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Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

What are some confessions and/or unpopular opinions you have regarding muscular women?

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

I sometimes think a muscular woman's confidence can be misconstrued as her being stuck up or arrogant. I've been with some muscular women and they just seem to carry themselves differently. A lot of people might see them as unapproachable? Personally, their supreme confidence to me is very sexy.

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

Hate when they assume we love her physic, personally i enjoy their personalities can be such great persons, and bright attitude, reducing everything to appearance make them look a little bit "mean", sometimes

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

I agree with the above vibes ... Beeing a lover of physical muscle doesn't reduce my view - and only talking for me lol - to just seeing physics. I adore what some do with themselves but I wouldn't generally say: Oh damn I want to be with her. Because I don't know her! BUT in general we do know, that we like and love a personality that's soooo determined and confident about themselves that they do what they do and reach their goals. Yet there would be many aspects to know first, so I don't really reduce them to physics and to those few aspects we know.

I would surely love to get in contact with more muscular women and I surely have my preferencies character wise so ... it would not automatically fit just because of beeing muscular. I doubt many would confess to that because aside from some posting smashing-phantasies, most people aren't THAT versatile towards a partnership that they wouldn't care about other characteristics.

Would those ladies be "unapproachable" or arrogant? Some may be, some may have a reason to be (because not in a situation where they would WANT an approach at all) ... many would not be. I wouldn't see them like that and confidence doesn't automatically make people unapproachable, that's not even linked imho.

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

Eunhee Kang is overrated and ugly

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

Headshrinking isn’t a super big deal

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

Eunhee Kang is overrated and ugly

Headshrinking isn’t a super big deal

Both of these can be true simultaneously

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink
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Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

I’d do ANYTHING to feel contest ready biceps. I know that’s super Random but I feel like where my desires are and where I’m at in life, I’m ready.

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

I’ve been to competitions, the gym, I just need to do this before I die lol

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink
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Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

Thick breastless pecs + feminine face = weirdly hot

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink
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Sep 09, 2023 - permalink
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Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

I really hate futa and big clits.

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

I really hate futa and big clits.


Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

People are weird. It's difficult to become comfortable with the discomfort of that. And I'm a person so any weirdness in me is just another example.

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

I really hate futa and big clits.


Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

Not sure if this is technically considered unpopular, but I feel like there is a lot of pushback to this.

If you are attracted to muscular women and want to attract them you should also get into some kind of strength sport at a consistent level. Whether you do bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, olympic lifting or CrossFit, you should dedicate yourself to not only training with weights but possibly even compete yourself. Like attracts like, and there is a reason you see female bodybuilders get into relationships with other bodybuilders, or powerlifters with other powerlifters and vice versa. It's going to be a lot harder to attract a woman who lives a fit lifestyle if you don't live one yourself (easy to get resentful if you put a lot of effort in the gym and your partner is a couch potato who eats like shit.)

I go to expos and competitions quite a bit, and it's not uncommon to see dudes who clearly look out of place trying to awkwardly hit on fit and muscular women there. And it usually doesn't end successfully because: for one, those women are fully aware that there is a section of dudes out there who fetishize them, and when they see someone who is clearly not fit at a fitness expo and they're not there cheering on friends and family, it's that much more obvious. And for two, if you're not into lifting yourself, what are you going to talk to them about? You won't be able to relate to training regimes, or nutrition, or recovery, so all that you have left to ask them are the "fetishistic" questions they hear over and over again.

So stop the excuses and go lift!

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

"Man, she could kick my ass!"

🤦🏽‍♂️, dumbasses.

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink
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Sep 09, 2023 - permalink
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Sep 09, 2023 - permalink
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Sep 09, 2023 - permalink
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