May she rest in peace, but my vote would be Marianna Komlos. She was an extraordinarily gorgeous woman, completely perfect from top to toe. Amazing eyes, smile, hair. Her legs were long, her butt was perfect, she was very athletic. She was genuinely one of the most gorgeous women on the planet.
Importantly, of course, her muscles were big. Very big. She was strong too. She was a solid middleweight bodybuilder. A deceptively big woman, to go with her beauty.
Today? Hmm, maybe she’d be competing with Eva Andressa. That kind of level.
Depends on their personality. Some women have amazing physiques but don't post very often, and so aren't as popular as the ones who post more. Some "influencers" put more work into it, while others just have a social media page for fun.
I guess the more famous women who would have had the highest likelihood of social media stardom, Britt Miller and Cindy Phillips of course. But also names that haven't been mentioned:
I would have included Janelle too. I don’t think it’s a surprise that she was in RM01. I think she had great presence and knew what people wanted.
Tina Lockwood's legs would be mind blowing even today and she could go viral. i think most classic fbbs could make it in today's world. apart from some of the very early ones from the 70s. who are not very muscular by current standards
but i wonder if they where still young today would they have the same personality. They grew up in a different time. a lot of boomers and early gen x people are not good with technology. i think a lot of those fbbs would refuse to use Instagram. because they are so old school. like imagine your grandma's mind but with a young powerful body
and we don't know as much about their personality compared to most modern fbbs. in modern times you sometimes get to interact with them directly. or they share more than just images and videos. while back in the day you only got professional photos and videos.
i think a lot of them could still be media friendly. you could definitely tell who based on their videos, even on the non Ray Martin ones.
ALphie Newman, Anja Langer, Kristie Oakley, and Cyndi Meintzner also come to mind.
but i wonder if they where still young today would they have the same personality. They grew up in a different time. a lot of boomers and early gen x people are not good with technology.
People who do social media are not necessarily good with technology. SM provides them a means to get the attention they crave. When you're old you're far less willing to farm for attention.
If these women were young today, some would crave attention and do social media, some would not. But I think the ones who would not, would quit the scene entirely. Old-school bodybuilding attracted a lot of ordinary women who wanted to get shredded. Teachers, nurses, and such who did bodybuilding on the side. Today's scene, not so much... it attracts people who are willing to commit to the lifestyle and put their bodies under extreme load with dehydration and PEDs and so need to farm for attention.
Lesa Lewis Betty Viana Andrulla Blanchette Christine Roth Dorthy Trojanowicz Christi Wolfe Melissa detwiller Lisa Lowe
After seeing an early Youtube influencer resurface recently (Chelsea Karabin), I got to thinking: who from pre-2012 would have been a big social media presence today, and would have lasted?
I was thinking specifically about the detrimental effects no one talks about in regards to being a solo content creator and being a pretty regular person having to deal with relative stardom on their own--women like Britt Miller or Dani Reardon came to mind who were in and out pretty quickly.
Could be anyone from the early 2000s or the golden age in the 90s. Personally I think both Janice Ragain and Denise Rutkowski would have been absolute stars, though given where Denise wound up its possible she would have flamed out fairly early.