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Fat to buff transformations?

Feb 23, 2023 - permalink

I feel most transformations are skinny to buff, but am wondering about fat to buff transformations.

I know Tarna Alderman is one and I’m blanking on the others, which is why I need GWM’s help.

Feb 23, 2023 - edited Feb 23, 2023 - permalink

Yetta Mae Hansell

Mika Johnson

Jun 22, 2023 - permalink

One of the greatest ever!!

Jun 22, 2023 - permalink

Dunja Bitar

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

This is my favorite subject. I can't wait to see more.

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

Dunja Bitar

She wasnt even fat

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

Ursula Ramos

Jun 25, 2023 - permalink

Ursula Ramos

Something about the contrast between her high, defined peaks and extra skin under the arms makes this even more impressive

Jun 26, 2023 - edited Jun 26, 2023 - permalink

Seara Wellman

Jun 26, 2023 - permalink

Paula Hannah

Jun 27, 2023 - permalink

Adrienne Brainard

Jun 27, 2023 - permalink

April Montgomery Whitacre "I began my journey for a lifestyle change. I was 300 pounds. I was dx with diabetes 6 years ago and crippling form rheumatoid arthritis in 2020."

Jun 27, 2023 - permalink

Pam Brown

Alana Shipp

Jun 27, 2023 - permalink

Christa Mills

Jun 27, 2023 - permalink
Jun 28, 2023 - permalink

Yetta Abdul

Jul 11, 2023 - permalink
Jul 11, 2023 - permalink
Jul 11, 2023 - permalink

Carlea Baughn

Jul 12, 2023 - permalink
Jul 12, 2023 - permalink

Who is that?

Jul 12, 2023 - permalink

At least for Mika Johnson and some others, they did not use PEDs. You can tell with Mika for sure because he face just looks slimmer. No crazy jaws or unibrows, or big bony feet or anything like that for these natties. Unfortunately, many did use them to detrimental effects of virilization, etc.

Jul 12, 2023 - permalink

At least for Mika Johnson and some others, they did not use PEDs. You can tell with Mika for sure because he face just looks slimmer. No crazy jaws or unibrows, or big bony feet or anything like that for these natties. Unfortunately, many did use them to detrimental effects of virilization, etc.

I think that kind of weight loss and muscle building is impressive regardless of if they used PEDs or not

Jul 12, 2023 - permalink

Here's my favorite, Antonella Lella Val

Jul 22, 2023 - permalink
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