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How private or public are you about your admiration of muscular women?

Jan 23, 2023 - permalink

I recently told my friend about it. but that guy is very "open". he was already giving me too many details about his sex life. he was talking about prostitutes and then i said. well i don't really think it's worth the money. but i would be willing to pay a lot for women with certain skills and body type. and then i just said i want to be bodyscissored by a fbb. My other friends never talk about that stuff to me he is a hippie.

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

Yeah i don’t like say, “hey, uh muscular women are hot. I love their veiny biceps, huge clots, and roided out bodies,” in the middle of watching a game or talking about golf with my buddies or something. But if a muscular woman comes on tv or a movie id probably say something about her being hot. Or if that kind of topic comes up in our group for some reason Id absolutely say I’m into muscular women. A lot of my friends and obviously my wife know I’m into muscles. Maybe not to the full extent some of them, but I’m not hiding it. I mean it’d be weird if you just blurted out, “I love huge boobs,” in the middle of talking about food or beer or something not related to that topic.

Jan 29, 2023 - permalink

from not telling anyone to only telling like my 2 best friends to around 5-6yrs ago totally open about it

Jan 30, 2023 - permalink

I'd be open about it, but so far no one offline has ever expressed an interest (tragically.)

Mar 16, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by Jedi_Luke
Mar 17, 2023 - permalink

In college my one roommate was big into wrestling. I thought that Chyna (Joan Marie Laurer) was hot and said as much. I was promptly ridiculed by my roommates. I also thought the wrestler Sable (Rena Marlette Lesnar) was also hot. I realized I liked women with a bit of meat on them, and by meat I mean muscle. A woman that can have a cheeseburger if they want to is my kind of woman.

When my soon-to-be-ex-wife started taking exercising seriously she bulked up a bit, not as slim as she could be, but had muscles. It really turned me on. I said as much. She didn't care. It didn't rekindle what we had, but she looked hotter than when we were married.

Now I go to the gym and check out the women there. I know I'll never be with a woman ever again, but that doesn't mean I can't look at a woman pulling herself up with impressive arm and back muscles and be attracted to her.

Mar 19, 2023 - permalink

In college my one roommate was big into wrestling. I thought that Chyna (Joan Marie Laurer) was hot and said as much. I was promptly ridiculed by my roommates. I also thought the wrestler Sable (Rena Marlette Lesnar) was also hot. I realized I liked women with a bit of meat on them, and by meat I mean muscle. A woman that can have a cheeseburger if they want to is my kind of woman.

When my soon-to-be-ex-wife started taking exercising seriously she bulked up a bit, not as slim as she could be, but had muscles. It really turned me on. I said as much. She didn't care. It didn't rekindle what we had, but she looked hotter than when we were married.

Now I go to the gym and check out the women there. I know I'll never be with a woman ever again, but that doesn't mean I can't look at a woman pulling herself up with impressive arm and back muscles and be attracted to her.

Wait wait wait....

What does ANY of that have to do with you never being with a woman again? Of course you can make whatever choices you want, but that was a weird bolt-on to an otherwise cool story.

Mar 19, 2023 - permalink

I have a "don't-ask-don't-tell" policy. The most I'll say is a"fitness chick", playing on plausible deniability.

Mar 19, 2023 - permalink

Wait wait wait....

What does ANY of that have to do with you never being with a woman again? Of course you can make whatever choices you want, but that was a weird bolt-on to an otherwise cool story.

Sorry, that was a left turn there. I like muscular women, I think we all do, since that's why we're here. I made a choice in my soon-to-be-ex-wife, and I regret that choice. However, I did make the choice, and made a lifelong commitment to her before God, my family, her family, and our friends. Now, it's look all I want, but I can never touch. I don't care if anyone knows I like big women. I only talk about it if the subject comes up. I have seen muscular women in public and said, "Wow!"

Mar 19, 2023 - permalink

I also probably won't have sex any time soon either, but it's more from being a 60 yr old man living with his 90 yr old father and having no real transportation lol.

Mar 19, 2023 - permalink

no one other than me knows about it

Mar 19, 2023 - permalink

Everybody around me knows that i like fit muscular woman!

Mar 20, 2023 - permalink

I'm secretive about it, but do admit that I'd rather have a gym rat than someone that spends too much time in the donut shop when someone asks.

Mar 20, 2023 - permalink

Sorry, that was a left turn there. I like muscular women, I think we all do, since that's why we're here. I made a choice in my soon-to-be-ex-wife, and I regret that choice. However, I did make the choice, and made a lifelong commitment to her before God, my family, her family, and our friends. Now, it's look all I want, but I can never touch. I don't care if anyone knows I like big women. I only talk about it if the subject comes up. I have seen muscular women in public and said, "Wow!"

Oh you're still married. So when you divorce you'll be fine to do what you want right?

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

Oh you're still married. So when you divorce you'll be fine to do what you want right?

Probably not, at least in my heart. I made a commitment to my soon-to-be-ex-wife, and even if she won't stand by it, I'm not sure I would ever be able to let it go. We made an oath to be faithful to each other. Even if she isn't, I'm not sure I should stop. I gave her my heart.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

sometimes i forget that people can see things--i was just at dinner and had friends tell me they have posts show up because i liked them specifically and (of course) they could see that i liked the photo, and it's mostly this stuff lmao and that's why i never leave comments

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

noone12 writes:

no one other than me knows about it

No commentary required.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

Sorry, that was a left turn there. I like muscular women, I think we all do, since that's why we're here. I made a choice in my soon-to-be-ex-wife, and I regret that choice. However, I did make the choice, and made a lifelong commitment to her before God, my family, her family, and our friends. Now, it's look all I want, but I can never touch. I don't care if anyone knows I like big women. I only talk about it if the subject comes up. I have seen muscular women in public and said, "Wow!"

Probably not, at least in my heart. I made a commitment to my soon-to-be-ex-wife, and even if she won't stand by it, I'm not sure I would ever be able to let it go. We made an oath to be faithful to each other. Even if she isn't, I'm not sure I should stop. I gave her my heart.

It feels like I should be saying "sorry for your loss" or something, but I'll just thank you for the reply and leave it at that.

zips fucking lips

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

I'm fully private. I'm Italian living in Italy, Italians are so stupid about bodybuilding, and much more about female bodybuilding.

Mar 22, 2023 - permalink

Incredibly private. I can't speak for "society" at large but in the circles I run with it'd be seen as deeply unmasculine. I'm perfectly fine with 'normal' girls so it's not too hard to keep a secret, but yeah nobody knows. Guys who ask women to flex or armwrestle etc. are beyond my understanding. I admire it though.

Mar 26, 2023 - permalink

I told one of my friends on insta and she said "you need to stop" this is shat i told her "I have a muscle girl fetish, i like ripped abs, huge biceps, the more muscle the better "

Mar 26, 2023 - permalink

I told one of my friends on insta and she said "you need to stop" this is shat i told her "I have a muscle girl fetish, i like ripped abs, huge biceps, the more muscle the better "

Is that "you need to stop" as in "ha, you're totally joking about what you like"?

Or "you need to stop" as in "literally, stop liking that, because I don't like it".

Mar 27, 2023 - permalink

I told one of my friends on insta and she said "you need to stop" this is shat i told her "I have a muscle girl fetish, i like ripped abs, huge biceps, the more muscle the better "

Did you just like out of the blue blurt it out? Or were you guys talking about that kinda stuff? Maybe she sent a pic or video of a woman working out and you said she was hot? Idk something like that. If you just randomly sent a message that said you have a huge fetish for muscular women that’s definitely weird.

Mar 27, 2023 - edited Mar 27, 2023 - permalink

What? You guys would be ridiculed by your friends if you were dating Lauren Findley for example? Who are they dating, supermodels or famous actresses? Society can be so unbelievably f’ed up!

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