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New image comment quality filter

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Jul 20, 2022 - permalink

Earlier when I referred to offensiveness I was still thinking of offensive as in lewd or lascivious.

But I see there's another kind of offensiveness in telling someone to get lost or calling someone an idiot, deluded or a dumb fuck instead of simply pointing out that no, she is definitely not natural.

Or is there even a third type of being offensive?

Hey Zarkle,

I wasn't giving you stick (grief) by the way. Being lewd is not an issue for me as long as it's not inappropriate (vagueries I know).

But calling others idiots etc are definitely no-nos or at least should be in my opinion. My $0.02c.

Jul 20, 2022 - permalink

Comment likes/scores/recommendations could be a good way to sort comments by quality, rather than just chronologically.

Jul 20, 2022 - permalink

I've just stopped posting comments. Much simpler. πŸ™‚

Jul 20, 2022 - permalink

This will effectively eliminate 95%+ of comments.

Jul 20, 2022 - permalink

I've just stopped posting comments. Much simpler. πŸ™‚

This will effectively eliminate 95%+ of comments.

Looks like first success

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

This picture is currently named as 'If you know, add' and I tried commenting 'What are the clues?', and my comment didn't meet the threshold.

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

My comment got blocked: "I'll always favorite some "Dirndl-muscle"! ;)"

I don't know if short comments are really so big a problem that you need to have a filter blocking them. I wouldn't make interaction with the community (like with comments) harder though, it will do more harm than good and discourage many people from posting comments. I feel the effect already.

You are completely correct.

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

Arbitrary. One word is enough.

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

> We all have to deal with rejection Cristina. It will make you a better person.πŸ˜† I haven't figured out how the filter works yet either...

haha so you think that's funny?! 🀣

Did you get refused on your own pic?! Ouch! That is hilariit...hilarious and sh**. :-)

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink


Looks like first success

Why would that be a success to get rid of the majority of comments? I thought this was "social" media, interaction is a big part of that in my opinion.

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink


Why would that be a success to get rid of the majority of comments? I thought this was "social" media, interaction is a big part of that in my opinion.

Exactly. (oops - that was only one word 😱)

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

Exactly. (oops - that was only one word 😱)


Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

Personally I think this is over-doing it. Reporting disrespectful posts should be more than enough. But people losing sleep over harmless eggplant emojis or boing comments? I mean if this is such a big deal why not just remove image comments all together and save all interaction for the forum?

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink


I am trying to simply post this: Image is from Patti's Instagram @pattiannie_ifbbpro

and it's being rejected. Does that not meet the criteria for some reason?

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

> How are you defining quality regarding commenting on this site? The definition seems arbitrary to me...

An easy way to approach the issue is to list as many comments as possible that are not quality comments. Then list as many as possible that are. Then draw the line somewhere in between.

Still people keep saying that the problem is offensiveness. My money is on some form of inanity instead. Inane comments outnumber offensive comments at least ten to one.

I remember fondly when I and the guys thought of Fight Club as an exploration into lost masculinity. Well, it kinda is. I later found out that it's an allegory of gay culture. But that's far more obvious in the book than in the movie.

Then the criteria for "quality" should be made explicit before people post. The definition of "quality" is still arbitrary. In fact, if any more of my comments get rejected I will stop using this site and transfer to a competitor. This kind of thing is far better regulated by a human being since we are all human beings using this website and are commenting, subjectively in response to images that have aesthetic appeal. How is that measurable by some clunky, AI bot?

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

I don't really understand this comment quality filter thing. Why can't we say 'wow amazing bod' or 'what a great flex' or 'fantastic backside'. I mean sometimes I make long insightful posts and sometimes I don't. But... who cares. Sometimes the little comments like 'fantastic peak' is great, because then I can search comments with the word 'peak' and find a great collection of peaked biceps. If a photo attracts a lot of short comments, it's because it's a good photo. So searching on the number of comments is also quite useful. However, when a photo attracts a lot of long comments, it's usually because someone said something political and a debate started. I would prefer to read the short comments rather than the politics, on this site. This site is nice because you can relax and say dumb stuff. As long as it isn't offensive to the people here, it serves a useful purpose.

I worry about the direction of site management lately. Trying to fix things that are not broken smacks of control issues. If you want to improve the site, add more tags, include the lady's name in photograph names, but don't introduce arbitrary algorithms that censor comments. Doing that sort of thing is very very difficult to do properly, even for Google. I can't see a situation where you won't create more harm than good.

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

@Julian…..Well said I totally agree

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

I never realised the comments were a problem - there are not thousands of comments being made on each image, not even hundreds, in fact most posts don't have any comments at all and only a tiny fraction would have over 10 comments.

Reporting and removing offensive comments absolutely, but relying on algo hasn't got me sold.

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

Julian, you miss a point that most of us who post on this site are relatively intelligent. In addition to the endless comments about "wow," "what a woman," "what a flex;" the "dumb stuff" that you seem to like; I suspect that most of us can see and understand the pictures without being "coached"

At least one of the chronic time wasters is now getting more creative with some of his comments as a result of this dialogue.

"I worry about the direction of site management lately....." Well, I don't. This site began at the end of 2008 and is still here, unlike many other sites, particularly pay sites, that have been discontinued. GwM also remains as a free site. I came in around 2016, but have also talked with some here from the beginning.

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

@Pluto..... Just wondering..... How many Muscle Women have you been with ?????.... Probably none....

Jul 21, 2022 - permalink

@Pluto..... Just wondering..... How many Muscle Women have you been with ?????.... Probably none....

Your constant ellipses make me imagine that you talk like William Shatner.

Jul 21, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

The nature of the algorithm is not disclosed so that people would not attempt to circumvent it.

Jul 21, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Your constant ellipses make me imagine that you talk like William Shatner.

The overuse of any special effect is bad.

Jul 21, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

To some people dumb is offensive. At least if it is avoidable.

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