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FBB blurring gender boundaries

Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

I start here this thread, separately, on FBB who blur gender boundaries.

Of course, that's a question of individual perspective and that boundaries - if they really do exist - are relative. Nevertheless, certain pictures and women are quite fascinating in that they seem to play on that very thin boundary between genders or even create something new.

Here are a few examples:

Feel free to share your picks and thoughts about this.

Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

My favorite kind of women, love when they blur the lines and display masculine features (both actual physical characteristics like strong jawlines, deep voices, etc. And how they dress, act, etc.)

There's just something so alluring about the women that dared to push against the typical norms, the boundaries of what is expected of their gender. To display, sometimes even embrace the masculinity, it elevates their muscular physiques in a way I can't really describe. I find it so appealing.

Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

If they're injecting or swallowing androgenic anabolic steroids, they are in the process of a sex change. It's also interesting to note how manly they start to get in their choice of clothes, partners, hairdos, tattoos and the way they behave.

Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

If they're injecting or swallowing androgenic anabolic steroids, they are in the process of a sex change. It's also interesting to note how manly they start to get in their choice of clothes, partners, hairdos, tattoos and the way they behave.


Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

One of the things that are interesting in this is that the use of "masculine" or "feminine" becomes almost meaningless. What creates the attraction, what makes things appealing is that form of "something else" that is created.

I like these women (if they describe themselves as such) and their bodies, whatever "masculine" or "manly" they can be. And actually, it's also the faces, the jawlines... not only a question of muscles.

Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

A very good point, the terms "masculine" and "feminine" do seem rather limited and useless when describing people like this. Given the nature of not just their physiques but as you said, their faces and perhaps other aspects of appearance and behavior. I suppose I use the terms just to clarify to those who might not really understand that "something else".

As for the subjects in question, they publicly do call themselves women from what I can tell.

Dec 08, 2021 - edited Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

**Gatsby28 increduously says:



Yeah, wat should be more like WTF?....

Take the example of Andreas Krieger

"Krieger was systematically doped with steroids from the age of 16 onward. According to Werner Franke and Brigitte Berendonk's 1991 book, Doping: From Research to Deceit, Krieger took almost 2,600 milligrams of steroids in 1986 alone— nearly 1,000 milligrams more than Ben Johnson took during the 1988 Summer Olympics.

As early as the age of 18, Krieger began developing visibly male characteristics. Eventually, years of doping left him with many masculine traits. By 1997, at the age of 31, Krieger underwent sex reassignment surgery and changed his name to Andreas."


Take the example of Candice Armstrong:


They lose their breasts, they get facial hair, male pattern baldness, enlarged clits, deep voices, uncharacteristic muscle mass. Umm, yeah, they're on the road to becoming a man when they take AAS. It's even worse when they add HGH into the mix, they get big noses, large lower jaws and big ears for which ,if they get self-conscious about it, they spend heaps on plastic surgery to rectify to some degree.

Dec 08, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

I think these two examples are extreme and do not discredit the idea that bodies of a wide variety can be appealing and that some of us might be attracted to bodies/persons blurring boundaries. Which can be found beautiful.

I think, for example, that the women on these photos are attractive.

I think that masculinity and feminity are concepts that do not work anymore or, at least, have become relative.

They lose their breasts, they get facial hair, male pattern baldness, enlarged clits, deep voices, uncharacteristic muscle mass. Umm, yeah, they're on the road to becoming a man when they take AAS. It's even worse when they add HGH into the mix, they get big noses, large lower jaws and big ears for which ,if they get self-conscious about it, they spend heaps on plastic surgery to rectify to some degree.

Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

Study the facial transformation(and other changes) in Alyssa Keissling:

Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

Oppa56 ,I completley agree with your top comment! There is something som alluring about them! The deep voice,pecs etc!! Some nice examples on here!! Jays chest for example!😍😍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

There's this fbb I know on FB who could be the perfect fit for this topic. Extremely manly looking, super hairy and of course big. She really doesn't care...

Dec 09, 2021 - permalink


Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

There's this fbb I know on FB who could be the perfect fit for this topic. Extremely manly looking, super hairy and of course big. She really doesn't care...

Please share a pic or at least a name.

Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

This is one of my favorite topics. One of the key reasons I was attracted to muscles on women back in the beginning was the shock of seeing a typically masculine aesthetic on a female. The clash of anatomy where your brain has to process for a few extra seconds to determine what you're seeing.

Of course, back then, I convinced myself my attraction stopped at just the muscles, and throughout the years I began to love the bigger and more muscular FBBs. And of course, bigger and more muscular means a far greater chance of steroid usage, and it wasn't long before those side effects started becoming alluring and sexy.

Now, the masculine side effects aren't just a "necessary sacrifice" for women to gain big muscles; they are part of the complete picture of what I look for and deem attractive. A story I wrote is about a man going through this very same mental journey, as it's a psyche I find extremely interesting to dive into.

Right now, Anastasia is a great example of the ideal.


Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

I totally agree with what you've just said @bertmacklinsbro.

The idea that 'masculine' (once again, I disagree with this qualification) features are 'side effects' doesn't apply to me nor to my aesthetic preferences. I do find women and bodies like Anastasia's in the picture you've just shared absolutely beautiful.

The question as to where's the limit and if, at some point, female bodybuilders 'become' men is off-topic, I think.

These things are being redefined these days. And the idea that a woman is 'too' something only makes sense if the starting point is to consider that a woman shouldn't be as (...) as a man. Which doesn't make sense nowadays.

Once again. I love these women and these bodies and would even love to better understand the process and what sorts of feeling this creates in them.

Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

Here's a a good lowdown of the outside and the inside :


Hands down, the most common female steroids side effect is female virilization; or the development of male characteristics. As we discussed above, high levels of testosterone are associated exclusively with masculine traits, and larger muscles are only one part of the bigger picture.

Studies show that women who take steroids will often notice several of the following symptoms occurring simultaneously:

· Acne, especially on the face, chest, and back · Facial hair, especially on the chin and upper lip · Receding hairline (also known as male pattern baldness) · Deepening of the voice · Breast size decreases · Clitoris enlarges · Menstrual cycles become irregular or disappear

SHORT-TERM SIDE EFFECTS Females on steroids will notice both short-term and long-term side effects, especially if multiple cycles are used. Short-term side effects will include those we mentioned above such as acne, receding hairline, and deepening of the voice, but women can also expect the following:

· Mood swings, especially aggression · Insomnia (studies show high levels of testosterone correlate with sleep disorders) · Irregular appetite · Periods of intense restlessness followed by extreme fatigue

LONG-TERM SIDE EFFECTS Using steroids over an extended period of time can result in irreversible damage to the organs and female reproductive system.

Liver Damage: The liver is where blood is filtered before being sent through the rest of the body. Taking anabolic steroids puts an enormous strain on the liver, which requires a post-cycle therapy (PCT) supplement that focuses on liver health. Over time, a PCT isn’t enough, and the liver damage becomes permanent, potentially requiring a transplant.

Kidney Damage: Just like the liver, the kidneys are also responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body. Anabolic steroids are recognized as a toxin and are filtered through the kidneys and liver. If a woman takes steroids over a long period of time, kidney damage may be inevitable, resulting in failure of one or both kidneys.

Cardiovascular Damage: For decades, researchers have warned steroid users that synthetic testosterone can weaken the heart, increasing the risk of stroke or heart failure. New studies show that the damage to the heart is worse than originally thought. Specifically, anabolic steroids significantly weaken the left ventricle of the heart, which is primarily responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.


When testosterone levels are increased far above normal levels, mood swings become commonplace. Aggression is the most reported symptom in both men and women. But over the long-term, fluctuations in your mental state can occur. Aside from aggression, women who take steroids may also experience feelings of paranoia, or delusions of invincibility.


The most noticeable physical side effects of steroids for female users are going to be excessive acne and accompanying acne scarring, facial hair, and changes in the hairline, usually receding in the front. Less obvious physical side effects involve uncontrollable muscle trembling or tremors. You may notice that the muscle contracts or shakes on its own and no amount of stretching can help."


Dec 23, 2021 - permalink
Dec 23, 2021 - permalink
Dec 28, 2021 - permalink
Dec 28, 2021 - permalink
Dec 28, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
Dec 28, 2021 - edited Dec 28, 2021 - permalink

I thought I would respond to @derp's comment.

The first thing, let's repeat it once again, there's nothing wrong with being gay.

As you've noticed, the whole thread is about FBBs blurring gender boundaries. You've also maybe noticed that gender boundaries are, these days, discussed and challenged in various circles and places.

Many of the women who appear above in this thread, and many others on this website, have been — and unfortunately will still be — described as "masculine". We all know how narrow-minded and obsolete this description is.

So. Please guys (and girls), share more of these pictures and let's all celebrate these women!

Dec 28, 2021 - permalink

This pic is a great example of a fbb blurring the gender lines. You can tell she’s on hard roids and growth. Bigger muscles, face and even hands than the average man next to her. Probably has more testosterone in her system than him too.

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