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You like strong females, but does it matter if natural vs roided?

Feb 22, 2023 - permalink

While I don't agree with Ovi in that schmoes shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion about PED use versus natural training unless they have trained hard for six months, I do think more schmoes should actually put in work with a dedicated program to see just how much work goes into building the physiques they find so sexually attractive. It would definitely cut down on a lot on all the bullshit myths I see, and maybe give them a better appreciation that isn't completely fetishistic about all the effort these women put into their training.

Feb 22, 2023 - permalink

It does not matter to me. I like women with superhero physiques, and I'm not naive about where that comes from.

I write fantasy stories where women take a drug that makes them super strong, super muscular, and super horny, practically overnight, without any negative effects. Which shows that I really don't like to think about the downsides of PED's.

I do feel bad, and worry about my participation as a fan, when I find out about women who've had serious health consequences from PED use. It is not a circle I can square, though. I like what I like, and I'm grateful for all the female athletes (on PED's or not) who are willing to show off their bodies.

Feb 22, 2023 - permalink

While I don't agree with Ovi in that schmoes shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion about PED use versus natural training unless they have trained hard for six months, I do think more schmoes should actually put in work with a dedicated program to see just how much work goes into building the physiques they find so sexually attractive. It would definitely cut down on a lot on all the bullshit myths I see, and maybe give them a better appreciation that isn't completely fetishistic about all the effort these women put into their training.

There's another GWM forum thread where people here talk about how much they do or do not work out, and I was surprised to learn how many of us actually train.

But why do you care? Let people have their fantasies, false or not. Why does it matter? What do these fetishists do that demeans the efforts of the women they fetishize besides putting them up on an unrealistic pedestal? And what harm does that do?

I think that most of the people here know that women can't achieve the phenomenal physiques featured on GWM without PEDs. I don't think that people here believe that women can achieve a high level of muscularity without PEDs. Am I wrong?

Feb 22, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I like the theory that JFK was not assassinated at all. Though no clue why I brought that up.

Feb 22, 2023 - permalink

All you guys saying that you need to train 6 months don’t realize that if that much time is spent training won’t leave any time to peruse instagram or gwm for more photos or make forum comments. If that happens can they truly be considered schmoes anymore?

Feb 22, 2023 - permalink

All you guys saying that you need to train 6 months don’t realize that if that much time is spent training won’t leave any time to peruse instagram or gwm for more photos or make forum comments. If that happens can they truly be considered schmoes anymore?

I think just one guy said that. But point taken, LOL

Mar 06, 2023 - permalink

The problem with roided is that it is unsustainable. Most of the women who we admire on this site who also take PEDs will eventually quit and loose their physiques. On the other hand, women who build muscle naturally are more likely to continue and adopt this lifestyle. They may not look all jacked but with training, diet and genetics, some will look real good and for a longer time.

Mar 06, 2023 - permalink

The problem with roided is that it is unsustainable. Most of the women who we admire on this site who also take PEDs will eventually quit and loose their physiques. On the other hand, women who build muscle naturally are more likely to continue and adopt this lifestyle. They may not look all jacked but with training, diet and genetics, some will look real good and for a longer time.

Some girls will keep the muscle even if they don't train. There are photos floating around of Akemi "Hiyoko" Takahashi, still sporting big biceps despite not picking up a weight after settling down and having kids.

Steroid girls can't keep much of their muscle because the hormone provoked the muscle growth, and hormone levels regress to normal when you stop taking steroids.

Mar 06, 2023 - permalink

Since steroids suppress the body’s production of natural testosterone, the effect on muscle is worse during withdrawal in both men and women. Ability to build muscle naturally will be compromised for a length of time even with training.

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