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Disney Plus Live Action She Hulk

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Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

But the point is that an amateur with no background in CGI can create something in a few minutes that looks more believable than what Disney (a multi-billion dollar company) produced.

Again, it's not the CGI artists, it's the execs pulling the strings.

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

I need to find it but there was an article put out by an VFX guy who was lamenting the whole Marvel process and how things “work”

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

I've seen the first trailer of She hulk the other day is it meant to be a comedy? It looks kinda of cheap looking at one point the Benny Hill music could have started up might been better if it had. Is it trying to be ironic and hip. Maybe they should try the Bionic woman idea again Maybe someone with more experience than a soap star!

The comic books were always ironic and hip, yeah. Except for the oldest original "Savage She Hulk" ones. Tatiana Maslany is way more than a "soap star". She is a superb actress. I take it you haven't seen Orphan Black or you definitely wouldn't be besmirching her acting ability.

I would have much preferred to see a 6ft tall beautiful bodybuilder like Maria Wattel with some mild camera tricks to make her look 6ft7. I'd definitely prefer than to this CGI shit from a sexiness POV. But I also know She-Hulk is a talkative and charismatic character. Not only would an untrained actor not work in that part, you need a good actress who has comedic timing and can portray sarcastic wit well. From that perspective, Maslany was an excellent choice that makes perfect sense. So I get it....

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

It really would have been nice if they had simply used a muscular woman for the role. The CGI holds up about as well as the Neo vs. Agent Smith fight from Matrix Reloaded (it looks like a cartoon). I've mentioned this before, even the Lou Ferrigno with green skin paint and a wig version of the Hulk from the 70's is more convincing than this.

Having said that, I can somewhat understand their apprehension in using a real-life muscular woman. These women are non-existent in Hollywood, and so one would need to have extensive acting lessons to even be considered for the role. And that is time and money that you know Disney execs don't want to spend. CGI seems to be their quick and easy way to fix a problem... kind of like trying to use tape to stop a leak.

One of the biggest problems there is also that She-Hulk is a charismatic, funny woman. So using a professional actress is even more important because she's bound to have a lot of dialogue and you need someone with range and comedic timing. Maslany was a near perfect choice there. I just wish she looked more like Maria Wattel or was at least 5-ft-11 LOL.

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

> Most of the Disney + shows have been underwhelming. She-Hulk looks like it will follow that pattern. I'm not interested in this one. Too much CGI and it looks bad.

The fourth wall breaking in the new trailer gives me hope, but I kind of feel the same way. Their version of Titania looks completely underwhelming. WandaVision defaulting to the "big superpower fight at the end" exhausted the last bit of post-Endgame interest I had in the MCU, and No Way Home felt very forced and contrived.

I know it will never happen, but I think some kind of CGI color overlay on an actual bodybuilder (if not the kind of makeup they use for Gamora) would look way better. I messed around in Photoshop and came up with these:

Uh yeah, except She-Hulk always had near model-like good looks. Just sayin'.

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

This was a new behind the scenes look Marvel posted where Hulk and her flex at each other. I'm becoming more ok with it.

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

you beat me to it....I was going to post this....not a bad most muscular

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

I totally agree with you on this and of course I'd love to see a huge and jacked She Hulk, but this CGI character is kind of in sync with the John Byrne She Hulk, and she might be the most prominent iteration.

So I'm not mad about that.

I AM mad about Titania though. That actress (from the Good Place) is cool, but they didn't even try to give her an ounce of muscle definition. And Titania is always shown as a really strong and built woman.

Either way you're probably correct, Disney wants to keep the girls as "normal" as possible to make the show as popular as possible. Which sucks, as they have LITERALLY every other female character to do this with. Can't we at least have She Hulk and Titania with muscles?!?

I hear you concerning Titania. Was really disappointed to see that they didn't use any CG on the actress. I'm used to seeing Titania being as muscular or more than She Hulk. Now she's going to be a non-muscular, taller than average woman with super strength. Visually, She Hulk will absolutely dwarf her instead of the other way around.

Jul 28, 2022 - permalink

I hear you concerning Titania. Was really disappointed to see that they didn't use any CG on the actress. I'm used to seeing Titania being as muscular or more than She Hulk. Now she's going to be a non-muscular, taller than average woman with super strength. Visually, She Hulk will absolutely dwarf her instead of the other way around.

She's obviously gonna transform. They're not gonna reveal everything up front.

Jul 28, 2022 - permalink

Apparently, hulking out has the added effect of straightening your hair. Those gamma rays are really something.

Jul 28, 2022 - permalink

Now I haven't seen the show hedgeborn is on about the actress I was on about is called Michelle Ryan who was in the UK soap Eastenders and then was cast the remake of the Bionic woman which was a complete flop!

Aug 01, 2022 - permalink

She's obviously gonna transform. They're not gonna reveal everything up front.

I thought about that. It would be a departure from the comics but that's fine. But the thing is the trailer showed her doing an act of superhuman strength in a non-transformed state which makes it less likely.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

I found this on an imageboard and it honestly gives me the same uncanny feeling as the show's CGI.

It's still weirdly beautiful in a grotesque way.

Aug 13, 2022 - edited Sep 01, 2022 - permalink

The more I see of that whole Marvel/DC/etc. live action shit the more I can definitely say:

That stuff belongs to where it came from: Comic books.

This kind of art also works for me the best in cel animated media. No cgi bullshit, just artists creating hand drawn images. This way impressionistic aspects of the artists shine way more through in my opinion than computer apps filling the blanks, like regarding inbetweening, spatial awareness, timing and so on.

Nowadays I don't give a crap about Hulk, Spiderman, Batman, etc. but as a kid I adored them. I grew up with 90s shows like "Batman The Animated series","Spider-Man: The Animated Series", the "X-Men" where Wolverine actually LOOKED like wolverine and so on.

I would watch THOSE shows anytime again.

Furthermore Warner Bros has created some pretty decent cell animation adaptation of Batman like "The Killing Joke" and "The Dark Knight Returns".

Would love to see a hand drawn adult oriented animated show of good old Shulkie.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

^ Good shows you mentioned Fox Kids' X-Men was on fire in the 90's.

Now a lot of these superhero stuff is going woke. I haven't watched any superhero movies in a while (last one was The Avengers 1).

From what I seen from the previews of She-Hulk, to me it is just eh. Yes she is a lawyer but after her transformation she seems to be able to transform back and forth like her cousin Bruce Banner though I'm not sure though I'm not sure since I never watched it.

Aug 13, 2022 - edited Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

I cringe watched She Hulk trailer because I wanted to give it a chance but truth be told it actually stinks. The CGI of She Hulk is kinda terrible compared to the rest of the MCU films and shows that has characters that are computer generated.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

I wish people would stop slagging off things they've never seen. And throwing around the word "woke" like they have no idea what if means. Maybe the show will be terrible, maybe not. I'll wait until I see it to pass judgement.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

I wish people would stop slagging off things they've never seen.

What do you mean? People have seen it. They've seen the trailer and gotten the first impression of the show, which is terrible on both accounts and doesn't inspire much confidence about the end product itself - which they may or may not pass judgment on, should they still feel it's worth their time after these underwhelming samples.

Aug 13, 2022 - edited Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

^ Good shows you mentioned Fox Kids' X-Men was on fire in the 90's.

Now a lot of these superhero stuff is going woke. I haven't watched any superhero movies in a while (last one was The Avengers 1).

From what I seen from the previews of She-Hulk, to me it is just eh. Yes she is a lawyer but after her transformation she seems to be able to transform back and forth like her cousin Bruce Banner though I'm not sure though I'm not sure since I never watched it.

What the fuck is this 'Woke' stuff supposed to mean anyways? I swear, you people toss that word around so much to describe anyone or anything that rubs you the wrong way even the slightest, that it sounds borderline cult-like. It's like how Boomers or old people call anything they don't like Communism or Socialism or how Scientologists use very specific buzzwords to describe others.

If 'Woke' is part of your everyday vocabulary and you use it freely around others, there is something very VERY concerning about you and you need to really take a step back and do some soul searching. Before you go down a rabbit hole you will never come back from. That's how cults start, my guy.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

What do you mean? People have seen it. They've seen the trailer and gotten the first impression of the show, which is terrible on both accounts and doesn't inspire much confidence about the end product itself - which they may or may not pass judgment on, should they still feel it's worth their time after these underwhelming samples.

Fair enough. Agree that if you don't like all the trailers you've made a judgement.

My issue is people angry that she doesn't look like a roided FBB (she seldom has) and people throwing the word woke around as if that is a generic insult to TV that isn't aimed exactly at them.

My view is the show looks quite accurate to the comics (the Dan Slott run at least) and I think will be fun. I can live with some dodgy CG.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink


My issue is people angry that she doesn't look like a roided FBB (she seldom has)

Oh, no argument there. That just shows they don't know the character or were only introduced to her during certain phases that were merely transitory. Like being upset that Spider-Man doesn't have six arms, or Superman doesn't have electric powers.


If 'Woke' is part of your everyday vocabulary and you use it freely around others, there is something very VERY concerning about you and you need to really take a step back and do some soul searching. Before you go down a rabbit hole you will never come back from. That's how cults start, my guy.

If the current state of affairs in entertainment is to your liking, more power to you. But to pretend there hasn't been a notable, observable and declared forced shift towards 'woke' identity politics in comics - and all of entertainment, really - then you're inattentive at the very best.

As for the term's use being cult-like, the word has been around for decades, but I suppose you aren't totally wrong - it was disseminated by the cult of BLM into the mainstream in 2014, after all.

Aug 14, 2022 - permalink


Oh, no argument there. That just shows they don't know the character or were only introduced to her during certain phases that were merely transitory. Like being upset that Spider-Man doesn't have six arms, or Superman doesn't have electric powers.


If the current state of affairs in entertainment is to your liking, more power to you. But to pretend there hasn't been a notable, observable and declared forced shift towards 'woke' identity politics in comics - and all of entertainment, really - then you're inattentive at the very best.

As for the term's use being cult-like, the word has been around for decades, but I suppose you aren't totally wrong - it was disseminated by the cult of BLM into the mainstream in 2014, after all.

If you think BLM is a cult, you're probably a white supremacist. If you're not, you're irreparably stupid and ignorant.

Aug 14, 2022 - edited Aug 14, 2022 - permalink

Oh, no argument there. That just shows they don't know the character or were only introduced to her during certain phases that were merely transitory. Like being upset that Spider-Man doesn't have six arms, or Superman doesn't have electric powers.

I would have at least preferred a physique like this, but the one we got is consistent with Byrne's take.

She-Hulk's physique has always been debated, even before the show. Some fans think she should be huge, while others are more than fine with her looking like a runway model. I'd go for bigger, but I've also defended her slimmer build, arguing that every Hulks' transformed state reflects their psychology. The actual truth is that She-Hulks have always suffered from "Ogress Syndrome".

Personally, of all the She-Hulks, I feel Red She-Hulk should be big and monstrous (but more in line with Ed McGuinness take on Jen's Hulk).

Aug 14, 2022 - permalink


If you think BLM is a cult, you're probably a white supremacist. If you're not, you're irreparably stupid and ignorant.

Spoken like a true cultist. Try some critical thinking instead of emotionally lashing out - if that proves too hard, reading something other than chyrons and headlines also helps.


She-Hulk's physique has always been debated, even before the show.

Some readers might have debated it, but her portrayal has been extremely consistent apart from those limited time outliers.

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