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Bug in the "minimum quality threshold"?

Aug 11, 2022 - permalink

I thinking there may be a bug in the system. For some reason today it seems no matter what I type, I cannot meet the "minimum quality threshold". This what I wrote on my third attempt on three different pictures and right after comments other people made that were much shorter.

Last attempt I tried leaving THIS comment:

I wonder how tall she is. Her build suggests she's at least 5-ft-7 or 5-ft-8 to me. She looks like she has long limbs. I wonder how much I have to write to meet the "minimum quality threshold here" or if there is a bug in the system. It seems like no matter how much I write it's not enough suddenly. Odd.

On THIS picture.

Any ideas what's going on or how to fix it guys? Thanks in advance!

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

Not strictly speaking a bug, but the filter was behaving in a way I didn't intend, since the initial comment ("I wonder how tall she is. Her build suggests she's at least 5-ft-7 or 5-ft-8 to me.") should have been fine.

The main thing that happened here was a new behavior that I added a few days ago. Once you have a comment get rejected, for a short amount of time after that the filter punishes you extra hard for re-using those same words in your comment. The reason I added this was that I saw that people caught on that longer comments were more likely to get accepted, so once they were faced with a rejection, they would add more samey bullshit to the end until it finally got past the filter.

For example, consider this actual example of rejected comments submitted by a single user within a short amount of time:

Beautiful muscle sex bomb
Beautiful muscle sex bomb! She looks so young and pretty
Beautiful muscle sex bomb! She looks so young and pretty. Cute muscle athlete
Beautiful muscle sex bomb! She looks so young and pretty. Cute muscle athlete. Lovely lady
Beautiful muscle sex bomb! She looks so young and pretty. Cute muscle athlete. Lovely lady in pink
Beautiful muscle sex bomb! She looks so young and pretty. Cute muscle athlete. Lovely lady in pink. She is doing well
Beautiful muscle sex bomb! She looks so young and pretty. Cute muscle athlete. Lovely lady in pink. She is doing well obviously
Beautiful muscle sex bomb! She looks so young and pretty. Cute muscle athlete. Lovely lady in pink. She is doing well obviously. Keep it up, sweetie
Beautiful muscle sex bomb! She looks so young and pretty. Cute muscle athlete. Lovely lady in pink. She is doing well obviously. Keep it up, sweetie. Biceps look at 15” at least

The initial comment "Beautiful muscle sex bomb" got rightfully rejected, so the user tried to add more crap to get it past the filter. None of these additions made the comment any better, but with the initial version of the filter, the second or third line would probably have been accepted. Now they all get rejected, which is what I want.

With your particular comment, you just happened to be unfortunate in that you reused just enough recently rejected words that your comment just barely got rejected. Again, sorry this happened, I think your comment was good.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

OK, I think I understand now.

I'm still highly skeptical about any value this is bringing. I still see a lot of stupid and pointless comments, but I understand the intentions are good and it's a work in progress.

Aug 12, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

It's already working.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

OK, I think I understand now.

I'm still highly skeptical about any value this is bringing. I still see a lot of stupid and pointless comments, but I understand the intentions are good and it's a work in progress.

I do not think you understand the subject as much as you'd like to think. You're not very well read, and possess only a tangential understanding of English. I'm not trying to be hurtful, I'm trying to help you, because you obviously need it.

Aug 14, 2022 - edited Aug 14, 2022 - permalink

Yeah this feature definitely backfires, I just got hit with the filter and I wasn't allowed to add more to it, and I can tell you, I'm not a bot. Unless, I am... and... I'm sentient... OMGOOGLE

Anyway. Could you instead put in some clause that forces an account to verify that they're not a bot if they trigger the comment threshold too many times?! There are several "people" here that are either 1. severely OCD or 2. bots. Well... not several. But a number come to mind. I won't mention names.

And btw, as hedgeborn says - this rule is pretty easily circumvented by said unmentioned individuals stringing together a few 'low quality comments' in a sentence.

Aug 14, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Nothing to do with bots.

Aug 15, 2022 - permalink

That has never been anyone's concern.

There is no reason why anyone would create a bot to say ooh, aah or boing to some image comments. There is a reason why someone would create a bot to advertise counterfeit Viagra, but I haven't seen anything like that here yet.

The filter has been created, from the beginning, to limit the activity of actual people who don't think before they write something.

There is no point in verifying that the boing is coming from a person if it will be rejected anyway.

I guess the ultimate authority has spoken, then.

Aug 17, 2022 - edited Aug 17, 2022 - permalink

Dear Bosses of This Place,

I am not criticizing, I am only trying to provide real testing data instead of complaining.

I first tried to post "The only thing more amazing than her body is her hair style. I hope she never changes it." on Loren Calderoni image - no MQT

If you go here, you can see what I had to do to get past MQT, and the posts are of significantly lower quality.

And on this image my post, though passionate, was not very imaginative. https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/1842074/

Would it be possible for you to let us know what the actual criteria for quality is?

Aug 17, 2022 - edited Aug 17, 2022 - permalink

The only thing more amazing than her body is her hair style. I hope she never changes it. -Edit it works now! Sorry I just read Chainer's post!

Aug 17, 2022 - permalink

Chainer has already explained that he isn't going to say what the criteria is, because it will allow people to get round the filter. Trial and error is all we have!

Aug 17, 2022 - permalink

@uberbabesrule Again, read my last sentence.

Aug 17, 2022 - permalink

Then edit your previous comment if you are no longer asking what the criteria is. We are not all mind readers. How are we supposed to know you aren't asking that question anymore.

Aug 17, 2022 - permalink

@uberbabesrule Sorry man, I get attacked by a lot of people on this site. I was out of line.

Aug 17, 2022 - permalink

I know what you mean. A lot of people love to start an argument for arguments sake! Apology accepted.

Aug 18, 2022 - permalink

Tried posting this comment and some similar ones but was not accepted. What is wrong with this?

"The kind of girl I am always hoping will get huge, but looks nice enough as she is!"

Aug 18, 2022 - permalink

Not everyone has time or opportunity to write long passages. Surely often a single word like 'stunning' should be enough.

Similarly not everyone has time to read lengthy comments or arguments.

I like to see short snappy and long detailed contributions here and cannot understand why either should be a problem.

Aug 18, 2022 - permalink

Exactly. This filter is failing bigtime.

Aug 18, 2022 - edited Aug 18, 2022 - permalink

It is. When the previous person just a few minutes before me can just say 'Whoah!!' and my entire sentence with 15-20 words doesn't meet the minimum filter requirements on the first attempt, then there's a problem.

Aug 18, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I've been very interested in if the comments should be cleaned up after the fact and all the inane whoas and boings removed.

Aug 18, 2022 - permalink

The filter is officially broken. I just tried to copy and paste a comment someone else had just made on another image and it was not accepted. What the hell is going on?

The comment was "So utterly gorgeous. Like painfully gorgeous lol."

Aug 18, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

My suggestion is to ban LOL in every form. Doubt that it could ever happen but that's what I feel anyway.

Aug 18, 2022 - permalink

Welcome to the Minimum Threshold Club, Y'all!!!

Aug 18, 2022 - permalink

Sad when you start seeing......I apparently can't even comment.... :( Instead of a genuine comment.

Aug 19, 2022 - permalink

Am I imagining it or has it been fixed?

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