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Who IS Natural?

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Apr 11, 2023 - permalink

Regarding the last three posts, Anavar was developed to prevent muscle atrophy (loss of muscle mass) in patients who could not exercise, because they were in comas or otherwise immobilized. The clinical trial showed that it worked for that purpose, and it's approved for use with immobilized patients. That's why it's a Class III drug in the U.S.--potential for dependence but with some limited medical use under supervision--and why licensed physicians are allowed to prescribe it under limited circumstances (and patients can then possess it legally). Some cattle farmers (at least; I don't know about hog raisers) have fed it to their animals to speed muscle (= meat) growth or promote muscle growth among practically immobilized stock.

Apparently, bodybuilders and, as we know from sites like this one, all kinds of athletes, think that they gain more muscle or gain muscle faster by using it in conjunction with exercise. To test that proposition thoroughly would require a group of test subjects with equivalent exercise histories who would all engage in exactly the same training regimen, randomly assigned to treatment and placebo groups without the knowledge of the participants or the personnel administering the drug (the "placebo" subjects would get tablets that look exactly like the treatment but don't contain the drug). That would be illegal in the U.S. and elsewhere and all of the subjects would be at risk of disqualification from most organized sports if their participation became known, so it would be difficult to enroll subjects. The trial would have to be large enough to wash out genetic variations, or be limited to identical twins.

Fortunately, use of some PEDS imparts, as a side effect, the ability positively to identify users by observation of photographs of them, and we have druggies here who have acquired that ability.

Why do you use the phrase 'think they will gain more muscle....' when using Anavar. Don't believe that it actually works? Have you spoken to athletes that have cycled on it or used it yourself and seen what it does for your lifts and muscle hardness? The effects aren't subtle, you don't need any controlled tests to see how it performs.

Apr 11, 2023 - permalink

Why do you use the phrase 'think they will gain more muscle....' when using Anavar. Don't believe that it actually works? Have you spoken to athletes that have cycled on it or used it yourself and seen what it does for your lifts and muscle hardness? The effects aren't subtle, you don't need any controlled tests to see how it performs.

On a reasonable amount of anavar. Will confirm that it absolutely works. It also has almost no side effects and the gains are durable. It’s honestly fantastic. I’m not gonna win a competition but I put on a lot of muscle in a short time and I’m not young and not a beginner. Makes a big difference in my appearance and conditioning too.

And I’m a man. This trope that men can’t use anavar… absolutely bullshit.

Seriously, in 2023 I can’t believe that there is still so much miss information about these drugs. No, they are not totally safe. But neither is alcohol, or tobacco, or having type two diabetes, or 1 million other things.

That you don’t see a mass death event from PED use because it is not a factor. Yes, some people like Rich Piana bite the bullet every now and then, but a staggering number of human beings use these substances and their health is just fine.

It is such a disservice to humanity that they are illegal. By all means… ban them from sports and prevent minors from using them. But let the rest of us (women included!) build all the strength and muscle that we want. There’s way worse things in life.

Apr 11, 2023 - permalink

'Achievability' vs reality. Just look at the Fitness Bikini division and you see that most girls there use PED's despite their muscularity might be 'achievable' in a natural way.

Apr 11, 2023 - permalink

'Achievability' vs reality. Just look at the Fitness Bikini division and you see that most girls there use PED's despite their muscularity might be 'achievable' in a natural way.

How do you know they are using PEDs if their "muscularity might be 'achievable' in a natural way"? Expert evaluators here are able to determine that a woman is "on juice," despite anything she says to the contrary, by looking at pictures of her. And, of course "we all know" that "everyone [who's pictures are] on this site" is a PED user. Have you seen "Fitness Bikini division" contestants who have not been depicted here?

Apr 11, 2023 - permalink

How do you know they are using PEDs if their "muscularity might be 'achievable' in a natural way"? Expert evaluators here are able to determine that a woman is "on juice," despite anything she says to the contrary, by looking at pictures of her. And, of course "we all know" that "everyone [who's pictures are] on this site" is a PED user. Have you seen "Fitness Bikini division" contestants who have not been depicted here?

This may come as a shock to you, but there are users here with both a basic understanding of biology and experience in the industry. You clearly have neither and/or are sundowning hard.

Apr 11, 2023 - permalink

Why do you use the phrase 'think they will gain more muscle....' when using Anavar. Don't believe that it actually works? Have you spoken to athletes that have cycled on it or used it yourself and seen what it does for your lifts and muscle hardness? The effects aren't subtle, you don't need any controlled tests to see how it performs.

The "placebo effect" is not unknown. If you give a patient an inert substance (pills made of chalk powder, injections of distilled water or saline solution) and tell him that it will make him better or improve his condition, and he believes you, he may very well feel better, be absolutely convinced he is better, even if a physician who doesn't know that he has received this "treatment" can't discern any difference.

That's why "double blind" clinical trials are important. In those, one group of patients gets the drug, the other gets something that looks like the drug but isn't anything with any known effect (chalk powder, distilled water, etc.). The pills or injections are prepared by the investigators and neither the patients nor the administrators of the treatment know who got what. If, by the end of the trial, when who got what is revealed, the condition of the "treatment group" has changed or improved, in one way or another, and the condition of the "control group" hasn't, then the change can't be attributed to expectations or delusions. In the case of a PED, the self-treated recipient who believes in the efficacy of the drug might not work out as hard, expecting the drug to do the work of building muscle, or might work out harder, confident that this time she will achieve the "gains" that have eluded her, and get "gains" that aren't the result of the drug.

People see what they expect. A PED user who expects gains in terms of muscle mass or "muscularity" might see them even if someone who doesn't know they are using doesn't. Fellow muscleheads who know the user is "doing a stack" or whatever might confirm the user's self-perception. Or the gains could be real, as they must have been in the case of the Anavar trial on immobilized patients (or the drug wouldn't have been approved for its limited use; there, the "gains" would have included less muscle loss than in the control group). "Gains" might be real in some cases, illusory in others. We get testimonials here but not, "I tried Anavar [or something else] and it didn't do a thing for me." Maybe (your favorite drug) always works, maybe its users always think it works, maybe it works with some and not with others, or maybe it never works but many of its users think it does.

Apr 11, 2023 - permalink


Ashley Meadows. What say you all?

Apr 11, 2023 - permalink


Ashley Meadows. What say you all?

I thought she was already mentioned in this thread.

Not knowing her age and training history I would say, possible? Yes. Likely? No.

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

I thought she was already mentioned in this thread.

Not knowing her age and training history I would say, possible? Yes. Likely? No.

She was but not everyone opined.

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

Y'all need to stop with this "genetic outlier" shit.

It's almost impossible to have this conversation without referencing extreme genetic outliers. For example:

There are women with elevated levels of testosterone due to various conditions, but never to the point where it'd allow them to become this muscular without gear. Shanique Grant, for example, is clearly a genetic outlier and yet she looks like a completely different person when she's off cycle. Something like a myostatin deficiency could explain a similar physique, but that's an extremely rare condition and it'd be obvious from the start. Anything else is bro science and wishful thinking.

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

it's like talking about the greatest hitters of all time in baseball. MLB players are the best, and there are levels within MLB. even the top levels have different shades of outliers, guys like Barry Bonds and his stats, or how hard GianCarlo Stanton his the ball. in sports there always will be discussions about outliers. Another one: Katie Ladecky. or Caitlin Clark. Or Lebron. Or Steph Curry. AThletes that change the game until everyone else catches up

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

Everytime Winstanley posts he shows off more and nore ignorance. Now hes questioning does Anavar work? 😂😂😂😂

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

Everytime Winstanley posts he shows off more and nore ignorance. Now hes questioning does Anavar work? 😂😂😂😂

How do you know that the significant muscular gains which coincide precisely with a steroid cycle aren't simply the result of the placebo effect?

Have you ever tried an 8 week cycle of optimism? Maybe the real steroids are the friends we made along the way.

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

How do you know that the significant muscular gains which coincide precisely with a steroid cycle aren't simply the result of the placebo effect?

Have you ever tried an 8 week cycle of optimism? Maybe the real steroids are the friends we made along the way.

God I feel so stupid, I've been wrong this entire time. Doesn't matter if it's trenbolone or cheez whiz in that syringe. Just think happy thoughts!

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

God I feel so stupid, I've been wrong this entire time. Doesn't matter if it's trenbolone or cheez whiz in that syringe. Just think happy thoughts!

Um, excuse me, but crossfitters are elite athletes and I object to the notion that they might be injecting cheez whiz. Where's your proof? I think we need a double blind clinical trial.

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

How do you know that the significant muscular gains which coincide precisely with a steroid cycle aren't simply the result of the placebo effect?

Have you ever tried an 8 week cycle of optimism? Maybe the real steroids are the friends we made along the way.

Lol this comment deserves an award!

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

The comedy I predicted on page 2 is happening 9 months later on page 10 of the comments. It took a while!

@Winstanley808 how is your friend Nathalie Foreau doing?

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

@Winstanley808 how is your friend Nathalie Foreau doing?

Huh? No friend named "Nathalie Foreau." If I had one, what would that have to do with the thread?

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

How do you know they are using PEDs if their "muscularity might be 'achievable' in a natural way"? Expert evaluators here are able to determine that a woman is "on juice," despite anything she says to the contrary, by looking at pictures of her. And, of course "we all know" that "everyone [who's pictures are] on this site" is a PED user. Have you seen "Fitness Bikini division" contestants who have not been depicted here?

The vast majority are on PED's, simple as that. PED's are the norm within the fitness industry whether you like it or not. My point is that girls with very little bulkiness (like Fitness Bikini) also do PED's, because it's a tremendous help for them. The likelyhood that any girl who is a fitness influencer (competitor, instagram etc) is or has been on juice is very very high.

Apr 12, 2023 - edited Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

girls with very little bulkiness (like Fitness Bikini) also do PED's

But how do you know that. The standard evidence of PED use here is an appearance of muscularity or "bulkiness." What is the evidence of PED use for a specific woman "with very little bulkiness". What I "like" is irrelevant; what is your basis for your assertion? To help, I'll give you the start of the answer: "I know that fitness competitors with very little bulkiness are on PEDs because . . . " Just complete the sentence!

Or here's an alternative approach. Many PEDs are controlled substances in the U.S.; possession is a Federal and perhaps a state crime, and you can't use without possession. You're a U.S. attorney who wants to prosecute a Bikini competitor for possession of a controlled substance. You need a warrant to search her home and personal belongings (like her gym bag) for Anavar and other controlled substances. You don't need proof of possession (that's what you're searching for), but you need "probable cause" to believe that she is in possession of a controlled substance. Because she has "very little bulkiness," you can't take a picture of her to a judge and say, "Your honor, just look at her. With that bulkiness, she must be using Anavar or some other controlled substance." So what do you say instead?

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

You know what guys, Winstanley convinced me!

I'm with him. Despite what you think... all of these beautiful muscular women are actually NOT on PED's. Pretty much none of them men either. Because if they were, the "U.S. Attorney" would be on their ass faster than you can say "Law and Order."

Bodybuilders know and respect this. It's why pretty much all of them are natural. They just get a lot of Omega 3s and Flax Seed Oil.

I gotta say, I feel SO much better after just accepting this. Turns out that all forms of professional athletics DON'T have a drug problem.

Apr 12, 2023 - edited Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

Like.. lots of you might think that Eva here is on some kind of PED's because of her appearance of muscularity or "bulkiness."

But there's no way that she would use an illegal controlled substance. With the countless possession cases brought every year and the overwhelming number of PED users being sentenced to life-destroying amounts of jail time, there's no way she would ever risk that.

Nope, she got huge just from good old chicken and rice and hard work. Maybe some whey protein in there too!

/s obviously

Also note: I've seen her at my gym and she's a f**king champion and super impressive. But yeah her gear stash must look like the stockroom of a Walgreens. Not that there's anything wrong with that, seriously. More power to her.

Apr 12, 2023 - permalink

Winstanley.. maybe check out Ronnie Coleman. The guy was winning Mr Olympias while working as a policeman .. juuced out of his mind MASSIVE. Did anyone ever give a shit or prosecute him? Did he consider not doing PEDs cause heaven forbid someone in law enforcement would take a CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. 😂😂

Apr 13, 2023 - permalink

Winstanley.. maybe check out Ronnie Coleman. The guy was winning Mr Olympias while working as a policeman .. juuced out of his mind MASSIVE. Did anyone ever give a shit or prosecute him? Did he consider not doing PEDs cause heaven forbid someone in law enforcement would take a CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. 😂😂


There's simply no way that a police officer like Ronnie Coleman would ever use an illegal controlled substance.

No one needed to prosecute Ronnie Coleman because he would never touch that stuff. He's not a cheater.

He is the greatest natty bodybuilder that the world has ever seen.

Apr 13, 2023 - permalink

Like.. lots of you might think that Eva here is on some kind of PED's because of her appearance of muscularity or "bulkiness."

But there's no way that she would use an illegal controlled substance. With the countless possession cases brought every year and the overwhelming number of PED users being sentenced to life-destroying amounts of jail time, there's no way she would ever risk that.

Nope, she got huge just from good old chicken and rice and hard work. Maybe some whey protein in there too!

/s obviously

Also note: I've seen her at my gym and she's a f**king champion and super impressive. But yeah her gear stash must look like the stockroom of a Walgreens. Not that there's anything wrong with that, seriously. More power to her.

Just imagine how much Renee Toney takes.

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