Do you prefer Anastasia's look from Before or After? (462 total votes)
Definitely after, she had a beautiful physique before but it's unbelievable how much muscle mass she was able to add on this short frame! And despite of the amount of added mass she managed to keep beautiful proportions and shapes of muscles. And please remember that she used to shock people with her day by day changes in contest prep so I can't even imagine how she's going to look shedded starting a prep being so huge and muscular!
voting after for the pure size she put on. she has an incredible chest.
as of now she doesn't have that steroid face a lot of women get when they use heavy over time, at least not in the same way (i'm thinking like steph flescher) so s he still has the cute look she had before
Said it already: as fascinating it's been seeing her bulk...better said, hulk up in the last years, she looked better in "Before".
After. I know I should vote before because it's healthier, but after is so incredible!
I know I should vote before because it's healthier, but after is so incredible!
I don't think anyone should feel guilty for appreciating her "after" look. As far as health goes it's only damaging if she maintains that kind of mass for too long (several years), and also shredding down to extremely low levels of bodyfat.
But then again there are women who have been competing at the pro level for decades. I'm not a doctor so I can't speak to how "healthy" they actually are, if they are genetically gifted, or if they are just doing something different that allows them to have more longevity in the sport.
Before. Bigger Anastasia scratches an itch, but I like how aesthetic she was. That being said, she reached a nice balance in her Physique days.
Resurrecting a poll I ran a while back before an official poll feature was implemented:
The "before" in this case is her look from several years ago, likely before she started taking PED's (or at the very least took smaller doses than she does now).
"After" is what she looks like now (most recently).