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Jessica (jjjeeessiiiccaaa) abuse claims

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

It's actually quite fascinating to me that real, living neanderthals still exist in 2023. They seem to carry with them the prehistoric instinct to forcibly shut their woman up or "put her in her place." They don't seem to understand how modern laws and society work nowadays.

Why does the man, the largest person, not simply eat the woman?

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

To clarify, I'm not at all suggesting that he should hit her back. That would be a terrible idea. You don't need to hit a woman to put her in her place, physically. The goal is to simply demonstrate enough of your strength to make her aware that she's outmatched and would be helpless the moment you decide to stop showing her mercy. And there are plenty of ways you can manhandle an abusive woman without hurting her.

What's wrong with you, man? I get there's a whole population of beta-bois that this type of neanderthalic drivel appeals to, but what makes you think that this sort of adolescent thinking ever improves ANY situation? Don't answer. It doesn't.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

Calling the police to move out of the home would imply, to most normal people, that police involvement would NOT be routine.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

Just out of curiosity, someone mentioned her defending 01/06/21, and having other conservative leanings, are there any tweets/posts from her about this or have they since been deleted?

EDIT: Full disclosure, I'm not implying they're lying about her leanings, just genuinely curious.

They were mostly in her IG Stories in the form of boomer memes and the like.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

What's wrong with you, man? I get there's a whole population of beta-bois that this type of neanderthalic drivel appeals to, but what makes you think that this sort of adolescent thinking ever improves ANY situation? Don't answer. It doesn't.

What is "neanderthalic" about defending yourself from physical harm?

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

What is "neanderthalic" about defending yourself from physical harm?

Because your solution to domestic abuse/violence is "I am bigger man I manhandle her" along with some grunting and shit.

Domestic violence is a very complex issue that is not only damaging but extremely difficult to extricate from. I highly recommend doing a little bit of reading to understand why: https://domesticviolence.org/why-victims-dont...

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

What is "neanderthalic" about defending yourself from physical harm?

In your own English words, you said "put her in her place".

Tell me what I misunderstood. Maybe the woman in that video is just misunderstood, too.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

In your own English words, you said "put her in her place".

Tell me what I misunderstood. Maybe the woman in that video is just misunderstood, too.

I think you misunderstand that it's solely done as a defense from physical abuse. Is it wrong to defend yourself with non-harmful force?

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

Why does the man, the largest person, not simply eat the woman?

Why does he simply not send her to the shadow realm? 🤔🤔

Mar 22, 2023 - edited Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

I think you misunderstand that it's solely done as a defense from physical abuse. Is it wrong to defend yourself with non-harmful force?

It's not a matter of "right" or "wrong" so much as it is you grossly oversimplifying a very complex situation.

What is "non-harmful" force? A gentle shove? A slap? Those won't leave lasting damage, unless of course she slips and hits her head. What if you underestimate the force you use? You're emotionally compromised, you're stressed as fuck due to the abuse you're suffering - maybe you intend to use "non-harmful" force but it turns out to be harmful. What if she set up a camera to record the moment you get physical? What if someone witnesses you using "non-harmful" force and calls the cops on you? Now it's 2 aganst 1 and you're fucked. "But Mr. Officer, I was using non-harmful force because my 5 foot tall girlfriend has been abusing me for years!" You think that's going to fly? What if your "non-harmful" force doesn't "put her in her place"? What if it emboldens her instead? What if you succeed at "putting her in her place" so she waits until you fall asleep and cuts your throat?

I'm not arguing the morality of a man putting his hands on a woman. There are situations where it's necessary, but this isn't one of them. You do that and you're going to make things worse for yourself. This should be really simple to understand but I'm not surprised you don't given that you led with "if a man is abused, it's because he allows it". That's some real ooga booga 50 IQ caveman logic.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

It will absolutely fly because she has already been booked for domestic violence. No? The courts will not be sympathetic to someone with a history of domestic violence.

I'm not oversimplifying anything. However, I recognize I have no control over how you may interpret or comprehend what I'm saying. I'm aware it's a difficult situation. I'm aware there's no out without heavy stress and turmoil involved. But what's more stressful, IMO is staying. Just because it's difficult to leave is no excuse for staying in an abusive relationship.

Also, I already acknowledged that subduing her may cause her to use weapons. Read!

Your entire argument has been irrelevant to my position. Regardless, we don't have to agree on any of this. We have two different perspectives on handling it, and that's fine.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

in a world of supposed "zero tolerance" do you REALLY think that if he decked her or, at the very least, pushed her around that she wouldn't be prepared to run to the police with bruises and claims that the last time wasn't really her fault but she was just "defending herself" and now she has some evidence as proof tat he's being abusive?

again, the fact that she is, at least on video, the instigator and is till willing to call the police because she knows she'll get the benefit of the doubt, speaks volumes. i don't think her getting booked once really means anything.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

in a world of supposed "zero tolerance" do you REALLY think that if he decked her or, at the very least, pushed her around that she wouldn't be prepared to run to the police with bruises and claims that the last time wasn't really her fault but she was just "defending herself" and now she has some evidence as proof tat he's being abusive?

again, the fact that she is, at least on video, the instigator and is till willing to call the police because she knows she'll get the benefit of the doubt, speaks volumes. i don't think her getting booked once really means anything.

We'll have to agree to disagree on how the courts would view it. But I want to clarify again, for the second or third time now, I have never suggested that he should strike her. That's not my position.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

It will absolutely fly because she has already been booked for domestic violence. No? The courts will not be sympathetic to someone with a history of domestic violence.

I'm not oversimplifying anything. However, I recognize I have no control over how you may interpret or comprehend what I'm saying. I'm aware it's a difficult situation. I'm aware there's no out without heavy stress and turmoil involved. But what's more stressful, IMO is staying. Just because it's difficult to leave is no excuse for staying in an abusive relationship.

Also, I already acknowledged that subduing her may cause her to use weapons. Read!

Your entire argument has been irrelevant to my position. Regardless, we don't have to agree on any of this. We have two different perspectives on handling it, and that's fine.

It will not fly and I explained why but that seems to have flown over your head. You're arguing based on how you think the world should work, I'm arguing based on how it actually does work.

The courts won't be sympathetic to a guy who uses physical violence against a woman, but that's getting ahead of ourselves because the DA isn't going to waste its time prosecuting a case in which both parties are violent with each other. The most likely outcome of your "putting the girl in her place" strategy is that YOU get arrested.

There's nothing to "agree to disagree" about, you are wrong.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

If a woman hits you, you better run away, because if she breaks a nail, the one who will go to jail is you.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

It will not fly and I explained why but that seems to have flown over your head. You're arguing based on how you think the world should work, I'm arguing based on how it actually does work.

The courts won't be sympathetic to a guy who uses physical violence against a woman, but that's getting ahead of ourselves because the DA isn't going to waste its time prosecuting a case in which both parties are violent with each other. The most likely outcome of your "putting the girl in her place" strategy is that YOU get arrested.

There's nothing to "agree to disagree" about, you are wrong.

Having video evidence of her being violent, with no evidence that you used anything more than reasonable force, is a very strong case. You're entitled to your opinion. But that's all it is, no matter how strongly you feel about it.

If that's too risky for you. Fine. Then just get out of the relationship instead. When it's the other way around, you will never see a woman advocating for staying in an abusive relationship because it's too complicated to get out.

Please show me one expert who advises women to stay in physically abusive relationships because it's too dangerous or complicated to leave...

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

If a woman hits you, you better run away, because if she breaks a nail, the one who will go to jail is you.

Easier said than done if you’re married as was the case here

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

Please show me one expert who advises women to stay in physically abusive relationships because it's too dangerous or complicated to leave...

People aren't advising him to stay. They just have an issue with how simplistic and insensitive you're coming off.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

It will not fly and I explained why but that seems to have flown over your head. You're arguing based on how you think the world should work, I'm arguing based on how it actually does work.

The courts won't be sympathetic to a guy who uses physical violence against a woman, but that's getting ahead of ourselves because the DA isn't going to waste its time prosecuting a case in which both parties are violent with each other. The most likely outcome of your "putting the girl in her place" strategy is that YOU get arrested.

There's nothing to "agree to disagree" about, you are wrong.

This. 100%

If any male on here is ever the victim of physical domestic violence from their female partner, you want to walk your ass outside, call the police, and make a report. Without delay. And if she comes at you again, get the whole thing on video. Go live on Instagram if you have to.

You wouldn't believe how twisted both the police and law enforcement are on this point.

If you're a woman being routinely battered by a husband or boyfriend, they oddly don't give a rats ass and will make up any excuse NOT to protect you. They won't even bother to enforce a restraining order if they don't feel like it. Hell, the Supreme Court even decided that police have no obligation to protect you from harm, and if you end up dead.. guess that's on you.

That might make it seem like the law is biased in the male's favor. But...

You could be the sweetest guy ever and your wife treats you like garbage. She smacks you in the face and you hit her back in pure self defense. First time you ever did that. Your ass will get railroaded like you would not believe. She'll be assumed to be the victim, they WILL NOT assign some detective to drill down to the truth, and it will be heavily used against you should there be a future divorce, custody, etc.

Source: I've sadly known close friends in both situations. Both in California.

I can't explain why. But what superiorgenetics said is totally right. Keep your f--ing hands to yourself and call the police if it gets crazy.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by Chainer
Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

I haven’t read the whole thread because of my encroaching cataracts but thanks to feminism, in America you have this thing called the Duluth Model which means that if the police are called on a domestic violence dispute it’s the man who’s arrested.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

saw a comment that made me choke "leanbeefpatty in 20 years" i was dead.

Someone else said "meanbeefpatty". ☠️

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

Why does this make her More attractive to me?🤦‍♂️ I was with a woman like this and managed to break free,but I fall for women like this. I’m screwed up!🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😔😢

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

It is funny how everybody are so oversensitive today and everybody has needs to to solve other people’s problems

I agree. A lot of this behavior comes from a need to control others. And I hear some say that she liked comments that were "racist" when no one defined what they were. This is huge red flag for me since that word is thrown around way too freely these days.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

They were mostly in her IG Stories in the form of boomer memes and the like.

Does "boomer" equal "racist"?

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