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Members of mensa

Nov 18, 2021 - permalink

is any of you member of mensa?

Nov 18, 2021 - permalink

Why, do you get the impression some of us aren't?

Jun 07, 2022 - permalink

Reopened and moved over to the "Subcommunities" section, which didn't exist at the time when this thread was originally locked.

Jun 07, 2022 - permalink

No but i should be able to qualify on the tests that did i score between 133 and 151.

Jun 08, 2022 - permalink

I'm not a member myself (I've never understood the purpose of membership), although apparently I have a high enough IQ. I always thought it was strange that the IQ range to qualify is so large. I can guarantee you there is a world of difference between a 130 and 180 IQ. And statistically, if you are among those with a 180+ IQ and also a member of Mensa, you would be in the 99th percentile while most of your fellow members probably fall within the 130-150 range. That's not to insult anyone who is in that range, but it is a fact that statistically most members would be within the lower range of acceptance.

I imagine it would still be difficult for the 180+ crowd to find others to engage in intellectually challenging discussions, but I like to think that perhaps they're content with assuming a mentor-like role for the others. But this is mostly speculation on my part, as I've never quite been interested enough to research any further than what I already know.

Jun 22, 2022 - permalink

It was just curiosity. I like to spot/speculate on patterns involving social behaviour. Therefore I was wondering if IQ (whatever that's worth) related to interest in athletic women.

I'm a pretty average individual though never cared to take the test.

Jun 22, 2022 - permalink

Therefore I was wondering if IQ (whatever that's worth) related to interest in athletic women.

I haven't really noticed an overall difference in intellectual quality of the users here as opposed to any other online community. But here you can look at the majority of image comments and get an idea of the prevalent IQ range (of at least the vocal majority anyway).

Jun 22, 2022 - permalink

Some people think your IQ drops a lot when you are aroused.

May 19, 2023 - permalink

Some people think your IQ drops a lot when you are aroused.

Which is why it's such fun to try to compose thoughtful and creative comments when, er, "in the zone".โ˜บ

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