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Getting girls to flex

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

hello, I wrote this in the german section before - in german of course, and now I'd like to know if you had some encounters like I had. over the last years from time to time I got some girls into flexing, just by commenting on their arms or their sporty and fit looks. was quite easy actually if they were sleeveless and looked like they could have nice arms when flexed. some were friends or coworkers, I even ran into some flexing action sometimes n bars, clubs or in the doctos waiting room once.

do you guys have any stories to share where u made a lady flex for you? or could even feel those guns? I am curious

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

I have tons of personal encounters where I've asked girls to flex and arm wrestle too. I'll try to circle back when I have more time and share a few.

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

would love to see some stories here

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

I have tons of personal encounters where I've asked girls to flex and arm wrestle too. I'll try to circle back when I have more time and share a few.

oh yeah please

Jul 02, 2022 - permalink

hey hedgeborn, lets hear em

Jul 03, 2022 - permalink

I once stopped a girl on her way out of the computer lab, told her she had great muscles, and asked whether she'd pose for a few photos. She legit waited while I went to the car to grab my camera (wasn't too far, as the computer lab was located in the basement of the parking garage) and then gave me the greatest impromptu shoot of my life. No lies told, if that had never happened, it's entirely possible I never would have become involved in the industry.

It's fun to occasionally and politely request the indulgence of strangers, either as a one-off or as an icebreaker with someone you're interested in. But do this shit when you're young and cute, not when you're old and creepy.

I am no longer young and cute. I'm old and cute, but old + cute = old and creepy. So, for you young bucks, shoot your shot(s) and enjoy every fucking moment of it.

Jul 03, 2022 - permalink

There was a very muscular stripper at a strip club I used to go to. I'd tip her extra if she flexed for me. She had a gymnastics background and PHENOMENAL upper body strength, but aside from showing off feats on the stripper pole that no other girl at the club could match, she would downplay her muscles and strength because she thought they were masculine and unsexy.

Aside from tipping her extra I would take her to VIP relatively frequently. After a few trips to VIP where I told and showed her how much I admired her physique, she warmed to the idea of her muscles being beautiful, sexy, and appealing. The last time I took her to VIP, she had an amazing treat for me: there was a pole in the VIP area too, and she had me sit in a chair, climbed to the top of that pole, flagpoled herself completely horizontally and scissored my neck with her lower legs. While hanging off the fucking stripper pole. Unreal.

Jul 04, 2022 - permalink

That sounds awesome Bon. I met a local bodybuilder at the Spearmint Rhino in the City of Industry (about 15 years ago) and I didn't have to ask her to flex, she just did it!

Jul 04, 2022 - permalink

Awesome, lets hear more of those stories, especially with girls next door flexing

Jul 04, 2022 - permalink

Girls are so used to, and so tired of, being objectified, and a flex is very very much them feeling and being objectified, so I find you need to make it less about the object and more about the values she holds dear.

I used to work with Kerrie. Not a bodybuilder, not fitness, didn’t even work out. She was about 5’3”, pretty slim, but definitely had some muscle, including some rather large arms. Mum arms. Those thick and strong arms which mums sometimes get from carrying her kids, and shopping, and whatever else. One day, Kerrie did something like tying her hair up in a ponytail and got a gasp from one of the other women, “OMG YOUR ARMS”. And that was it, Kerrie was now self conscious.

Me personally, I just had to get a glimpse. I knew I couldn’t just ask Kerrie to flex. She’s already self conscious, and to be honest, me randomly asking her to flex would just be creepy and weird. She would have felt objectified completely, and as this was in work who knows what might have happened.

A few days went by, and yeah I noticed her arms more. There was muscle there and I could tell it would be a pretty hot flex too. How do I get her to willingly flex though? I don’t really want to ask her to, she has to want to. How do I add value to her flexing? Well she got the muscles from being a mum, so let’s play that angle.

I’d ask her about her day, ask about the kid, ask her what she had for dinner. Get chatting about all kinds of stuff. Over the course of a few weeks of just chatting and laughing and joking and gossiping about everything and everyone, I always tried to ask about mum things every other day. She has to see I’m genuinely interested in mum things. Her son drew her a picture. Can I see it? He helped put up the Xmas tree. Can I see it? You baked a pie? You bought a coffee machine? You painted his room? Can I see? Can I see? Can I see? I’m always interested, and she always happy to show someone who’s interested.

At this point, lmao, I am not a psychopath. Kerrie genuinely is a work friend and someone who I could chat for ages to. I am a nice person really!

Anyway, the inevitable… I can’t remember the exact conversation but she’s all like, “Boyo, it can be so tiring being a mum, it feels like I’ve been ten rounds with Tyson some days”. Bingo! From there I think I said something along the lines of, “oh don’t be silly you look great”, and then follows that up with something along the lines of at least she gets a good workout. Being a mum is hard work but, heck, I can’t help but overhear the women here are a bit jealous of her arms. What’s up with that anyway?

“OMG yeah they’ve gone really muscly since I’ve had my son”

Can I see? And from there she happily rolled up her sleeve and flexed… what turned out to be a pretty formidable bicep. Not rock solid whatsoever, but pretty big for a slim thing.

Jul 05, 2022 - permalink

That sounds awesome Bon. I met a local bodybuilder at the Spearmint Rhino in the City of Industry (about 15 years ago) and I didn't have to ask her to flex, she just did it!

Yeah, if they're serious about building muscle they'll often pop a bicep flex upon hearing "hey, your physique looks great" or similar.

Jul 05, 2022 - permalink

Girls are so used to, and so tired of, being objectified, and a flex is very very much them feeling and being objectified, so I find you need to make it less about the object and more about the values she holds dear.

I used to work with Kerrie. Not a bodybuilder, not fitness, didn’t even work out. She was about 5’3”, pretty slim, but definitely had some muscle, including some rather large arms. Mum arms. Those thick and strong arms which mums sometimes get from carrying her kids, and shopping, and whatever else. One day, Kerrie did something like tying her hair up in a ponytail and got a gasp from one of the other women, “OMG YOUR ARMS”. And that was it, Kerrie was now self conscious.

Me personally, I just had to get a glimpse. I knew I couldn’t just ask Kerrie to flex. She’s already self conscious, and to be honest, me randomly asking her to flex would just be creepy and weird. She would have felt objectified completely, and as this was in work who knows what might have happened.

A few days went by, and yeah I noticed her arms more. There was muscle there and I could tell it would be a pretty hot flex too. How do I get her to willingly flex though? I don’t really want to ask her to, she has to want to. How do I add value to her flexing? Well she got the muscles from being a mum, so let’s play that angle.

I’d ask her about her day, ask about the kid, ask her what she had for dinner. Get chatting about all kinds of stuff. Over the course of a few weeks of just chatting and laughing and joking and gossiping about everything and everyone, I always tried to ask about mum things every other day. She has to see I’m genuinely interested in mum things. Her son drew her a picture. Can I see it? He helped put up the Xmas tree. Can I see it? You baked a pie? You bought a coffee machine? You painted his room? Can I see? Can I see? Can I see? I’m always interested, and she always happy to show someone who’s interested.

At this point, lmao, I am not a psychopath. Kerrie genuinely is a work friend and someone who I could chat for ages to. I am a nice person really!

Anyway, the inevitable… I can’t remember the exact conversation but she’s all like, “Boyo, it can be so tiring being a mum, it feels like I’ve been ten rounds with Tyson some days”. Bingo! From there I think I said something along the lines of, “oh don’t be silly you look great”, and then follows that up with something along the lines of at least she gets a good workout. Being a mum is hard work but, heck, I can’t help but overhear the women here are a bit jealous of her arms. What’s up with that anyway?

“OMG yeah they’ve gone really muscly since I’ve had my son”

Can I see? And from there she happily rolled up her sleeve and flexed… what turned out to be a pretty formidable bicep. Not rock solid whatsoever, but pretty big for a slim thing.

Thats what i think and thats how it works, great story. You are right, You don't have to force it cause it makes u look like a creep or weirdo. You always have to include it in a longer conversation and make it feel like its nothing special for you even though its totally the opposite. Doesn't always work but when it does, its great.

Jul 05, 2022 - edited Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

In class I was sitting with my male friend and behind us were 2 female friends, one of them is my best friend. It was pretty early since we just got into high school so obviously we wanted to get to know eachother. In that class she told us she was training football. I told her that she must have some strong legs cuz of all the running they do. She said she was a goalkeeper, but the next second she straightened her leg and with her eyes she told me "Touch my calves". For a calves lover like me that was a dream come true. My god when i felt them.... they weren't crazy big but they were so hard and pretty defined. Couple days later we made a deal where i would get my abs leaner than they were if she would start training her calves cuz all she did was running and some other exercises. I got some pics of her calves if anyone would like to see them. A month later she invited me and 2 other friends to her house. Before we had to leave me and her went upstairs so we could talk about our progress. When she pulled her pants up... my eyes lit up. Much bigger, much harder. To this day i regret not asking her to take some pictures of her calves, cuz she would 100% let me. Both her and i lost our gains but soon we will be going to separate gyms and we will both take it seriously so hopefully she will have even bigger, harder and more defined calves.

Jul 05, 2022 - permalink

hey hedgeborn, lets hear em

Sorry I haven't forgotten. Just been very busy. I'll circle back soon and relate some.

Jul 05, 2022 - permalink

i have a couple stories I'd forgotten about.

Years ago I "interned" with a casting company that does seat filling, and there was an older woman that was also working with them, not OLD just older than me, maybe 24-25. SHe had a lean, kind of dancer look. The woman that got me the gig I knew from the gym and the three of us used to talk about lifting all the time. anyways, at one event we were sitting on the parking structure talking about working out and I mentioned I had seen her arms looking pretty good on her instagram (this was 10 years ago so early IG days) and I just was like "lemme see the gunshow!" so she rolled up her sleeve and flexed. She wa smore a runner than anything but had a really nice golf ball bicep pop up on her arm that was pretty impressive.

This one I'm not particularly proud of but around the same time I was at my then-gym (which is once again my now-gym) and there was an amateur WPD competitor there. One of my last days at the gym I kinda waited for her to go get a water break and went over and asked if she was competing (she was) and said she had really nice arms, and asked if i could get a picture of a flex. So she did, I squeezed it a few times without asking (big regrets but thankfully not reported for anything) and took a picture of it, and then we took one together.

Once I moved gyms didn't really have a lot of exposure. Of course I met my friend at the new gym who I've written about a lot (the muscle didn't come for almost three years). Around the time she allowed me to take pics I had this hare-brained idea to do a photo project of buff women, and I was going to ask her, another of the trainers at the gym, and a recent, kind of member who came from time to time.

The trainer said yes, and I went in with her one day while she trained and took some photos while she was training, and then asked for some posing at the end, and took a few poses of her. Another time when we were walking out together I also got some pics and video of her for myself. Pretty sure this was before I did the other one, but doesn't matter really.

The other girl was a college freshman who was in town from time to time, and I asked if we could take some pics in the parking garage after a training session, got a short vid, had her do a couple of poses and got to feel her rather large arms and shoulders, also got to arm wrestle a bit. After that she took a few rounds of photos for me over the pandemic which was nice of her.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by Qim__17
Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Oof, I think I may only do that if I'm feeling particularly confident at the moment. Say, if I imagined I was in a video game or something. I have difficulties with asking even regular girls what the time is LOL.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

I once stopped a girl on her way out of the computer lab, told her she had great muscles, and asked whether she'd pose for a few photos. She legit waited while I went to the car to grab my camera (wasn't too far, as the computer lab was located in the basement of the parking garage) and then gave me the greatest impromptu shoot of my life. No lies told, if that had never happened, it's entirely possible I never would have become involved in the industry.

It's fun to occasionally and politely request the indulgence of strangers, either as a one-off or as an icebreaker with someone you're interested in. But do this shit when you're young and cute, not when you're old and creepy.

I am no longer young and cute. I'm old and cute, but old + cute = old and creepy. So, for you young bucks, shoot your shot(s) and enjoy every fucking moment of it.

You've gotta be talking about Kristina Gaston. That you Tre'? I remember you talking about that on Diana the Valkyrie's website, or maybe the old Herbiceps site. She's absolutely one of my all-time favorites! Amazing physique and attitude.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

I was walking down the street and I saw 2 women a little ahead of me. I immediately noticed one of them. Her tank top was really tight at the top and I could see some upper back definition. She wasn't jacked or anything, but she was definitely bigger than her skinny friend. Just out of the blue, she stopped, turned to her friend and said, "I love this top, it really shows off my muscles."

As she was saying this, she flexed her back. As her upper back muscles bulged out, the straps on her top bowed outward to make way for her rhomboids, and her flexed lats made the top go from tight to stretched out. I tried to close the gap a little to get a better view.

She continued talking to her friend, "I'll bet I can even lift a keg. The bartender at work doesn't think I should bar back because he thinks I can't lift kegs, but look at this." She then flexed her arms! She had some obvious definition as a peak popped out from almost nowhere!

By this time, I had caught up them and she noticed me and immediately put her guns away. She looked a little embarrassed. I said, "I think you're supposed to lift with your legs," and I flexed one of my calves at her. I don't really know why I did this. Maybe part of me thought she'd show off more of her body if someone else around her was flexing, but I guess I just wanted to make her feel like it's not weird to randomly flex on the street.

She turned around. I thought maybe she was totally creeped out and was walking away, but then she got on her toes, in a way to flex her own calves and turned her head back to me and said, "but I have leg muscles, too." Her claves popped out, her hammies tightened and her butt, which I hadn't really noticed while focusing on her upper back side, flared out, perfectly curved.

She looked at me, probably saw my awe struck expression, (in my head, I felt like a cartoon wolf whose eyes were popping out of his head, making an AWOOGA noise). I might have even said "wow" out loud. The women giggled and got into a car.

Jul 11, 2022 - permalink

In class I was sitting with my male friend and behind us were 2 female friends, one of them is my best friend. It was pretty early since we just got into high school so obviously we wanted to get to know eachother. In that class she told us she was training football. I told her that she must have some strong legs cuz of all the running they do. She said she was a goalkeeper, but the next second she straightened her leg and with her eyes she told me "Touch my calves". For a calves lover like me that was a dream come true. My god when i felt them.... they weren't crazy big but they were so hard and pretty defined. Couple days later we made a deal where i would get my abs leaner than they were if she would start training her calves cuz all she did was running and some other exercises. I got some pics of her calves if anyone would like to see them. A month later she invited me and 2 other friends to her house. Before we had to leave me and her went upstairs so we could talk about our progress. When she pulled her pants up... my eyes lit up. Much bigger, much harder. To this day i regret not asking her to take some pictures of her calves, cuz she would 100% let me. Both her and i lost our gains but soon we will be going to separate gyms and we will both take it seriously so hopefully she will have even bigger, harder and more defined calves.

Do you still have those pictures of her calves?

Jul 12, 2022 - permalink

Do you still have those pictures of her calves?

I probably do and will post them when I find them.

Jul 13, 2022 - permalink

In class I was sitting with my male friend and behind us were 2 female friends, one of them is my best friend. It was pretty early since we just got into high school so obviously we wanted to get to know eachother. In that class she told us she was training football. I told her that she must have some strong legs cuz of all the running they do. She said she was a goalkeeper, but the next second she straightened her leg and with her eyes she told me "Touch my calves". For a calves lover like me that was a dream come true. My god when i felt them.... they weren't crazy big but they were so hard and pretty defined. Couple days later we made a deal where i would get my abs leaner than they were if she would start training her calves cuz all she did was running and some other exercises. I got some pics of her calves if anyone would like to see them. A month later she invited me and 2 other friends to her house. Before we had to leave me and her went upstairs so we could talk about our progress. When she pulled her pants up... my eyes lit up. Much bigger, much harder. To this day i regret not asking her to take some pictures of her calves, cuz she would 100% let me. Both her and i lost our gains but soon we will be going to separate gyms and we will both take it seriously so hopefully she will have even bigger, harder and more defined calves.

These are her calves before she started training them properly. Sadly I don't have pics after a month of her training cuz they got MUCH MUCH bigger.

Jul 13, 2022 - permalink

These are her calves before she started training them properly. Sadly I don't have pics after a month of her training cuz they got MUCH MUCH bigger.

LOL, the way you phrased it implies that the reason you don't have pics is because her calves are bigger. As in "no mere picture can contain such enormous calves"

Jul 14, 2022 - permalink

Was at a wedding once and noticed a girl with toned arms through her sleeves. After the reception everyone was hanging out at a bar talking and I noticed she had a barbell tattoo on her wrist.. I asked why during conversation and she said "because I'm strong AF" then flexed through her sleeve a great bicep and let me touch. Turns our she was a figure competitor. Nice girl good time.

Also was working in Gary IN once and stayed at one of those floating casino/hotel type places. Was eating at a sports bar in the hotel and noticed one of the waitresses had massive arms. She wasn't my waitress but as she walked by one time I asked "figure, physique, or crossfit?" With a flex she said "Bodybuilder".. turns out she was a natural competitor. We hung the rest of the night and I'll leave the rest for myself but my hint would be I had a room and she got off at midnight and didn't want to drive all the way back to Chicago. I have other but those are 2 of my recent ones.

Jul 14, 2022 - permalink

Great stories, lets hear more

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