If you notice, the image ID's are numerically right next to each other. So you would be able to find both of them by just going clicking on one of them, and the clicking the "Gallery" link above the image. This takes you to its placement in the overall image list (sorted by upload date). You'll notice both images appear next to each other.
Typically unnamed images of the same woman are from the same uploader, and so you can also search through that uploader's image list to more quickly find other images of her as well.
Aside from that, we Do not want users writing in false or placeholder names for unnamed images. It is currently the user's responsibility to come up with their own method of collecting and sorting these. You're welcome to create bookmarks and folders in your browser for this purpose. You're also welcome to download them to your storage device of choice and sort them there.
If you have any further suggestions for Chainer, I'm sure he'll be willing to hear and consider them.
Here are two fairly randomly chosen images that are obviously of the same person:
This one, and this one.
But there's no name to link them. Supposing one of them turned up under Hidden Gems and I wanted to see more, it would be possible to find the other (same uploader, same date, although not Similar Images). There doesn't seem to be much point in lots of people doing that, though.
I suppose they could be linked by naming them both "Blonde, nice quads" but that doesn't seem like a great solution. It would also be possible to "name" them both with the same number, which would make it clear that the name is still unknown and avoid descriptions that others might disagree with. One way to make sure that two users don't accidentally use the same number for two different girls would be to use the number assigned to one of the images, because they have to be unique.
But that doesn't seem like the greatest solution either. Any ideas anyone? Or any interest in doing something along these lines?