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Do any guys on here have wives/girlfriends that are muscular?

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Jun 13, 2022 - permalink

Jun 14, 2022 - permalink

not his girlfriend... check his profile... new muscle girlfriend every month apparently

Your girlfriend??

Jun 15, 2022 - permalink

My girl

Jun 15, 2022 - edited Jun 18, 2022 - permalink


Someday she wil become like that.

Jun 18, 2022 - permalink

Ok, first off? Wow! I was on here last year and forgot to ever really check back on the forums (or my email) until tonight. So many AMAZING pics posted of your wives/girlfriends/misc. friends!

A couple of you read my story about my ex-wife and thanked me for it, and wanted to know more about other muscular women I knew.

I guess that leads into an answer I can give to this question. I never really dated or even knew a "huge" bodybuilder type woman. But I definitely knew a few really strong women with impressive muscles. In a couple cases, they told me they just did it for themselves, really. It wasn't any fetish interest or need to compete against anybody else, and they didn't even necessarily have a thing for muscular men. They just found it a good way to blow off steam and de-stress after work.

I used to know this other girl who was crazy strong, despite not really looking it at first glance. (She just had kind of a "thick" look with fairly large thighs and calves.) Her brother was a wrestler who did amateur level wrestling shows around town. (I guess it was sort of the "second tier" stuff for people who didn't make the cut to be WWF wrestlers or the like?) I found out that for many years, he used to wrestle with her and teach her moves. And she used to occasionally do the job of the "ring girl" for his wrestling meets. She had a big chest so I'm sure she was a hit in a 2-piece on stage.... But yeah. She told me she could pick her brother up, hold him upside down, and do a pile-driver move on him with no problem. And her brother was a big guy... easily 300lbs. She seemed to almost take her strength for granted, like it was no big deal. At a party one time, I asked her if she could pick me up. (I mean, I knew she could if she was even somewhat truthful about what she did with her brother. But I wanted to see how easily she could handle my 200lbs.) She scooped me up into a cradle carry like it was nothing and just held me there for a while, walking around the room a bit and continuing to have a conversation with me! She literally had this attitude of, "Ok ... not even sure why you wanted to be picked up? But whatever... Let me know when you want me to put you down again, I guess?" Another time, she complained to me that her doctor told her she should lose some weight and she thought her legs were too big and were most of the problem. (She had a hard time getting them through the legs of her jeans.) Now mind you, she was probably about 5'4" and curvy, and her legs were clearly loaded with muscle. But losing weight? Seemed kind of crazy to me. I said, "How much do you weigh anyway? Maybe 150 or 160?" She just shrugged and said nah.... more like 200, maybe 190-something? I guess I gave her a surprised look because she said, "You have a scale? We can see?" I pulled out the bathroom scale for her and sure enough ... girl was right at 199lbs. I had no idea we were the same weight, but it sure did look good on her.

There might be a woman or two out there who is really turned on by being bigger and stronger than guys and has that as their motivation for training? But I've got to say, I've never found anyone like that. I think if anything? You can find women who get a kick out of showing off their strength when guys react positively to it. My ex-wife was that way. Once we'd both experienced her ability to lift and carry me various ways at home? She actually got a little bored with it. I think she liked that surprise factor when it was still new for both of us. After that, she was much more into picking up other people. (Like for a while, she took a job at an instant oil change place and at some point, she showed me she thought her calves and biceps were getting a little bit bigger. I thought maybe it was because she had heavy boxes to move around there or something. She laughed, and said sort of! She was telling one of the guys she worked with how she used to carry me around, piggyback, all the time at home. And he wanted to give it a try. So when the boss was away, she let him ride her back up the steps from the bay under the vehicles while he hung onto the tools or supplies he had to bring back up. Of course, her other co-workers were amazed when they saw it and word got around the place that she was at least as strong as the guys. Her boss would have gotten mad about it being horseplay at work and didn't want anyone getting hurt, so she could never do it when he was there. But the other guys eventually all wanted turns getting a piggyback to test her strength. And the biggest guy of the group had her carry him around the building to the other side, out to his car, at the end of their shift. She said he was the first guy really big enough to be a challenge for her, especially when he asked her to boost him up a little higher on her back when he'd slip down. So she insisted on giving him that end of shift ride to his car every time she had the opportunity, until it got easier carrying his weight. She told me, "It's pretty sweet... I don't let him hold himself up by pushing on my shoulders or wrapping his legs around me tightly anymore. I tell him to just sit, full-weight, in my hands wrapped around his legs now." I said, "So I guess boosting him up higher on your back has gotten easier?" She said, "I don't even have to anymore! I just hold his heavy butt up there the whole time. I bounce up and down on my tiptoes here and there, just to freak him out. But yeah, he can't believe I'm strong enough to do it!"

I have to ask you guys with really huge bodybuilder type wife’s/girls friends. What are their main goal with their training!?

Why I’m asking is because I really would love to hear about a girl that is huge because it really turns her on. The main purpose for her getting big is because she has a fetish so to speak to be stronger and more muscular than the average dude.

I met my wife when I returned home from Florida where I did my master and I was dating the late Mandy Blank during my stay there. In 1997-1998 she was quite big in off season weighing in around 180 lbs. The thing was that I realised after a couple of dates that my fetish is not compatible with her reason for building muscle. So neither one of us could benefit from that fact. So my lack of interest for the whole bodybuilding lifestyle (that in opinion is crazy 😜 ) and not an interest for me (protein bars, gyms, eating days, etc) and she with this ONE interest, made it impossible to even find other things to care about for each other. She had a really cute and nice personality so nothing bad to say about her (even though part of me dated her for her muscles and to get closer to Debbie Kruck). That’s another story. 😬

I met my wife and fell in love totally in this voluptuous busty sweetheart. She knows about my fetish and let me have sessions and everything is just great. We will spend the rest of our lives together and everything I have with her is just incredible. She would if I asked her train like a crazy person and shoot enhancements. Everything!!! The things is that it just doesn’t turn me on that she is doing it for me and the fact that I am turning someone into something that she is doing for someone else is not what I am!!

So therefore I’m happy that I have had muscle encounters and talk a lot with muscular women and have them as friends.

So a long text for the short question. Sorry. 😀 I guess I had to write this my own therapy. To remind you: Does anyone have a girlfriend/wife who is muscular because she becomes aroused for the reason she is muscular.

Jun 20, 2022 - permalink

In bed with my girl after work yesterday... noticed her biceps popping through her sweater... asked her for a flex. BANG

**played around with light settings to make it more visible

Jun 20, 2022 - permalink

Whoa look at that boulder under there!!!

In bed with my girl after work yesterday... noticed her biceps popping through her sweater... asked her for a flex. BANG

**played around with light settings to make it more visible

Jun 21, 2022 - permalink

In bed with my girl after work yesterday... noticed her biceps popping through her sweater... asked her for a flex. BANG

**played around with light settings to make it more visible

Very cool mate! What sports that she do?

Jun 21, 2022 - permalink

No sport.... she goes to the gym on random occasions but just seems to build muscle very easily and never looses it !

Very cool mate! What sports that she do?

Jun 21, 2022 - permalink

No sport.... she goes to the gym on random occasions but just seems to build muscle very easily and never looses it !

Very cool mate! What sports that she do?

Like lifting things at home?

Jun 22, 2022 - permalink

no nothing like that hey. Only thing she lifts is the occasional dumbbell in the gym. maybe once a fortnight if that haha

Like lifting things at home?

Jun 29, 2022 - permalink

Jesus dude, what a lucky guy

Jul 01, 2022 - permalink

She Like to be stronger and build more muscles over the year💪💪😍😍

Damn! Is she stronger than you?

Please share her progress :D

Jul 01, 2022 - permalink

No but she Like to build more muscles over the next winter

If you and her would be comfortable sharing, I'm sure all of us would love to see the progress and the finished form!

Jul 03, 2022 - permalink

Here is my ex girlfriend's abs, she started the gym with me and got some crazy muscles in juste few month.

What do you thing of this ?

Jul 04, 2022 - permalink

why is she an ex ! that's amazing

Here is my ex girlfriend's abs, she started the gym with me and got some crazy muscles in juste few month.

What do you thing of this ?

Jul 05, 2022 - permalink

why is she an ex ! that's amazing

Yeah it's sad i won't see how muscular she can become, knowing that she went from 0 to a rock hard 6 pack in just 3 months !

Hoppefully i have a lot of pictures of her flexing and abs aren't the most muscular part of her body 😊

Jul 06, 2022 - permalink

My wife's veiny hands and arms..

Toned ams and body...

Jul 06, 2022 - permalink
Jul 06, 2022 - permalink

I used to, but we split up some years ago. She had a fantastic and huge body though.

Jul 06, 2022 - permalink

What do you say to my wife's legs?

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