I read the title and expected to learn that someone died. Instead, a dude is freaking out over a bad haircut and natural aging. Very cool, very normal.
good ass troll move tho haha. you guys need to lighten up and laugh a little.
If he wanted to troll, he should have said something to wind up the schmoes. He'd have a hundred pages of hilarity, easy.
People on sites like these will always take the opportunity to bag on someone “weirder” than they are lol.
Lol, there’s nothing weird about being attracted to muscular women.
This is pure cringe, though, and I’m sure it won’t leave the best impression among us if a muscular woman stumbles upon a post like this.
So you're telling me you've never been with a woman long enough to see her without makeup. LOL.
I'm thoroughly confused by this one.
Is the OP daft enough to not realize the difference between a professionally shot photo and a selfie?
This is the big part.
No make up, no photography lighting, and no post-edit touch ups.
Very few bodybuilding photo shoots do not have any facial retouching. There will always be that faint soft glow on their skin that’s added to reduce wrinkles and other facial imperfections.
Don’t use professional photographer photos as a reference to how someone really looks.
I do wish there were more buff chicks on the forum. And less rons from mexico.
Jesus fuck what a ridiculous post. So much stuff that is actually heartbreaking in the world and you post this lmfao.