I am private before, but I learned that keeping it will not conceal that for long. So I embraced it. I even confess it to my girlfriends. Luckily the current one doesn't mind that I'm into those. I even posts my personal picks in one group, and boy there are so many hypocrites. They want muscle girl but they said that I posted "Too much muscle". What a bunch of clowns.
not that i could land a woman as good looking as lauren if she wasn't a bodybuilder, but if i brought home someone built like her i would get a pretty stern talking to after she was out of earshot
Veddy, veddy priveht.
I occasionally let it slip through my artwork, though. It's not in your face, the pritty kitties I draw do not possess the He-Hulk-on-steroids level of muscularity but, they are definitely very powerful-looking and strong. Hard as iron.
Unfortunately, the muscular pritty kittes around me ain't gettin' the hint.
You shouldn't use your real name online. especially when you use the account for sexual stuff.