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Who IS Natural?

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Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

i think 1% is too small a number. maybe closer to like 15%

I think that’s a bit high. Probably 5-10%.

And for those who are on the site, I don’t think they get the votes, favorites or comments to bump them up to the front page.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

To anyone who believes being WADA-tested equals being clean, I advice watching the documentary Icarus. It gives a decent idea of how easy it is to cheat the system. Even olympic sports are full of drugs. Since the olympics have the strictest testing around, any other events or competitions that aren't the olympics are even more likely to be full of PEDs.

Exactly. Basically any drug testing in professional sports is a complete joke.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

i think 1% is too small a number. maybe closer to like 15%

I don't know how common it is to look at every upload. A new add, favorite, hidden gem etc., might catch my eye, but I'm generally scrolling to the bottom, where I'll pay more attention to the recently high-scored. From those, it's rare to find someone who could be natural.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

it's definitely hard to parse through the volume of uploads. it might be better to make a check based on tags, but you would have to go through pretty old uploads to get away from the really popular women. adn the popular women also post a lot themselves which is why they have so many uploads, not to mention people posting the same pics.

these days TONS of people are using so its even murkier

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Muscles_Toez and BuffBabesRule: Many thanks for your interesting and honest perspectives.

No worries. Welcome. :-)

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

> > I'd be interested to know why you chose Anavar and not other more usually travelled roads like Tren etc. In NZ, Anavar is usually called the "Girl Steroid" but is that because results are not as profound? If that's the case, then side-effects should be as well. > > What's your take mate?

I was able to buy Anavar on a trip to Mexico. Real stuff from an actual pharmacy. Tested it before I started.

I take 20mg a day, with four week cycles. Four weeks on, four weeks off.

I'm not some kind of pro bodybuilder or competitor, but I'm 5'11 and went from about 190lb to 210lb over a year and a half. Around 16% BF. I look like a really jacked guy and while I'm not the biggest, I'm more muscular than most of the people in my gym.

And this is without body acne, hair loss, or any major sides. It may have raised my LDL cholesterol, but so will a meat-heavy diet and all of this extra muscle mass. Libido is fine and all of my equipment works. Lord knows, I get plenty of use out of it while I'm browsing this site, LOL.

I opted for Anavar because I didn't want the negative effects. And by all accounts, I got some significant clean gains without them.

And to any bro scientists who think that Anavar won't work for men: that's totally and completely false. It exists as a prescription drug for both men and women. I think that it's been de-emphasized for men in this country because (1) it's far more mild and (2) the real stuff is generally a lot more expensive, so less markup for black market dealers. But trust me: it absolutely works.

Wow! That's some serious gains there man! :-)

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Yes taking anavar alone is dumb. It'll crash your natural test lol. You do you though. I mean .. you can recover test in between.. but why not jus run TRt or mildly above an get way better results

Hang on...HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) I'm guessing you mean. That lowers your natural test as well. Almost anything anabolic that replaces your natural muscle-building hormones will atrophy your natural source of that hormone.

I don't get what you're trying to say mate.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

I think that’s a bit high. Probably 5-10%.

And for those who are on the site, I don’t think they get the votes, favorites or comments to bump them up to the front page.

On GWM?? Hard to say. All the pics on here are posted because we all 'love em buff'. All the pics will be heavily skewed toward likely non-natural women.

If I had to say a number...yeah, you're probably spot-on - 10%. Skewed because the most popular are the crazy (no disrepect) mass monsters.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Exactly. Basically any drug testing in professional sports is a complete joke.

If money's at stake - then of course it would be. If my family, mortgage and finanical security depended upon staying competitive in sport...yeah, I'd probably be juicing too.

That's where it matters to me. What Risks and Rewards are on offer for the athletes - not just the testing rigour.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Hang on...HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) I'm guessing you mean. That lowers your natural test as well. Almost anything anabolic that replaces your natural muscle-building hormones will atrophy your natural source of that hormone.

I don't get what you're trying to say mate.

TRT - testosterone replacement therapy. Just taking Anavar alone on cycles while it maybe good .. will crash/lower your natural test. Therefore if you want best result you'd couple anavar with low dose/TRT test. Then followed by a proper PCT with HCG etc etc.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Yep, PCT would be a vital for me if I juiced up.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Of the women posted here on GwM no more than 2%-3% look like natural athletes. Even that is debatable.

For guys, Anavar only protocol is not the optimal way to juice, however it is quite safe and coupled with training and diet can produce huge improvement.

Contrary to what many people think TRT is not something safe or without side effects for men.

Jul 09, 2022 - edited Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

TRT - testosterone replacement therapy. Just taking Anavar alone on cycles while it maybe good .. will crash/lower your natural test. Therefore if you want best result you'd couple anavar with low dose/TRT test. Then followed by a proper PCT with HCG etc etc.

I'm just going to write this one reply for anyone out there who might be listening and might want to try the cycles that I've been on.

You're wrong. You're simply totally wrong about Anavar. But you're not the first person to say this narrative. I don't know where this came from, but let's just say that the Bro Science community doesn't have a whole bunch of licensed Endocrinologists working in it.

As BuffBabes said, anything anabolic will lower your natural testosterone. That's just how the human body works. If you put some kind of synthetic test into yourself, then your testes will produce less. That's very true.

However, you have to take these anecdotes with a grain of salt. If you go full on with a huge cycle, then you're going to have huge gains and huge sides. Some of that is manageable, most of it is not. The gearheads that I know do indeed run PCT regimens, but no one (hopefully) is living in a fantasy land that PCT is somehow super effective. It's not. Outside of suppressing estrogen to avoid gyno and taking drugs to control LDL and high BP, you just gotta wait for your body to rebound after you stop the gear. It's a process.

I've said a few times that most anabolics do three big things: (1) facilitate muscle growth, (2) facilitate fat loss, (3) keep your muscles pumped and full.

Now, for someone my weight, taking 20mg/daily of Anavar over a 4-6 week cycle will lower my natural test production, but not totally suppress it. I have bloodwork to prove that. It tends to bounce back within two weeks of being off cycle. I don't have any of the big sides (hair loss, body acne, testicular atrophy, super elevated LDL). I get modest, sustainable muscle growth that I'm able to keep. It's quite honestly a wonder drug for me. This is my experience, it might not be the same for others. But I think I'm a pretty typical male in many ways.

I'm not going to win any competitions, but I'm one of the most muscular guys at my gym. I look like a jacked dude who knows his way around a weight room. I could do this naturally, but being on cycle gives me a drier and more pumped look that I love. And I'm able to do this without wrecking my health (well, perhaps a bit, but nothing awful) or playing weird experimentation games with a bunch of different drugs at once. Anavar was expressly created for both males and females to (relatively) safely gain lean mass.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
Jul 10, 2022 - edited Jul 10, 2022 - permalink

Im honestly just not wrong. Any normal person would suggest test+anavar over simply anavar. Lol

Also downplaying PCT like you do is...weird. just wait to rebound? Oh jeeze

You even say yourself it supresses it. For others it will crash it/lower it like i said. Like you agreed with. 🤷‍♂️

Jul 10, 2022 - permalink

We're getting a little off topic here boys.

Both of you are correct. What works forone person doesn't necessarily work for anyone else.

Jul 10, 2022 - permalink

Of the women posted here on GwM no more than 2%-3% look like natural athletes. Even that is debatable.

For guys, Anavar only protocol is not the optimal way to juice, however it is quite safe and coupled with training and diet can produce huge improvement.

Contrary to what many people think TRT is not something safe or without side effects for men.

Oh my god that low?!

Only one in 30 or 50 you reckon?! Maybe. Maybe our idea of what is a natural female form is impacted by social media, the rise of weights being popular for girls and the fact we all appreciate gwm's.

But...2%...?! Phew.

Jul 10, 2022 - permalink

I have been working as a trainer for almost 40 years and definitely believe in 1% rather than 2%. I see every day what form can be achieved with pure training without reaching into the pharmaceutical drawer. And it is absolutely frightening how far faith has moved away from any reality in this regard. To even come close to achieving the kind of shape that gets attention here on this website without pharmaceutical help, women have to train smart for decades, eat clean, take planned breaks, never slack off, and live with minimal yearly progress. The mere fact that people here keep talking about weeks or a few months shows how far away we are from natural sports. Natural happens with a period of weeks exactly nothing... at least no longer after the first year...

Jul 10, 2022 - permalink

Oh my god that low?!

Only one in 30 or 50 you reckon?! Maybe. Maybe our idea of what is a natural female form is impacted by social media, the rise of weights being popular for girls and the fact we all appreciate gwm's.

But...2%...?! Phew.

@BuffBabesRule I am talking strictly of the girls posted here. Not the general gym population. Do this fast experiment.

Click on the "See more" link below the "Recently Posted" section. 100 images are displayed on the desktop. Have a look, go a couple pages deeper, you have now scanned over 300 images, it is debatable if you can spot one or two images of bikini girls that are on the lighter side of muscle development. Usually when you click on their name you are presented with other images that makes hard to believe she is natural. So yes even 3% is highly optimistic.

If you do the same on the "High Score Today" section the results are abysmal. You might find one image every 1000 or 1500 girls that you can debate that is natural. Usually photos of Desi Johnson.

Like @Fjalladis wrote above, and I myself explained in length before, public perception of natural female (and male) muscles is highly skewed after decades of exposure to enhanced bodies. A select, relative tiny population, that juices and trains consistently produces 99% percent of the bodybuilding media content. No point of reference anymore.

Aug 11, 2022 - permalink

> Women tend to respond extremely well to Anavar. That’s why it is a PED of choice. It was originally formulated as a prescription drug to prevent muscle wasting in bedridden patients. As far as steroids go, it is of the “light” variety, but anyone taking it should be under the supervision of a doctor.

That is the one that I'm considering... but it is a bit expensive for my financial situation at the moment 😣

DON'T DO IT... many of us think you're awesome on the road you're on now!

Aug 11, 2022 - edited Aug 11, 2022 - permalink

Josi (bicepsgirl_biceps4fun) is natty https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/images/?name=...

Aug 13, 2022 - edited Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

Is this girl natty (


She seems peak natty to me. Not ridiculous, but upper body muscles bulging. Clearly works out hard to be elite in bouldering - and also has quite strong facial features, signally high testosterone for a woman

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

Given her height of 5ft 3, natty achievable at least. Might've run a small cycle at some point

Aug 19, 2022 - permalink

Example of obviously natural:

Aug 20, 2022 - permalink

Example of obviously natural:

Technically speaking there is no such thing as 'obviously' natural if you're judging by appearance.

That said, I would agree, she very likely is natty.

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