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Who IS Natural?

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Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Women tend to respond extremely well to Anavar. That’s why it is a PED of choice. It was originally formulated as a prescription drug to prevent muscle wasting in bedridden patients. As far as steroids go, it is of the “light” variety, but anyone taking it should be under the supervision of a doctor.

That is the one that I'm considering... but it is a bit expensive for my financial situation at the moment 😣

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

In related news, on her IG stories, Rachel Sedwick was asked if she's on PEDs and if she'd train someone on PEDs. Her answer was "Yes and yes."

In late 2021, she competed in Ben Weider's Natural Pro/Am, a tested competition that "requires" natural contestants. If you're concerned about cheating, don't be. In the figure division, she placed 7th (i.e., last).

Your comment about no need to be concerned about cheating due to her placing in that specific natural competition is too simplistic. We don't know anything beyond her placing and a simple response on social media. When did she use PEDs? What did she use? How much and how long? Did the judging panel prefer a slightly different look? Were the girls that placed higher 100% natural themselves?

It's worth noting that alot, most, natural federations only require you not to have used PEDs for minimum time period, and don't consider SARMS to be PEDs.

In all honesty I think it's pointless trying to figure out who is/isn't using.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Women tend to respond extremely well to Anavar. That’s why it is a PED of choice. It was originally formulated as a prescription drug to prevent muscle wasting in bedridden patients. As far as steroids go, it is of the “light” variety, but anyone taking it should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Male Anavar user here. I've cycled it for the past 18 months.

1) All humans respond to it well. It works wonderfully, and spares you from most of the visible side effects of steriods

2) Good luck finding a doctor of any kind who will actively supervise your use. Best you can do is pay for your own bloodwork and keep tabs on things by going to forums. Since these goods are illegal, you are unfortunately forced to "do your own research"

3) Something that's so important is the look that PED's give you. It's not all about muscle size and strength. I'll generally be about the same weight on and off cycle. That's a wonderful thing about Anavar.. the gains aren't insane like on stronger drugs, but it's very possible to keep that muscle mass and continue to build on it even when you're not actively taking it.

But my muscles pop a lot more when I'm on cycle. Pumps from the gym are stronger and last longer. Even with the same weight and same BF%, I look significantly more muscular when I'm taking it.

Anyone who has sessioned with an FBB knows what I'm talking about. Their muscles are full and hard, to a nearly super human amount. All the whey powder and lean steak and canned tuna and creatine on Earth won't get you to that point.

PED's aren't totally necessary for size, but they are critically necessary for that very pumped and swole look that bodybuilders are expected to have. Hence the vast majority of ladies on this site - even the smaller figure girls - need to use these drugs to be competitive.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Male Anavar user here. I've cycled it for the past 18 months.

1) All humans respond to it well. It works wonderfully, and spares you from most of the visible side effects of steriods

2) Good luck finding a doctor of any kind who will actively supervise your use. Best you can do is pay for your own bloodwork and keep tabs on things by going to forums. Since these goods are illegal, you are unfortunately forced to "do your own research"

3) Something that's so important is the look that PED's give you. It's not all about muscle size and strength. I'll generally be about the same weight on and off cycle. That's a wonderful thing about Anavar.. the gains aren't insane like on stronger drugs, but it's very possible to keep that muscle mass and continue to build on it even when you're not actively taking it.

But my muscles pop a lot more when I'm on cycle. Pumps from the gym are stronger and last longer. Even with the same weight and same BF%, I look significantly more muscular when I'm taking it.

Anyone who has sessioned with an FBB knows what I'm talking about. Their muscles are full and hard, to a nearly super human amount. All the whey powder and lean steak and canned tuna and creatine on Earth won't get you to that point.

PED's aren't totally necessary for size, but they are critically necessary for that very pumped and swole look that bodybuilders are expected to have. Hence the vast majority of ladies on this site - even the smaller figure girls - need to use these drugs to be competitive.

You're right here (I've never used but have several friends and teammates who have used regularly for decades). It comes down to your ability or willingness to do research, trial and error and stay across important markers like your bloods etc.

Doctors usually won't but there is one here in Auckland (NZ) who is famous for prescribing gear. Gym rats and athletes sought him out until things were brough to an abrupt halt.

Gear LEANS you up and HARDENS you up like almost nothing natural. Unless you're a genetic freak who trains, rests, eats and that's about your life.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Male Anavar user here. I've cycled it for the past 18 months.

I'd be interested to know why you chose Anavar and not other more usually travelled roads like Tren etc. In NZ, Anavar is usually called the "Girl Steroid" but is that because results are not as profound? If that's the case, then side-effects should be as well.

What's your take mate?

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

In NZ, Anavar is usually called the "Girl Steroid"

That's an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

Anavar is less severe on the body, both in gains and in side effects. Tren is more severe, and you'll need to be willing to take the good with the bad (in extremes) if you want to use that stuff.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

That is the one that I'm considering... but it is a bit expensive for my financial situation at the moment 😣

They are expensive. That was one key deciding factor for me NOT taking them when I was competing. Had to weigh up risks and rewards.

Guess it's up to you Cristina.

I do know that the side-effects for women CAN (can not always) be a little more social-stigma than for men. You already know this stuff - re aromitisation and masculine side-effects (which if I'm honest, is attractive on the right woman but can be off-putting on others).

My only real objection nowadays (mid-40's now and not competing) is that my natural status, which I've clung to all my life is...valuable...I guess?!

If you do gear-up, you will get so many messages of admiration on GWM! That's a bonus isn't it?! ;-)

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

That's an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

Anavar is less severe on the body, both in gains and in side effects. Tren is more severe, and you'll need to be willing to take the good with the bad (in extremes) if you want to use that stuff.

Haha, it is but commonly used labels we use in relative ignorance are usually oxymoronic (emphasis upon on the moronic)! :-)

I've read that Anavar is amazing for women (on the whole) but not-so-great for guys. I don't know why but that's what I've read.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Anavar is less severe on the body, both in gains and in side effects. Tren is more severe, and you'll need to be willing to take the good with the bad (in extremes) if you want to use that stuff.

Yeah, I'm thinking back to More Plates More Dates videos where he talks about things like the Tren cough and how intense the mood swings can be.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Yeah, I'm thinking back to More Plates More Dates videos where he talks about things like the Tren cough and how intense the mood swings can be.

Haha...he's funny that guy. 'Tren Cough' is that a real thing? I thought that was a urban myth.

Mood swings...I've seen it vary more based on the person's individual personality and own unresolved issues than the gear they were on. Could be totally wrong but that's my impression.

Not really willing to put it to the 'test' (ba-dum-tch) so I'll show myself out now. :O

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

In all honesty I think it's pointless trying to figure out who is/isn't using.

True, but it is enjoyable and helpful to discuss openly as long as we're all respectful. Better to discuss stuff out in the open so there's no guilt or stigma attached. Cheers for the input.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by damagecontrol
Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Tren cough is real.

AKA the Trenbolone Trombone?

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

..wait..did someone say above they cycled anavar for 18 months .. hopefully not just anavar alone? As a male though. Cause thatd be dumb as lol

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Muscles_Toez and BuffBabesRule: Many thanks for your interesting and honest perspectives.

Jul 08, 2022 - permalink

Your comment about no need to be concerned about cheating due to her placing in that specific natural competition is too simplistic. We don't know anything beyond her placing and a simple response on social media. When did she use PEDs? What did she use? How much and how long? Did the judging panel prefer a slightly different look? Were the girls that placed higher 100% natural themselves?

These are pretty silly questions. In the past she has been absolutely jacked:

Did the judging panel prefer a slightly different look? Not to sound mean, but she came in dead last, so, yeah, it's pretty safe to say they did prefer a different look. The scorecard and pictures of the top five (at least) are available. It's possible Sedwick had long come off everything in anticipation of this particular show, but maybe that didn't help if, y'know, she placed last. If everybody else had been clean for a while (and not just to avoid popping positive), then I suppose that might say something about something, but it's unlikely. The open secret about natural competitions is that they're not natural. People understandably get upset about the prospect of unfairness/cheating, but I'm not going to be too concerned if everyone is on gear.

Jul 08, 2022 - edited Jul 08, 2022 - permalink

I'd be interested to know why you chose Anavar and not other more usually travelled roads like Tren etc. In NZ, Anavar is usually called the "Girl Steroid" but is that because results are not as profound? If that's the case, then side-effects should be as well.

What's your take mate?

I was able to buy Anavar on a trip to Mexico. Real stuff from an actual pharmacy. Tested it before I started.

I take 20mg a day, with four week cycles. Four weeks on, four weeks off.

I'm not some kind of pro bodybuilder or competitor, but I'm 5'11 and went from about 190lb to 210lb over a year and a half. Around 16% BF. I look like a really jacked guy and while I'm not the biggest, I'm more muscular than most of the people in my gym.

And this is without body acne, hair loss, or any major sides. It may have raised my LDL cholesterol, but so will a meat-heavy diet and all of this extra muscle mass. Libido is fine and all of my equipment works. Lord knows, I get plenty of use out of it while I'm browsing this site, LOL.

I opted for Anavar because I didn't want the negative effects. And by all accounts, I got some significant clean gains without them.

And to any bro scientists who think that Anavar won't work for men: that's totally and completely false. It exists as a prescription drug for both men and women. I think that it's been de-emphasized for men in this country because (1) it's far more mild and (2) the real stuff is generally a lot more expensive, so less markup for black market dealers. But trust me: it absolutely works.

Jul 08, 2022 - permalink

..wait..did someone say above they cycled anavar for 18 months .. hopefully not just anavar alone? As a male though. Cause thatd be dumb as lol

Not so dumb when you gain 20 lean pounds with practically no sides. And I'm not young or new to this. And I have a demanding day job outside of my bodybuilding hobby. I doubt I'd get a third of that staying natural.

Honestly, I'm cool with guys believing that Anavar isn't for them. Keeps the demand and price down I suppose.

Jul 08, 2022 - permalink

Maybe the 1% of this site

Jul 08, 2022 - edited Jul 08, 2022 - permalink

Yes taking anavar alone is dumb. It'll crash your natural test lol. You do you though. I mean .. you can recover test in between.. but why not jus run TRt or mildly above an get way better results

Jul 08, 2022 - permalink

Thanks muscle-toez for your honest opinion on PEDs. I thought about taking it myself but some people around say not to. On top of that I don't know anyone who would supply it (that "S" site who claims he advertises it but I don't trust him). I don't think I'm going to do it anyways.

Jul 08, 2022 - permalink

Maybe the 1% of this site

= what? WHAT is "maybe the 1% of this site"?

Jul 08, 2022 - permalink

= what? WHAT is "maybe the 1% of this site"?

very few are all natural on this site.

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

i think 1% is too small a number. maybe closer to like 15%

Jul 09, 2022 - permalink

Yes taking anavar alone is dumb. It'll crash your natural test lol. You do you though. I mean .. you can recover test in between.. but why not jus run TRt or mildly above an get way better results

You must be huge bro. What are your stats these days?

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