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Disney Plus Live Action She Hulk

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May 30, 2022 - permalink

I've read lots of She Hulk comics. She generally isn't shown to be hugely muscular. Tall and big but not with bulging muscle. She is sometimes shown that way but just as often not. I'd personally love a more muscular character but that is my taste. The story (from the trailers) looks like it is pretty consistent with depictions of the character.

Jun 07, 2022 - permalink

It really would have been nice if they had simply used a muscular woman for the role. The CGI holds up about as well as the Neo vs. Agent Smith fight from Matrix Reloaded (it looks like a cartoon). I've mentioned this before, even the Lou Ferrigno with green skin paint and a wig version of the Hulk from the 70's is more convincing than this.

Having said that, I can somewhat understand their apprehension in using a real-life muscular woman. These women are non-existent in Hollywood, and so one would need to have extensive acting lessons to even be considered for the role. And that is time and money that you know Disney execs don't want to spend. CGI seems to be their quick and easy way to fix a problem... kind of like trying to use tape to stop a leak.

Jun 07, 2022 - permalink

It really would have been nice if they had simply used a muscular woman for the role. The CGI holds up about as well as the Neo vs. Agent Smith fight from Matrix Reloaded (it looks like a cartoon). I've mentioned this before, even the Lou Ferrigno with green skin paint and a wig version of the Hulk from the 70's is more convincing than this.

Having said that, I can somewhat understand their apprehension in using a real-life muscular woman. These women are non-existent in Hollywood, and so one would need to have extensive acting lessons to even be considered for the role. And that is time and money that you know Disney execs don't want to spend. CGI seems to be their quick and easy way to fix a problem... kind of like trying to use tape to stop a leak.

Totally true.

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

Second She Hulk trailer out. CGI seems a little better. And She Hulk's arms seem bigger, particularly in certain shots.


Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

Yeah, it's still CGI in the end. Her arms remind me of some of the female models and muscle morphs they use in basic 3D software. The muscles never quite look or move like muscles in real life.

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

a few shots look improved although the quality of the CGI is pretty low. she doesn't need to be her current comic iteration, but the other usual look for her its jacked but lithe, good proportions, and tall, which is what this is closer to.

just important to not make her a normal looking woman who can lift cars

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

How much acting would actually be involved. If the buffed up version was only used, once the woman morphed into she hulk? They've used stunt doubles for years. They don't act or speak. It would be so awesome to see a huge, extremely muscular FBB, tearing apart things or lifting unbelievable amounts.

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

Agree she hulk should be huge bodybuilder w no speaking

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

Agree she hulk should be huge bodybuilder w no speaking

That would be unlike 99% of her comic appearances so unlikely to happen.

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

I've seen the first trailer of She hulk the other day is it meant to be a comedy? It looks kinda of cheap looking at one point the Benny Hill music could have started up might been better if it had. Is it trying to be ironic and hip. Maybe they should try the Bionic woman idea again Maybe someone with more experience than a soap star!

Jul 26, 2022 - edited Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

I've seen the first trailer of She hulk the other day is it meant to be a comedy? It looks kinda of cheap looking at one point the Benny Hill music could have started up might been better if it had. Is it trying to be ironic and hip. Maybe they should try the Bionic woman idea again Maybe someone with more experience than a soap star!

tonally Marvel stuff isn't serious. last "serious" thing they did was Thor: Dark World and it didn't do very well comparatively, so they've stuck with the lighter stuff, or I guess you could say the last Doctor Strange movie was the most different they've done.

off topic to this thread but you'll have to see what they do with Daredevil, which already has a history of being pretty serious overall, and then Deadpool, which is R rated, so see if they break out of the mold.

I doubt She-Hulk will be any different from any of the shows they've been churning out in terms of tone.

Also Tatiana Maslany is a VERY good actress and did a wonderful job with Orphan Black, which was explicitly very serious and dark, so i hope her acting chops won't be wasted delivering ill-timed quips, especially since she's a lawyer, and She Hulk runs have had some very good dramatic parts

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

But hey, at least we’re getting Daredevil, and he is sporting the OG yellow suit!

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

I realize She-Hulk is never going to be as big as the fetish-artists on DA draw her, and I'm OK with that. But I'd like to see her at least fitness-level. As it is, all the CGI adds is a few inches in height. I can just hear the (obviously male) Disney exec now, "Make her smaller! SMALLER! We've got to sell this to middle America, dammit!" As for the CGI, have you seen the Hulk in these shows? No bodybuilding actor could compete with that. The bad CGI we saw is probably less the fault of the artists, and more the fault of some interfering suit at Disney.

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

I realize She-Hulk is never going to be as big as the fetish-artists on DA draw her, and I'm OK with that. But I'd like to see her at least fitness-level. As it is, all the CGI adds is a few inches in height. I can just hear the (obviously male) Disney exec now, "Make her smaller! SMALLER! We've got to sell this to middle America, dammit!" As for the CGI, have you seen the Hulk in these shows? No bodybuilding actor could compete with that. The bad CGI we saw is probably less the fault of the artists, and more the fault of some interfering suit at Disney.

the easy way out (and i suspect that this will be most of the show) is to have her in suits a lot with padding to fill out the body to make it more "hulkish"

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

Wow, that is some piss-poor CGI.

Jul 26, 2022 - permalink

I realize She-Hulk is never going to be as big as the fetish-artists on DA draw her, and I'm OK with that. But I'd like to see her at least fitness-level. As it is, all the CGI adds is a few inches in height. I can just hear the (obviously male) Disney exec now, "Make her smaller! SMALLER! We've got to sell this to middle America, dammit!" As for the CGI, have you seen the Hulk in these shows? No bodybuilding actor could compete with that. The bad CGI we saw is probably less the fault of the artists, and more the fault of some interfering suit at Disney.

I totally agree with you on this and of course I'd love to see a huge and jacked She Hulk, but this CGI character is kind of in sync with the John Byrne She Hulk, and she might be the most prominent iteration.

So I'm not mad about that.

I AM mad about Titania though. That actress (from the Good Place) is cool, but they didn't even try to give her an ounce of muscle definition. And Titania is always shown as a really strong and built woman.

Either way you're probably correct, Disney wants to keep the girls as "normal" as possible to make the show as popular as possible. Which sucks, as they have LITERALLY every other female character to do this with. Can't we at least have She Hulk and Titania with muscles?!?

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

Agree she hulk should be huge bodybuilder w no speaking

"Tell me you know literally nothing about She-Hulk without telling me you know literally nothing about She-Hulk."

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

I remember when the Ang Lee Hulk movie came out, a lot of people laughed at how unnaturally green the Hulk was. Like, the shade of an ugly polyester suit green. An obviously long-suffering VFX artist finally took it upon himself to reveal that it wasn't the CGI dept, it wasn't Ang Lee, but some nameless suit at the upper levels of production who kept saying, "Make him GREEEENER!" For some reason, I keep thinking of that poor artist every time I see Marvel CGI. Yes, the artists CAN work miracles, but they're at the mercy of the suits.

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

That’s the story with She-Hulk’s muscularity apparently. The artists went bigger, but Marvel told them to tone it down.

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

Like I said, I don't really expect femuscle at this point. I just hope they keep her breaking the 4th wall in. Or doesn't she do that anymore?

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

Most of the Disney + shows have been underwhelming. She-Hulk looks like it will follow that pattern. I'm not interested in this one. Too much CGI and it looks bad.

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

all of phase 4 was underwhelming. all the good stuff is in phase 5 and i hope they don't mess it up

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

all of phase 4 was underwhelming. all the good stuff is in phase 5 and i hope they don't mess it up

They will. They're going for a quantity over quality approach and they're burning out all the CGI effects houses on the planet.

Jul 27, 2022 - edited Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

Most of the Disney + shows have been underwhelming. She-Hulk looks like it will follow that pattern. I'm not interested in this one. Too much CGI and it looks bad.

The fourth wall breaking in the new trailer gives me hope, but I kind of feel the same way. Their version of Titania looks completely underwhelming. WandaVision defaulting to the "big superpower fight at the end" exhausted the last bit of post-Endgame interest I had in the MCU, and No Way Home felt very forced and contrived.

I know it will never happen, but I think some kind of CGI color overlay on an actual bodybuilder (if not the kind of makeup they use for Gamora) would look way better. I messed around in Photoshop and came up with these:

Jul 27, 2022 - permalink

I messed around in Photoshop and came up with these:

Looks more realistic, actually. Although personally I'd prefer She-Hulk to be a little less muscular (as she is in the comics). But the point is that an amateur with no background in CGI can create something in a few minutes that looks more believable than what Disney (a multi-billion dollar company) produced.

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