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Your favorite (probably) natural women?

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Oct 18, 2021 - permalink

What are your favorite girls that you think are natural?

Jessica Buettner is probably the steongest girl that I kinda believe is natural, considering the amount of testing she has been through.

Jessica Guinan is 100% natty.

I think Julia Delo is natty, too!

Oct 19, 2021 - permalink

Girl in the middle might be natty. Other two definitely aren't.

Oct 19, 2021 - permalink

Jessica Buettner isn’t natty. Full stop.

As for my pick, I like Jennifer Hudy. I’m pretty sure she is natty, and she shows a pretty healthy amount of natural muscle

Oct 19, 2021 - permalink


Oct 19, 2021 - permalink

Vanessa Serros

Oct 19, 2021 - permalink

Vanessa Serros

Mine too 😉 Vanessa wins everything!

Oct 19, 2021 - permalink


Oct 19, 2021 - permalink

Mine too 😉 Vanessa wins everything!

... and of course Gulia Valeriani!!!

Oct 20, 2021 - permalink

Mine too 😉 Vanessa wins everything!

She's probably on a low dose of var or clen

Oct 20, 2021 - permalink
Oct 20, 2021 - permalink

Pretty sure Tessa has used something. She’s a bikini pro so.

Hesitant but Janessa Hutt. Not so sure these days but no one’s seen anything of her for months.

Maybe Cassie Kardias?

Oct 20, 2021 - permalink

Tomoko Kanda:

Extremely pretty, and HUGE by JBBF FBB standards. Retired from competing, but still strong and an inspo for Japan's next generation of muscle ladies.

Oct 20, 2021 - permalink

Tomoko Kanda, Tessa Barresi, Cassie Kardias, Janessa Hutt, Jennifer Hudy, Kristy and Julia Delo sure not.

Oct 21, 2021 - permalink

^^ This 100% ^^

Honestly if you're a fan of women with muscles, then trying to find one with significant strength and definition who's also COMPLETELY natural is a fool's errand. You can rest assured that pretty much every woman on this site has used / is using anabolics. It's simply a part of the sport.

And there's absolutely no shame in that. The only shameful thing is that this stuff is illegal.

Oct 21, 2021 - permalink

I believe Johanna Dejager used to compete in drug tested events. Of course that doesn't guarantee 100% natural. Unfortunately her pictures are not allowed on this site.

Oct 21, 2021 - edited Oct 21, 2021 - permalink

If a Japanese girl competes in JBBF contests, she's natty. The JBBF doesn't fuck around like the Western federations do, they're not all "wink, wink, nudge, nudge". You use, you're drummed out of the fed in shame. You can tell the Japanese girls who use -- your Yumi Sekines and Chie Teruis -- because they compete in Western contests. Some bodybuilders are also trying to start their own federations with looser rules in Japan, but in the JBBF, PEDs are not only strictly forbidden, they reflect poorly on your personal honor and that's a big deal.

That's why most of the JBBF girls, even the top ones like Utako Mizuma or Satoko Yamanouchi, look very skinny compared to Western bodybuilders. Tomoko looks larger in pictures than she is in person (she's certainly much smaller than most IFBB bodybuilders and even many physique or figure girls) and she never could nail the conditioning compared to a Western girl. I have more reasons to believe she's natural, but I can't say much more without powerleveling which I don't want to do here.

Oh, and this phenomenon is pretty much unique to Japan. Other Asian federations don't seem to give a shit about PEDs. In the South Korean scene the steroids flow like water, and the Chinese seem to have some good shit too.

Oct 22, 2021 - permalink

Another PED thread another exercise in futility. Keep looking for the holy grail.

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Without any doubt: Aline Dessine

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Emma Hartley ( I think she is natural with genetically gifted biceps)....

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Emma Hartley ( I think she is natural with genetically gifted biceps)....

LOL. No way

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Also, as an aside, I think this site proves as an example of confirmation bias. We are flooded with so many images of incredibly muscular and fit women that are upvoted, that those who are natural lifters who, while fit and having muscle tone, have nowhere near the musculature of the top-voted and subscribed women that they basically get pushed to the bottom and remain “hidden.” I personally know many strong and muscular women at my gym, who while very fit would probably not make it on this site due to how high the bar is set by “enhanced” athletes.

Also makes me wonder if the guys who think most of these women are natural are lifters themselves.

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

one of the things i like about tiktok is that there are a lot of young natural lifters just getting started. i doubt many of them have considered dabbling in gear. there are couple that are not as strong as I might think based on what some women about their size i've seen lifting. Heather Grimes comes to mind--I don't think she's benched a plate before but is pretty built, about as built as some women i know personally that are about the same. Meghan George is another, and is about the same kind of build as a nother friend of mind who is for sure natty, and has more or less similar numbers (some a little higher due to time training, but meghan has the power of youth)

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Mara Campos Please don't ruin my fantasy.

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Without any doubt: Aline Dessine

Yes, I agree 👍

Nov 09, 2021 - permalink

Nathalie Nichols

Irina Pimenova

Juliana Mota

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