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Who IS Natural?

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Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

Fp909: enjoy the ride lol

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

Check out these progress photos from an experienced lifter who's training for an upcoming wellness competition. This is an 8 week cycle of Anavar, 10 mg:


Even people who have somewhat of a clue about female steroid usage vastly overestimate what is possible naturally. Desi Johnson, for example, has 0% chance of being natty. Anybody pretending otherwise is invalidating their credibility.

Definitives like 0% in discussions are extremely difficult to make. Appreciate your input though - like I said before in an earlier post I'm probably biased because of my infatuation with Ms Johnson. :-)

This raises a valid problem with my OP.

Should I have asked or set up a poll about what we @ GWM would class as material that makes someone NOT natural anymore?

Seriously, caffeine has been on and off the WADA restricted list before. It's a cardiac stimulant, bronchial dilator and simulates adrenalin effects in muscles...okay...I can see that.

Obviously the worst offenders Trenbolone, Winstrol, Anadrol and the 'girl steroid' Anavar are the definite NOT Natural ones. But what about non performance-enhancing diuretics? Are only anabolics PED's?

This leads to a M...U...C...H wider discussion about drugs etc. (If this has gone way Off-Topic in my own post...forgive me).

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

Check out these progress photos from an experienced lifter who's training for an upcoming wellness competition. This is an 8 week cycle of Anavar, 10 mg:


Even people who have somewhat of a clue about female steroid usage vastly overestimate what is possible naturally. Desi Johnson, for example, has 0% chance of being natty. Anybody pretending otherwise is invalidating their credibility.

She Pretty.

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

> Check out these progress photos from an experienced lifter who's training for an upcoming wellness competition. This is an 8 week cycle of Anavar, 10 mg: > > https://imgur.com/a/nE9Y3Yz > > Even people who have somewhat of a clue about female steroid usage vastly overestimate what is possible naturally. Desi Johnson, for example, has 0% chance of being natty. Anybody pretending otherwise is invalidating their credibility.

I saw that thread! Looks like we hang out in the same subreddit lol.

For some added context, because I am pretty confident someone is going to write "well, maybe her diet and training sucks":

  • This woman was a high school athlete, and was training seriously with weights for five years before going on her first cycle

  • She also tracks her macros (which, being in prep, makes sense.)

  • She dealt with side effects like a stopped period, and moderate acne

  • Finally, these are good results from an Anavar-only cycle. The response from other commenters with steroid experience has all been positive (if you look like shit, they will tell you,) and seeing and knowing other women who have done Anavar-only cycles, this kind of progress is common. She also reported a 10% increase in strength, which, if we take a completely random one rep max (I have no idea what her lifts actually are,) and she has a max squat of, hypothetically, 225 lbs before her cycle, that's an increase of 22.5 lbs. That's very good for 8 weeks.

I hope seeing the progress pics of that competitor is eye-opening, because the average woman featured on this site is on a lot more than just Anavar. So don't continue to claim that women like Emma Hartley and Mal O'Brien (that is truly laughable) are natural.

Interesting. Wondering if she'd added in clenbuterol if she'd have shredded up more, but yeah, she looks great. 100kg back squat is no laughing matter if she's only little (she looks little) and with good form for reps.

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

That Mal O'Brien comment thread...phew...sh-it that went south fast!

Jun 28, 2022 - edited Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

Check out these progress photos from an experienced lifter who's training for an upcoming wellness competition. This is an 8 week cycle of Anavar, 10 mg:


Even people who have somewhat of a clue about female steroid usage vastly overestimate what is possible naturally. Desi Johnson, for example, has 0% chance of being natty. Anybody pretending otherwise is invalidating their credibility.


This is exactly what a knowledgeable trainer understands. Great example! Did she openly discuss her training?

She could easily pass as natural, and it is theoretically achievable with a couple more years of strict training and diet but at what personal cost and effort? She already put years and still needs a couple more to barely compare to local competitors.

For those you are underwhelmed by the results don't forget you get a cumulative effect. With another 3 cycles you will take notice. She will have to add compounds once she starts cutting.

Wellness is quickly turning into a steroid show. Judges reward physiques that require bobybuilding like drug stacks.

As far as Desi Johnson is concerned I still maintain that she is natural. She is a big tall woman that seems to train continually since early teens. She is getting close to the 10year training mark. That's a lot of years. Most of her muscle is in her lower body which is a natty sign. The strong social media presence is a red flag though.

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

Eh Desi is just hot AF. I stumbled across her TT account right around the blow up and it was nothing special, but a string of ab videos and some track stuff (when there was a track trend going around) helped her over the top. she's a beautiful woman to be sure.

i think if she was a little more lean i would be on the not-natty camp for her, but she is still relatively "soft" looking and relative to other track athletes probably puts a little more emphasis on bodybuilding than I see. i would drop her in a genetically gifted bucked, though i wouldn't be surprised if she ran a light cycle or two.

i just took a look at what i think are her scores from 2017/2018, so when she was a junior or senior in high school thereabouts (she was born in 2001). I corroborated this with her top pinned tiktok post, where she also explains in comments that she's been injured since then which is why there aren't any recent posted times. In the NCAA women are running somewhere between 10.75 and 11.5 seconds (that 10.75 is also an under-20 WR that still stands from a few years ago).

I have no idea what her injury history is. For this long it reminds me of ex-USC WR George Farmer--incredibly gifted athlete, very fast, did track one year alongside football, but the dude couldn't stay healthy for like three seasons. Sometimes it was a nagging hammy or just other things. it took him a while to figure out how to tune up his body and warm up properly and take care of himself FOR HIM, but by then it was too late and his football career was basically over.

Jun 28, 2022 - permalink

Desi stagnated since 2015, no real time performance gains since then. It doesn't look like she has the capacity for greatness in track and field. TikTok and fitness on the other hand looks very promising. I see she trains on the same team as other much better female sprinters, she is not lacking in coaching.

Maybe she is the next Hatie Boydle.

Jul 06, 2022 - permalink

I came here from the "No woman on GWM is natural", and I wonder if there are exceptions. Maybe they could get their own category.

Jul 06, 2022 - permalink

My gf is natural. She won't n't even take Advil.

That's pump and lighting she don't look like that walking around lol we joke she don't lift much

Jul 06, 2022 - permalink

I came here from the "No woman on GWM is natural", and I wonder if there are exceptions. Maybe they could get their own category.

i mean this is totally incorrect, it's just that the most popular images tend to be women who have run a cycle or two.

Jul 06, 2022 - permalink

i mean this is totally incorrect, it's just that the most popular images tend to be women who have run a cycle or two.

^^^ That's an understatment for sure! :)

Jul 06, 2022 - permalink

i mean this is totally incorrect, it's just that the most popular images tend to be women who have run a cycle or two.

Yeah. I am sure there are natural lifters on here, but I think they get very few votes, so while they’re here, they get little exposure compared to “enhanced” lifters.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

I originally found this on Reddit. The picture on the left is after three years of lifting. The picture on the right was taken nine months later, after cycling 20mg of Anavar for eight weeks on/eight weeks off.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

My gf is natural. She won't n't even take Advil.

That's pump and lighting she don't look like that walking around lol we joke she don't lift much

Beautiful forearms.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink


Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

I came here from the "No woman on GWM is natural", and I wonder if there are exceptions. Maybe they could get their own category.

There definitely are all-natural competitors on here. Musclelover84's lady is an amazing example. Still maintain Desi Johnson is very likely to be natural and our latest poster (Welcome!) Cristina is likely all-natural too! :-)

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Beautiful forearms.

Beautiful a lot. Lucky guy. :-)

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink


Sup! :-)

Care to weigh in on our discussion Cristina?

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

That Mal O'Brien comment thread...phew...sh-it that went south fast!

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

In related news, on her IG stories, Rachel Sedwick was asked if she's on PEDs and if she'd train someone on PEDs. Her answer was "Yes and yes."

In late 2021, she competed in Ben Weider's Natural Pro/Am, a tested competition that "requires" natural contestants. If you're concerned about cheating, don't be. In the figure division, she placed 7th (i.e., last).

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Sup! :-) Care to weigh in on our discussion Cristina?

I've been trying to add some size and it really is super difficult for girls. Due to my body type I can get leaner easily, but putting on muscle takes forever (then I just end up looking small and ripped)

I have some friends who work out with me and are 'enhanced' - the difference in muscle development is like night and day. I definitely understand why many people use it

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

I originally found this on Reddit. The picture on the left is after three years of lifting. The picture on the right was taken nine months later, after cycling 20mg of Anavar for eight weeks on/eight weeks off.

Pretty sure that's fake. Or at least the cycle and timespan. There's some person who fakes and sometimes photoshops before/afters and cycle info and posts on various social medias pretending to be them. They used to post on this site too

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Pretty sure that's fake. Or at least the cycle and timespan. There's some person who fakes and sometimes photoshops before/afters and cycle info and posts on various social medias pretending to be them. They used to post on this site too

I could buy that with some kind of corroborating evidence. Points of exploration could be the phone (if the one on the left is newer). Or if the framing of the picture is similar to other documented frauds (such as similarly stylization (rounded corners)). The fake pictures I recall seeing had the alleged cycles typed over the progress pictures, which is evidently not the case here. The belly button, clavicle, and similar phone-grip strongly suggest to me that this is the same person until proven otherwise.

Jul 07, 2022 - permalink

Women tend to respond extremely well to Anavar. That’s why it is a PED of choice. It was originally formulated as a prescription drug to prevent muscle wasting in bedridden patients. As far as steroids go, it is of the “light” variety, but anyone taking it should be under the supervision of a doctor.

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