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Who IS Natural?

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Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

Maybe she's just getting started.

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

What do you think about her? Is she natural or not?

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

Not natty

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

Not natty

What do you think is she taking?

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

Near impossible to tell from just looking at someone, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a fairly sizable stack, despite her not looking that big or shredded

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

Near impossible to tell from just looking at someone, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a fairly sizable stack, despite her not looking that big or shredded

What do you mean? 😅

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

Technically speaking there is no such thing as 'obviously' natural if you're judging by appearance.

That said, I would agree, she very likely is natty.

Yeah, just because someone doesn't have the appearance of a heavyweight bodybuilder doesn't mean they aren't on something. Even if she only takes 5% of what a pro bodybuilder takes, it still means she's dosing. 'Natural' literally means 0% PED's.

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

You cannot tell if somone is using PEDs,including SARMS, simply by the way a person looks. Since everyone is different they will react differently to various drugs. I've mentioned a friend of mine before who has done a couple of cycles, you wouldn't suspect her of using PEDs, or even lifting weights, because she's fairly small.

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

You cannot tell if somone is using PEDs,including SARMS, simply by the way a person looks. Since everyone is different they will react differently to various drugs. I've mentioned a friend of mine before who has done a couple of cycles, you wouldn't suspect her of using PEDs, or even lifting weights, because she's fairly small.

Of course, but I think there are evidences about using or not some PEDs

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

Better to keep it simple: natty achievable versus natty unachievable. It's entirely possible people with unimpressive physiques are juiced. It's unlikely that people with impressive musculature, especially females, did so without any chemical assistance.

Aug 21, 2022 - permalink

My ex was natural (she didn't wanna mess with her body, and I didn't encourage her to take stuff). She didn't even go to the gym that often. If you don't expect being ripped AND huge, you can build an impressive body without any PEDs. If there were contests that focused on mass instead of definition, we would see more women building muscle naturally. Here's the old progress thread (still on 2nd place in the forum after "hot gymnast candids"...) https://saradas.org/index.php?topic=237225.0

Mar 29, 2023 - permalink

In related news, on her IG stories, Rachel Sedwick was asked if she's on PEDs and if she'd train someone on PEDs. Her answer was "Yes and yes."

In late 2021, she competed in Ben Weider's Natural Pro/Am, a tested competition that "requires" natural contestants. If you're concerned about cheating, don't be. In the figure division, she placed 7th (i.e., last).

Reviving an old post, but just curious where was this? She and her trainer promoted natural bodybuilding for years, but then again I did notice a suden change in her appearance...

Mar 29, 2023 - permalink

I think the beautiful kristifigure is natural.

Mar 30, 2023 - permalink

Reviving an old post, but just curious where was this? She and her trainer promoted natural bodybuilding for years, but then again I did notice a suden change in her appearance...

It was on Instagram. I don't know what she and her trainer had promoted for years. I remember she was married to a short guy who was absolutely yoked, but they divorced (or, as I gather, she divorced him). The post I'm referencing was almost certainly made after they divorced. I just reviewed her stories on coaching, and I could not find the post in question, but I'd swear it was on her Instagram in a lonnnnng Q&A thread. She'd have a picture of a question, and then in a block of text she'd write answers.

I also don't recall a dramatic change in her physique beyond the usual dieting/bulking. There is a video of her doing bicep curls pre-pandemic where she looks super-jacked.

Mar 30, 2023 - permalink

It was on Instagram. I don't know what she and her trainer had promoted for years. I remember she was married to a short guy who was absolutely yoked, but they divorced (or, as I gather, she divorced him). The post I'm referencing was almost certainly made after they divorced. I just reviewed her stories on coaching, and I could not find the post in question, but I'd swear it was on her Instagram in a lonnnnng Q&A thread. She'd have a picture of a question, and then in a block of text she'd write answers.

I also don't recall a dramatic change in her physique beyond the usual dieting/bulking. There is a video of her doing bicep curls pre-pandemic where she looks super-jacked.

If you compare her first few shows to her latest ones there's a huge difference, i'd say at least 15-20lb of muscle which is a lot considering those weren't newbie gains anymore... I had suspected something but obv you can never be sure, genetics vary but usually not this much. Unless they have xxy chromosomes (those are pretty rare) it's very hard for a woman to build >20lb of muscle in a lifetime.

Mar 31, 2023 - permalink

This is one of those questions where you're not going to really get a concrete answer because honestly you're not going to really be able to tell if somebody's on Peds just by looking at them the only real way you could tell would be my blood work and that's watching them get pricked and seen the results afterwards that's the only concrete way you can do it

Mar 31, 2023 - permalink

At the intersection of natural and PEDs, where natural is at the highest level and PEDs is at the lowest, you can’t tell by just looking.

Mar 31, 2023 - permalink

You don't need a blood test to tell that Natalia Trukhina is on something. Likewise, when you see someone with cobra traps and cannonball delts, which happen to have the highest amount of androgen receptors, suspecting PED use isn't far-fetched, either. On the other hand, someone who looks DYEL can be on gear just as well. It's often surprising that people who don't look juicy at all are in fact juicy.

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

You don't need a blood test to tell that Natalia Trukhina is on something. Likewise, when you see someone with cobra traps and cannonball delts, which happen to have the highest amount of androgen receptors, suspecting PED use isn't far-fetched, either. On the other hand, someone who looks DYEL can be on gear just as well. It's often surprising that people who don't look juicy at all are in fact juicy.

I've met some deep-voiced bikini competitors, I'll just put that out there. Juice helps you cut and helps bring out the definition.

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

link text

Kortney Olson…right!?

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

I've met some deep-voiced bikini competitors, I'll just put that out there. Juice helps you cut and helps bring out the definition.


Honestly, estrogen makes it extremely difficult for women to cut fat from their legs. If men will first put on fat in their abdomen, women will often first gain it in their hips and thighs.

Sure, they can diet down but they’ll lose mass and hardness. Using PED’s allows them to keep definition while cutting. And combating estrogen will help to shred their legs.

Steroids are just as much for muscle conditioning and body composition as they are for muscle size.

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

link text

Kortney Olson…right!?


No offense but in what world can you believe Kortney is natural.

Apr 01, 2023 - edited Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

As a rule of thumb >25lb skeletal muscle gain on a woman is most probably not natty, that's what the elite genetics women athletes put on over a lifetime of strength training. Again you can never know for sure, but what's for sure is that any more than that over a span of 4-5 years is pretty much impossible (unless we are talking about a >99 percentile tall woman with mostly mesomorph genetics).

You will know because most of them will reach the average sedentary man ssm, sometimes a bit more than that but not noticeable to the eye. If it's really noticeable to the eye there are 3 possible reasons: xxy chromosomes I mentioned earlier, peds, really good muscle insertions/a small body.

If still unsure look at their transformation, shape of their face (eg. Savannah prez' face shape has changed a lot) muscle weight gain as described above, sudden muscle gain after years of training.

Gains should trail off pretty quickly especially for women, if they keep going then they are on something or they just got into something.

Something else that really helps is the wrist/calf circumference, look at casey butt's equation and it's pretty much spot on because there is a universal average muscle to bone ratio that not only humans but all animals have to adhere to for their bodies to make sense. Genetic outliers will always exist, though they will always need a higher than normal test levels in order to grow bigger bones especially during puberty and thus bigger muscles.

Although, considering all these girls are on sicials, I am not even sure these genetic outliars are worth considering because they are so rare and they would also need to happen to live in a country where social media exists, happen to be going to the gym, and be willing to post on social media etc... (chances get slimmer and slimmer)

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink


No offense but in what world can you believe Kortney is natural.

Her voice is normal, just the shape of her body, face, and how her muscles look, idk just guessing…

Apr 01, 2023 - permalink

It's hard to tell. I don't think Georgia Daniels is natural anymore

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