazon wishlists, training plans. If you want to speak with them, then buying something that they're selling is a good way to do it. > > And before the incel crowd gets all worked up, just appreciate that horny guys are 48% of the population and really jacked women are like .000001% of the population. So yes, there is a huge imbalance. There are way more of us than there are of them. > > Contrast these two approaches: > > 1. "OMG yr muscles are so big, I weigh 150lb I bet you can lift me above your head, what do you think LOOOOOL" > > 2. "Wow I'm loving the protein shake that you're repping and thanks for the discount code! Your arms are amazing, and I'm really hoping that I can get bicep peaks like you someday! I'd love to get your thoughts on my routine if you ever have a moment free." > > If your goal is to chat with really muscular women and maybe become friendly with them, which one do you think works better?

Paying for someone's attention seems equally bad.

Why? I enjoy talking to these women and I like supporting them.

For the girls selling supplements and plans and such... I'm buying a product that often times I like.

For the girls selling onlyfans and content and such... I'm paying for their attention and I'm paying to get turned on. I do the same at strip clubs. What's wrong with that?

IMO, the bad things here are guys (1) thinking that these women somehow owe them their time and attention or (2) deluding themselves that these girls are single and just looking for the "right one" to send them an unsolicited instagram DM.

May 04, 2023 - permalink

If you're not good-looking or "cool", then you have motivation to develop other skill sets which will increase your market value long after looks have faded. Everybody wins.

May 04, 2023 - permalink

> I can't relate honestly as I don't have the amount of followers most of these ladies have; if I get a message from someone, chances are they're from someone I know. Other than that, I completely understand them ignoring if the first comment they get from someone is "God your so HOT, sqeze me ur lgs please!?!" That's just fucking idiocy at its finest.

I can understand a pritty kitty’s irritation with such idiocy (a man with a sense of empathy, imagine that).

The kind of Blocks which irritate me are the ones with no justification behind them at all. Such as the following.

“Hello, pritty kitty. I really enjoyed our chat session last week. So much fun. Man, how about this crazy weather we’ve been having, though? So much for summer, LOLOL!”

Death Glare.





BANG > _ <

Blocks like these are far more common than you think. The guy gets all nice and comfy, thinking the pritty kitty is happy to see him and then, out of nowhere it’s, “Off with his head!”

But, what makes the situation worse is how quick we are to make excuses for such incidents just because the Blocker is a girl and her target is a boy.

It isn’t right.

People are dying in Ukraine meanwhile you're traumatized over an Instagram block. First world problems.

May 04, 2023 - permalink

People are dying in Ukraine meanwhile you're traumatized over an Instagram block. First world problems.

You are more than welcome to fight and to die for the Ukranian people. I won’t stop you.

May 04, 2023 - permalink

You are more than welcome to fight and to die for the Ukranian people. I won’t stop you.

Meanwhile, you’ll keep on obsessing over not knowing why you got blocked by a person that doesn’t know you personally.

May 04, 2023 - edited May 04, 2023 - permalink

Meanwhile, you’ll keep on obsessing over not knowing why you got blocked by a person that doesn’t know you personally.

The irony of this guy not recognizing he's spilling the tea all over himself...

LegLover232 - As yourself this: would YOU want to hang out with you for any length of time?

The question is not intended to be a personal attack, but rather an invitation to consider doing a little introspection.

That said, 2 full marks for OP on the Troll Meter for this post. I'm sorry your other post got shut down, though, as I would have been interested (not even joking) to read your activist viewpoints on that subject. Disclosure: I've previously been on both sides of that discussion and debate and a bit of an activist each time, so you can trust that my statement is sincere.

May 04, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I believe the guy will not get it, no matter how hard anyone tries.

May 04, 2023 - edited May 04, 2023 - permalink

^ Exactly this. Who the fuck uses "pritty kitty" to refer to a person? What a creep. All his responses sound pretty sociopathic to me. I don't blame anyone for blocking him. I certainly wouldn't want to talk to someone like that.

Also, "pritty kitty" just makes you sound like a creepy pedophile.

May 04, 2023 - edited May 04, 2023 - permalink

To those of you who have been blocked over something stupid by these ladies, do not expect any sympathy from anyone. You can show all the evidence in the world of your innocence and, most of the crowd will turn it into evidence of your guilt and demand you be crucified and burned alive in the public square. Nothing is going to help your cause. Neither evidence or anecdotes or allegories or parables or fictitious examples or wit or pleas or reason. These people don't care.

Now, if you find a sympathetic ear here and there, that's wonderful; consider it a miracle and a blessing. But make no mistake, it is an exception to the rule, not the rule itself.

So, by all means, share your tales of social media woe but, don't go in expecting to be comforted. Because chances are very great you will not be. Now, go forth and conquer some video game bosses, gentlemen.

Goodluck and Godspeed.

May 04, 2023 - permalink

The irony of this guy not recognizing he's spilling the tea all over himself...

LegLover232 - As yourself this: would YOU want to hang out with you for any length of time?

The question is not intended to be a personal attack, but rather an invitation to consider doing a little introspection.

That said, 2 full marks for OP on the Troll Meter for this post. I'm sorry your other post got shut down, though, as I would have been interested (not even joking) to read your activist viewpoints on that subject. Disclosure: I've previously been on both sides of that discussion and debate and a bit of an activist each time, so you can trust that my statement is sincere.

Oh did your feelings get hurt?? I’m sorry lil buddy

May 05, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I got confused.

May 05, 2023 - permalink

To those of you who have been blocked over something stupid by these ladies, do not expect any sympathy from anyone. You can show all the evidence in the world of your innocence and, most of the crowd will turn it into evidence of your guilt and demand you be crucified and burned alive in the public square. Nothing is going to help your cause. Neither evidence or anecdotes or allegories or parables or fictitious examples or wit or pleas or reason. These people don't care.

Now, if you find a sympathetic ear here and there, that's wonderful; consider it a miracle and a blessing. But make no mistake, it is an exception to the rule, not the rule itself.

So, by all means, share your tales of social media woe but, don't go in expecting to be comforted. Because chances are very great you will not be. Now, go forth and conquer some video game bosses, gentlemen.

Goodluck and Godspeed.

Ok groomer. Just stay away from kids with your creepy "pritty kitty" comments. 🤮

May 05, 2023 - permalink

That’s what my 60+ mom calls her cat lmao

May 05, 2023 - edited May 05, 2023 - permalink

Ok groomer. Just stay away from kids with your creepy "pritty kitty" comments. 🤮

Oh yeah. I'm on a female muscle site where all the ladies are of legal age or past legal age. But, my calling them a pritty kitty means I'm a pedo. No other meaning could possibly be attached to it.

May 05, 2023 - permalink

Oh did your feelings get hurt?? I’m sorry lil buddy

Huh? How did you manage to miss the direct reference to the complaining protester? There’s no way you should have been triggered by the group-check of that other guy, yet here we are.

May 05, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

No other meaning could possibly be attached to it.

It's just creepy. And sleazy. And out of touch. And degrading. And sociopathic.

May 05, 2023 - permalink

Well if nothing else this thread has been entertaining.

May 05, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Well if nothing else this thread has been entertaining.

It had a known purpose and that lasted until the very end.

May 05, 2023 - permalink

well i thnk this has run its course lol i just thought it was funny--i'm not mad about it, i know if i was blocked, why (for 99% of the occassions)

Thread locked by [deleted].
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