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The training/fitness journaling/progress thread

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Hey all. This is a thread for all of us who are into lifting and training. I thought it would be fun to share some of our routines, programs, goals and achievements.

I am a Crossfitter and boxer. While I have pretty good strength, my engine (cardio) is usually my weak point. I bought a Rogue Echo Bike (fan bike) for my garage gym, and I have put more of an emphasis on interval work on it. Been doing Khan Porter's Bike Beast programming for the past two months and have seen some great gains. My goal by the end of the year is to get my 50 cal time down to sub-1 minute.

Also bought a rig for the garage, and will start a squat program soon. My best squat is 350 lbs at a body weight of 160, but I want to see if I can get that up to 380 by the end of the year.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Okay here it goes, since my local LA Fitness closed I have to travel 10 drive an extra 10 mins to go to another LAF though I wanted to go to Dave Fischer's Powerhouse gym that is close to my house but I don't have a steady income right now. If i was closer I would sometimes do a same body part twice a week but now it's down to one.

My squats I can only do one 45 on each side though I did tried doing more though I have hurt my back several times. I do it without shoes on.

My bench press at the most two 45 on each side at the most with a good spotter I don't see anymore. I mostly do 45 and maybe a 25. I suppliment it with incline db presses or hammerstrenght machine (the plate loaded ones).

Back I use a corner and use my handle to do back, hammerstrength lat pull down, rows and etc.

Than the usual curls (for the girls) db curls, barbell curls and etc.

For cardio I have my own treadmill but I will also use my gym's treadmill, stairmaster, or swim laps. Since it's the summer now I usually walk on the bike path on the beach and do a few flights of stairs that is located on the beach too.

Jul 11, 2022 - permalink

Okay here it goes, since my local LA Fitness closed I have to travel 10 drive an extra 10 mins to go to another LAF though I wanted to go to Dave Fischer's Powerhouse gym that is close to my house but I don't have a steady income right now. If i was closer I would sometimes do a same body part twice a week but now it's down to one.

My squats I can only do one 45 on each side though I did tried doing more though I have hurt my back several times. I do it without shoes on.

My bench press at the most two 45 on each side at the most with a good spotter I don't see anymore. I mostly do 45 and maybe a 25. I suppliment it with incline db presses or hammerstrenght machine (the plate loaded ones).

Back I use a corner and use my handle to do back, hammerstrength lat pull down, rows and etc.

Than the usual curls (for the girls) db curls, barbell curls and etc.

For cardio I have my own treadmill but I will also use my gym's treadmill, stairmaster, or swim laps. Since it's the summer now I usually walk on the bike path on the beach and do a few flights of stairs that is located on the beach too.

Sorry to hear about your back issues and them limiting your ability to back squat. Have you tried front squats? Friend of mine has a chronically bad back, and she has pretty much exclusively switched to front squats. You can do them with a clean grip (front rack,) or bodybuilder-style with your arms crossed.

Does your gym have air/assault bikes? Those are amazing for conditioning.

Jul 12, 2022 - edited Jul 12, 2022 - permalink

My lower back feels better. I just tweaked it, I try not to though. I guess it wasn't straight. I haven't tried front squats in a while. I'm short and stalky (manlet as the guys on bodybuilding.com misc would say!) So my quads look big.

We have cycle classes in one room, the standard cycle ones not the assult bike.

My diet sucks but I love food! :(

Jul 12, 2022 - permalink

I just do pushups against the wall every day i am still quite weak by male standards but i notice that my arms are getting bigger and harder so it works this is the first time since puberty that i actually feel like i am getting stronger i try to live on a diet of tomato soup and tuna.

but on a lot of days my friends invite me to mc Donalds or a bbq so i don't really eat healthy and i also drink too much Coke i can't find any healthy drinks that i like i also walk a lot.

Jul 12, 2022 - permalink

but on a lot of days my friends invite me to mc Donalds or a bbq so i don't really eat healthy and i also drink too much Coke i can't find any healthy drinks that i like i also walk a lot.

I used to do a lot of that in my 20's, but once I hit my late 20's and started gaining weight I made a couple of changes. Instead of soda I just drank water. It's not as hard as you think. Just don't buy any soda and have some filtered tap water or bottled water instead, and after a few days you won't crave sugar as much anymore. Cook something at home instead of getting fast food. One problem I had initially was that I was cooking for just myself, but I learned to embrace leftovers. It also has the dual benefit of being a lot cheaper. Within the first month of making those changes I lost around 10-15 lbs.

Make these changes sooner rather than later, because otherwise you'll be coming across many other negative side effects of an unhealthy lifestyle as you age (high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, etc). And the key thing to remember is that this is a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet you try for a few weeks and then just gradually revert back to the way you were before.

Jul 12, 2022 - permalink

I used to do a lot of that in my 20's, but once I hit my late 20's and started gaining weight I made a couple of changes. Instead of soda I just drank water. It's not as hard as you think. Just don't buy any soda and have some filtered tap water or bottled water instead, and after a few days you won't crave sugar as much anymore. Cook something at home instead of getting fast food. One problem I had initially was that I was cooking for just myself, but I learned to embrace leftovers. It also has the dual benefit of being a lot cheaper. Within the first month of making those changes I lost around 10-15 lbs.

Make these changes sooner rather than later, because otherwise you'll be coming across many other negative side effects of an unhealthy lifestyle as you age (high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, etc). And the key thing to remember is that this is a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet you try for a few weeks and then just gradually revert back to the way you were before.

To add to this yotv: have you thought about switching to sparkling water? Back in my heavier days, I loved drinking sugary sodas, but a big part of why I loved them was the carbonation. I switched to La Croix, and I haven’t had a soda, regular or diet, in years.

Also, in terms of liking “unhealthy” food: a key thing that helped me with losing weight was portion control. It’s not really the type of food that is the primary reason for weight gain (though there are foods that are more nutrient-dense and keep you satiated for longer,) but rather portion sizes. Little changes go a long way, and the reason that a lot of people who set out to lose weight see results but regress soon after is because they’re trying to do too much at one time (like completely cutting out unhealthy food.) For example, if you have a craving, the best thing to do is to have it, but have a smaller portion. Instead, if you try to repress it completely, you’ll eventually break and probably binge, which will put you in a worse state than if you were to simply have that smaller portion of it when you initially craving it. And the good thing about doing that is that eventually, you’ll get used to those smaller portions.

Keep at it!

Jul 12, 2022 - permalink

I used to do a lot of that in my 20's, but once I hit my late 20's and started gaining weight I made a couple of changes. Instead of soda I just drank water. It's not as hard as you think. Just don't buy any soda and have some filtered tap water or bottled water instead, and after a few days you won't crave sugar as much anymore. Cook something at home instead of getting fast food. One problem I had initially was that I was cooking for just myself, but I learned to embrace leftovers. It also has the dual benefit of being a lot cheaper. Within the first month of making those changes I lost around 10-15 lbs.

Make these changes sooner rather than later, because otherwise you'll be coming across many other negative side effects of an unhealthy lifestyle as you age (high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, etc). And the key thing to remember is that this is a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet you try for a few weeks and then just gradually revert back to the way you were before.

Well i usually cook myself but my friends keep bringing me food like recently i have been invited to a bbq every few days and yesterday my friend just showed up with a bunch of fastfood for me when i was cooking.

Jul 12, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by damagecontrol
Aug 04, 2022 - permalink

Been doing another conditioning program on the Rogue Echo Bike after finishing up the Khan Porter programming. Overall, I like this program more, and I find myself already having better endurance and recovery doing my CrossFit gym’s metcons and amraps. Also, my recovery has been improving.

Also going to start a squat program. Gotta grow those legs!

Sep 01, 2022 - permalink

Did a fun barbell benchmark workout called Incredible Hulk:

20 minute AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible)

5 deadlifts (115 lbs) 5 hang power cleans (115 lbs) 5 front squats (115 lbs) 5 push presses (115 lbs) 5 back squats (115 lbs)

Love barbell cycling. But man, this one snuck up on me. The push presses in particular got rough. Finished with 9 complete rounds.

Dec 18, 2022 - permalink

I’ve just started training after a long lay off. Trying to build some muscle. Going with a push, pull, rest, legs, rest split. Interested in peoples nutrition who train. What are your protein and calorie goals each day?

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