What is your favorite feature of GWM? (357 total votes)
Besides favoriting, I love the "similar images" feature. When Chainer first announced it, I thought it'd be redundant, but some of the best pictures and videos I've found on here have been through that feature. Seriously, that was a brilliant call.
I don't know what's to like about favoriting images, I only +1 them, so it still counts for score, but I don't care about favoriting.
My favorite feature is the filtering and searching of the images, now if only users were more diligent in filling in the appropriate tags it would be even better.
My second favorite feature is the forum although it could be better, I'm not a fan of the self developed forum, it is too barebones and lacking features and looks ugly AF.
This site is a masterpiece, if comments would have upvotes in forums and the tags system would have more categories it would reach legendary status in my opinion.
And agreed, recommended images works surprisingly well considering it, as I understand, does not involve magic complicated AI wizardry.
Well it has been image commenting, but the damn filter thing has made it so much more difficult. Maybe it's time to quit this site and do something else.
I love the favorite feature because I use my favorites as a folder for stuff I wanna come back to and for drawing reference.
Be careful, though. If you are not sparing in you use of favorites, you may find, as I have, that after too many years, your favorites list may become so huge that it's not really any better in finding pics than searching the main site. :/
Searching/filtering followed closely by favoriting and checking out other people's favorites.
That's an underrated feature that's great for finding new content. See someone who seems to like a lot of the same "types" as you do? Check out their favorites and posts and there's a good chance you'll find something new to you that you also like.
I don't use it often, but "similar images" is pretty amazing. It works great!
Obviously we all come here for the images, but aside from that, what is your favorite feature of GWM? When considering these options, you might ask yourself which features you tend to use the most, or which ones keep you coming back.
Try to narrow it down to one vote, but I can understand if you can't decide between 2 or 3 features.