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Who IS Natural?

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Apr 01, 2023 - permalink


Steroids are just as much for muscle conditioning and body composition as they are for muscle size.

Don’t forget faster recovery time. That’s where the magic is. This is exactly why professional athletes in all sports are drawn to these substances. Not all of them want to get huge, they want to maintain a level of training/recovery that is way above the norm. What does it take to train like crazy for years on end to stay in the upper echelons?

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

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This is an example of a girl everyone quotes as being natty, and she does look attainable for a girl with great genetics (only weighs 67kg with decent bodyfat and looks pretty tall 1.68 +), but tbh her transformation doesn't make sense to me, that's just 11 months. She hasn't gained much more since 2011, but still that transformation in just 11 months, it's insane...

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

How about her? She seems natural but I could be mistaken

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

How about her? She seems natural but I could be mistaken

There aren't many info on which to make any definite assumptions on this girl, if I personally were to bet on it I would say no, she is still 19 after all...

It wouldn't surprise me if Guusje van geel was nattural, leanbeefpatty too as they have worked out their whole life. Same with Serena abweh, most probably Monica granda, just maybe Marisa inda, Christy resendes when she was in her prime (although I don't think for a second she is anymore). Most of those just really know how to pose and have good insertions, especially leanbeefpatty, she has both those qualities + she is a bit on the shorter side so she might look bigger than she actually is.

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

There aren't many info on which to make any definite assumptions on this girl, if I personally were to bet on it I would say no, she is still 19 after all...

It wouldn't surprise me if Guusje van geel was nattural, leanbeefpatty too as they have worked out their whole life. Same with Serena abweh, most probably Monica granda, just maybe Marisa inda, Christy resendes when she was in her prime (although I don't think for a second she is anymore). Most of those just really know how to pose and have good insertions, especially leanbeefpatty, she has both those qualities + she is a bit on the shorter side so she might look bigger than she actually is.

I would be absolutely shocked if she was natural and has lats and delts like that. And cut legs even with that level of BF.

Apr 03, 2023 - permalink

> > What. > > No offense but in what world can you believe Kortney is natural.

Her voice is normal, just the shape of her body, face, and how her muscles look, idk just guessing…

How her muscles look?

Been following KO for a long time from when she had a leaner physique to her current bulkier size, and in no way do I believe that she was natural at any of those points, including now. I know ladies who have been lifting for years, including some for over a decade, and don't have anywhere near the size and definition that she has. That's not to say that she doesn't work hard; she clearly puts a lot of effort into building her strength and physique, but there's a point where you need that something extra to get to that next level.

Now I know you are going to say that she prides herself at calling herself a natural (and I do remember early in her career that her moniker was "allnaturalko," but you also have to remember what a big selling point that is from a marketing perspective. Especially now, where she has her Grrl brand and is promoting products and services to everyday women of all body types who lift. All that positive promotion goes out the window if she admits to PED use or is caught using them. And as frustrating as that is, she wouldn't have as big of a following as she has if she had a much less muscular physique.

Apr 03, 2023 - permalink

How her muscles look?

Been following KO for a long time from when she had a leaner physique to her current bulkier size, and in no way do I believe that she was natural at any of those points, including now. I know ladies who have been lifting for years, including some for over a decade, and don't have anywhere near the size and definition that she has. That's not to say that she doesn't work hard; she clearly puts a lot of effort into building her strength and physique, but there's a point where you need that something extra to get to that next level.

Now I know you are going to say that she prides herself at calling herself a natural (and I do remember early in her career that her moniker was "allnaturalko," but you also have to remember what a big selling point that is from a marketing perspective. Especially now, where she has her Grrl brand and is promoting products and services to everyday women of all body types who lift. All that positive promotion goes out the window if she admits to PED use or is caught using them. And as frustrating as that is, she wouldn't have as big of a following as she has if she had a much less muscular physique.

I'm also pretty sure she admitted to PED use in the past so natty status revoked in my book.

Depends on your definition of natural I guess. She might be natural this week.

Apr 03, 2023 - permalink

i would like to see more of the accused women in non-posed pics. even natty people can look not-natty when posed well, and if i've learned anything about Gen Z they LOVE posing and working on the best angle for their socials.

if she's got capped delts and cuts where they shouldn't be when she's sitting in a chair, lol.

these girls are starting out in the gym crazy young, with good info available. if she's been working out two years with a good base to start, i don't think it's out of the question

Apr 03, 2023 - permalink

I'm also pretty sure she admitted to PED use in the past so natty status revoked in my book.

Depends on your definition of natural I guess. She might be natural this week.

I think I found the post where she "admits" to "dabbling" with them https://www.instagram.com/p/BIms1oBgOy5/ . That's kind of funny, because around the time she broke out into the scene in 2010, she insists that she never used them because as an addict she wouldn't be able to stop http://promotingwomen.blogspot.com/2010/01/ko... .

Yeah, I don't really believe her, especially in the first post where she admits to only using a tiny bit of "girly" steroids (I am assuming Anavar.) I also know dedicated women lifters who have done only orals and the like, and while they have a dedicated training and nutrition plan, and they are clearly muscular, they don't look anywhere near close to KO. I am pretty confident she has used more than just Anavar, and also that it wasn't just for a brief period. Plus, if she initially lied about using them, why would we expect to believe her now?

She clearly works hard and is very dedicated in the gym and in living a fit lifestyle. But it's disingenuous to promote this idea to the women she markets her services and products to that a physique like hers is achievable naturally. Even with top-tier genetics (which again, I don't doubt she has,) it's gonna take more than that look like her.

Apr 03, 2023 - permalink

As a rule of thumb 25lb skeletal muscle gain on a woman is most probably not natty, that's what the elite genetics women athletes put on over a lifetime of strength training.

Gain from what base? I think that's less than what most Crossfit women, whom we know are all on PEDs, gain (5'2" Rebecca Fuselier, who was completed defeated by one of the heavy lifiting events at the 2022 Crossfit Games (a yoke carry; she couldn't get it off the ground) has complained that she can't get from 125 lbs to 130 lbs except when her body fat percentage is high. 135-lb Mallory O'Brien, who has been training for more than 4-5 years, would have had to start at 110 at 5'3" (I don't know when she hit that height; she's only 19). Tia-Claire Toomey-Orr, who won the Crossfit games for 5 years in a row after a 2nd place finish, was (before her pregnancy) 5'4", 128, and I can guarantee that she didn't weight 103 when she almost beat Katrin Davidsdottir. She's been beating the Crossfit PED tests for all that time, or she's been testing positive and Crossfit has been lying about it. The limit on "natural" muscle mass gain for women must be a lot lower than 25 lbs.

Apr 03, 2023 - edited Apr 03, 2023 - permalink

Winstanley once again not understanding anything. Lol he said 25lb of MUSCLE bud. Not water weight. Not glycogen stores. Not small amounts of fat than can be mistaken for 'muscle'

Also as someone said, not all people use PEDS just to want to be jacked up hulks. You get faster recovery, better endurance..an abundance of things that benefit someone doing a physical activity. Just pop some anadrol for a week and you might understand. Till then...nnyou don't have a clue.

Apr 04, 2023 - permalink

Winstanley once again not understanding anything. Lol he said 25lb of MUSCLE bud. Not water weight. Not glycogen stores. Not small amounts of fat than can be mistaken for 'muscle'

Well, anyone who hasn't gained 25 pounds, period, can't have gained 25 pounds of muscle, unless "water weight", "glycogen stores", and "small amounts of fat" have negative mass (and weight), right?

Apr 04, 2023 - permalink

Melinda is killing it currently. Hard work and genetics yall

Apr 04, 2023 - permalink

Or get this winstanley .. unless they've lost fat 😮😮 what a shocker. Its almost like things such as body recomp is a thing. Lmfao its ok. its obvious you've not any idea every time you talk 😂

25lb of lean contractile tissue is huge Fyi..especially when youre talking about people probably 5'1-5'7 om average

Apr 04, 2023 - permalink


Don’t forget faster recovery time. That’s where the magic is. This is exactly why professional athletes in all sports are drawn to these substances. Not all of them want to get huge, they want to maintain a level of training/recovery that is way above the norm. What does it take to train like crazy for years on end to stay in the upper echelons?

Definitely muscle recovery is the main reason why people get massive. Training heavy every single day without pause and without pain or muscle loss or exhaustion must be incredible...and crazy addictive.

Apr 04, 2023 - permalink

Definitely muscle recovery is the main reason why people get massive. Training heavy every single day without pause and without pain or muscle loss or exhaustion must be incredible...and crazy addictive.

add to this these kids are young, high school, college, right out of college. they don't have a lot of responisbility and can really focus on recovery. i will never be able to gain muscle like that again, thanks to age and lack of time

Apr 04, 2023 - edited Apr 04, 2023 - permalink

Gain from what base? I think that's less than what most Crossfit women, whom we know are all on PEDs, gain (5'2" Rebecca Fuselier, who was completed defeated by one of the heavy lifiting events at the 2022 Crossfit Games (a yoke carry; she couldn't get it off the ground) has complained that she can't get from 125 lbs to 130 lbs except when her body fat percentage is high. 135-lb Mallory O'Brien, who has been training for more than 4-5 years, would have had to start at 110 at 5'3" (I don't know when she hit that height; she's only 19). Tia-Claire Toomey-Orr, who won the Crossfit games for 5 years in a row after a 2nd place finish, was (before her pregnancy) 5'4", 128, and I can guarantee that she didn't weight 103 when she almost beat Katrin Davidsdottir. She's been beating the Crossfit PED tests for all that time, or she's been testing positive and Crossfit has been lying about it. The limit on "natural" muscle mass gain for women must be a lot lower than 25 lbs.

Yes for most women it will be, that's the upper 99 percentile who start with a good amount of muscle mass already, and that amount is also over a lifetime. You gotta have muscle to build muscle, you will build it in proportion to what you start with. That gets girls who are genetically gifted to about the average man who does not work out smm, but they will be stronger because let's face it, the average man just sits around all day, and also strength is not only dependent on smm...

The speed you'll build it will vary a lot, I put 12kg only during the first year and then it trailed off quickly, I got to about 18kg of smm in about 9 years overall. This will not apply to everyone, some will be able to gain steadily and not trail off quickly and others could even gain faster than I did but trail off you will if you are natural.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

Na-Ri Yang claims to be a "100% natural bodybuilder". If you watch her most recent diet recording, or any homemade videos and pics, you can believe that. Not the case with her studio portfolios, where they basically turn her into a whole different person.

Apr 07, 2023 - edited Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

Na-Ri Yang claims to be a "100% natural bodybuilder". If you watch her most recent diet recording, or any homemade videos and pics, you can believe that. Not the case with her studio portfolios, where they basically turn her into a whole different person.

Her claims are of zero value. Trust noone who's livelihood depends on her looks. Is her level of physique naturally attainable? Maybe. I don't know her, I don't follow her, her studio photos look completely juiced these two videos are within natural limits for a hard training woman.

This kind of reasoning leads no where, she could easily be using drugs just because life becomes so much easier, less strict diet, less discipline, less sleep, more fun, more money.

Last couple of years many physique athletes are more open about drug use so here is another example, to shut up all those white knights. Many people would be ready to vouch that she looks totally natural and she has a natural attainable body.

No she does not. Multiple short cycles of Sarms, Anavar, Primo, T3, T4, clenbuterol and she ends up with that body "despite" being a hard training competitor.

Decades of photos and videos of athletes on drugs have completely skewed the perception of natural bodies. The level of drugs in all categories above bikini is mind boggling and it is the only path for the bodies this forum fetishizes.

To me anyone posting feverishly on social media is on drugs. That's my heuristic.

Here she is in her own words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJaW-nn02kc

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

Her claims are of zero value. Trust noone who's livelihood depends on her looks. Is her level of physique naturally attainable? Maybe. I don't know her, I don't follow her, her studio photos look completely juiced these two videos are within natural limits for a hard training woman.

This kind of reasoning leads no where, she could easily be using drugs just because life becomes so much easier, less strict diet, less discipline, less sleep, more fun, more money.

Last couple of years many physique athletes are more open about drug use so here is another example, to shut up all those white knights. Many people would be ready to vouch that she looks totally natural and she has a natural attainable body.

No she does not. Multiple short cycles of Sarms, Anavar, Primo, T3, T4, clenbuterol and she ends up with that body "despite" being a hard training competitor.

Decades of photos and videos of athletes on drugs have completely skewed the perception of natural bodies. The level of drugs in all categories above bikini is mind boggling and it is the only path for the bodies this forum fetishizes.

To me anyone posting feverishly on social media is on drugs. That's my heuristic.

Here she is in her own words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJaW-nn02kc

Don't worry, the resident simps/WKs on here will handwave it away by saying Jordy must have "bad genetics," whereas their favorite girls simply have good genetics and therefore are 100% (if not more) natural.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

Don't worry, the resident simps/WKs on here will handwave it away by saying Jordy must have "bad genetics," whereas their favorite girls simply have good genetics and therefore are 100% (if not more) natural.

The law of large numbers. Sure most will be on something, but there will always be that one in a million who is really natural, there are too many variables. Some people are born with testies instead of ovaries (all while having female characteristics and genitals). Obviously those people will poroduce more test by default, never underestimate what genetic modifications can happen... They are really, seriously damn rare though, and you can usually spot it from afar. That's why I do agree there are way too many claiming to be nowadays and only very few admitting it, although I wouldn't expect anything different.

Take Lea Shreiner as a nexample, that girl is almost as big as me. Seeing her transformation makes me think she is obviously not natural, but the 0.01% chance she is, is still there and will always be.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

Take Lea Shreiner as a nexample, that girl is almost as big as me. Seeing her transformation makes me think she is obviously not natural, but the 0.01% chance she is, is still there and will always be.

Just for fun I searched her name, you are trolling right? You can't be entertaining the thought that she is natural.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

Just for fun I searched her name, you are trolling right? You can't be entertaining the thought that she is natural.

Tbh 0.01% is a bit too high for her, just add 2 more 0 to that. 1 in a million, maybe even less considering what she started with. I wasn't thinking about giving the right number, just playing devil's advocate. But also contemplating what's, even though only very remotely, possible.

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink


To me anyone posting feverishly on social media is on drugs. That's my heuristic.


Don't worry, the resident simps/WKs on here will handwave it away by saying Jordy must have "bad genetics," whereas their favorite girls simply have good genetics and therefore are 100% (if not more) natural.

Beautiful faces/bodies distort our thinking. Advertisers have known this for a long time. For those who have parasocial relationships with their favorite girls (or maybe they've met in person), their heuristic is something like, "This gorgeous lady has told ME she doesn't take PEDs." It's somebody they feel they know, and have watched for years, whereas the "steroids are rampant" crowd looks at pictures for point-oh-two seconds and concludes, "drugs." Trusting others is probably a psychologically and socially healthier disposition than being a hard-nosed skeptic. As more girls like Jordy Dix admit the truth, it will become more difficult to engage in special pleading (although some will always do it).

Apr 07, 2023 - permalink

Tbh 0.01% is a bit too high for her, just add 2 more 0 to that. 1 in a million, maybe even less considering what she started with. I wasn't thinking about giving the right number, just playing devil's advocate. But also contemplating what's, even though only very remotely, possible.

Mate you are totally wrong. The chance of Lea Shreiner being natural is the same as meeting a mermaid in your next visit to the beach.

Not hating, everyone is entitled to an opinion, what is you experience with weight training and/or drugs. How do you draw conclusions on the subject?

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