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Where are you from?

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Apr 23, 2022 - permalink

Ohio, USA.

Apr 23, 2022 - permalink


Apr 23, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 23, 2022 - permalink

Ohio, hi StevefromOhio!

Apr 23, 2022 - permalink

Ohio also!

Apr 23, 2022 - permalink

Ohio, the state of ARMSTRONG! :)

Apr 23, 2022 - edited Apr 23, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 23, 2022 - permalink

Manchester UK

Apr 23, 2022 - permalink

Brazil here

Apr 23, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 24, 2022 - permalink

Lancashire UK I am long time admirer and appreciator of physically, strong , independent women who are not afraid of building muscles and strength for their own empowerment and aims. Lets hope that society and the media accepts that women can be muscular and still remain extremely feminine. As a 66 year old, I've waited a long time for this new period, where gyms almost have as many women lifting weights as men. I thank this site and forum for existing and displaying these inspirational modern female athletes. πŸ‘πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ͺ🏼

Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 24, 2022 - permalink


Apr 24, 2022 - edited Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 24, 2022 - edited Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
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Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 24, 2022 - edited Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 24, 2022 - edited Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 24, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 25, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 25, 2022 - permalink


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