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Top paysites for quality and content

Aug 15, 2021 - permalink

I'm looking for the absolute best of the best. The highest quality videos (high resolution and great camerawork) and tons of content. SFW or NSFW, doesn't matter to me (just don't post NSFW pics here, please). I've been frequenting these paysites for years and I have my own personal list, but I don't know every site out there by far. And new ones will pop up that I don't know anything about. So please enlighten me!

My favorites (in no particular order):


HD Physiques (and sister site Premium Physiques)


Muscle Angels

Her Biceps (although mostly for their VOD's, which ends up costing a fortune)

So I recently subscribed to Her Biceps. Not very happy with the content available for members. Mostly older videos and the new ones are only short tease to the VODs which will cost you an arm an a leg. You can see more on these Ladies social media pages. It would cost you over $100 just to see Andrea Shaw's videos.

I also subscribed to femalemusclevideos to see a few of my favorites (Daphney Carter). Here again very disappointed with the quality and content. Videos are very short, played in slow-mo to make it look like they are long. The cameraman must be 2 feet tall cause all new videos are shot from low angles and you don't see the biceps very well. Do not wast your money on this site. Not even worth any downloads.

Aug 30, 2021 - permalink

https://fullframemuscle.com/ The video quality is pretty good but only 3 videos are released per month, it's worth subscribing once if you haven't seen it before

Sep 11, 2021 - permalink

Any opinions on femalemusclemovies.com

Sep 11, 2021 - permalink

an interesting set up but not something i'd sub too. it's a huge library but streaming only. I suppose you could find ways to rip video or record it from the stream directly, but IMO without a download option built in i wouldn't touch it. the good thing is that they do have a clip4sale store so you can buy things a la carte if you only want one or two things.

Sep 11, 2021 - edited Sep 12, 2021 - permalink

an interesting set up but not something i'd sub too. it's a huge library but streaming only. I suppose you could find ways to rip video or record it from the stream directly, but IMO without a download option built in i wouldn't touch it. the good thing is that they do have a clip4sale store so you can buy things a la carte if you only want one or two things.

I had a ripper for musclepinups.com but their vids were.flvs so I just need a ripper and it was worth it I think.

Oct 11, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by dexerino
Oct 12, 2021 - permalink

muscleangels has alot on there page and the price isn't to bad for a month

Oct 12, 2021 - permalink

muscleangels has alot on there page and the price isn't to bad for a month

Isn't too bad? Dude, really? Are you that cheap? When you factor in the sheer size and quality of the Muscleangels library the price of a monthly sub is a frickin' bargain.

Oct 12, 2021 - permalink

"are you that cheap...." Really, dude, yourself. Everyone has their own perspectives and their own price points.

FWIW, I've looked at Muscle Angels a couple times this year. I may sample it for a month early in the new year just to get a better overview. As I've posted before, I pay $8.25 per month for Her Biceps, without getting any VODs. Then there are a myriad of free sites around, including GwM. Any other pay site has to be really worth it.

One thing I've noted about M.A. is that the list of models is heavy on FBBs, a general category not very attractive to me personally. That will be a factor.

Oct 15, 2021 - permalink

I like awefilms but their music is kinda cheesy sometimes I wanna hear the lady in the video other times it's better on mute lol

Oct 15, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by Musclebabes10
Nov 16, 2021 - permalink

love the cheesy music! jk lol

Nov 17, 2021 - permalink

Cheesy music is tradition, going all the way back to WPW vids of the late 90s.

Dec 06, 2021 - permalink

I like awefilms but their music is kinda cheesy sometimes I wanna hear the lady in the video other times it's better on mute lol

Yeah that's one pet peeve of mine is when sometimes the woman is talking but everything is muted except for the music.

So let me ask these questions:

  1. What are the most important factors that go into making great content?
  2. Do you prefer content that is simple and straight to the point, or content that is more artistic?
  3. Would you say that quality (photo/video size/resolution) or content (who it is and what is happening) is more important?
Dec 06, 2021 - permalink

For me, here is what I’m looking for:

Can you deliver the goods?: AKA “are you getting the hottest, best models during their prime window?” This used to be a little harder but socials have made it easy to find and connect with whoever pops up next. That’s my first hurdle. If you are getting maybe one or two but the rest aren’t ones I’m interested in I’ll wait for it to come to home video.

What do they look like?: everyone has enough money in this business fo gimbals, sticks and motion suppressors so nothing should look like it was taken by someone in crack. Clean visuals and good lighting are important. Using the frame to highlight as much as possible instead of maybe cutting some neat looks out becuase the focus is on something else.

Visual quality: this is less important now than 15 years ago. Shooting in 4K doesn’t really matter if you’re rendering a h.264 mp4 that’s going to play on someone’s laptop or monitor that isn’t 4K capable. As long as the downrez is acceptable And crisp Im ok, especially if it cuts down on HD space so I can put in my phone! I know some of the VODs are rendered with larger dimensions and/or a higher bit rate which is nice when j want to put it on my tc, so I appreciate the option when available.

Do you focus on the highlights?: if you had Blakelee Ortega and didn’t do a mountain of stuff on her arms, or Brooke walker’s chest and abs, I would probably not sign up.

longevity: once you have a model how long are you able to keep a content window open? Some sites died over this. Imagine if MuscleAppeal hadn’t scared off Natasha Aughey all those years ago. (I’m speculating but that’s the only stuff she’s done and never again).

Content: im simpler than most. For me, if there is a lot of posing and working out, that will usually work (again, also noting that doing extra focus on whatever their standout body part is is very important). I do appreciate arm wrestling, especially between similar sized women but I understand it’s hard to get. I’m definitely about different outfits though, and a little extra thought in terms of what she might wear can go a long way. WPW had their signature dresses and shirts for a reason. Lift and carry, comparisons, and the rest of the stuff with guys I can take or leave. Sometimes it’s really good, sometimes not.

This has been the recipe for success for HerBiceps and HDphysiques. Bottom line it’s a taste concern but I am also a realist. I know that women come and go, windows open and close, and comfort levels are a thing, especially when a hot vid drop can make some kd y’all go straight to their IG comments and start dropping the worst questions lol

Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

Does Herbiceps still offer the best/most material? Hows HDPhysiques these days?

Dec 08, 2021 - permalink

MM21: answers you get will depend on the perspectives of the responders. You can see what I'm saying by reading, or re-reading, the entire thread. It's not that long.

I pay $99 per year; in one payment; for Her Biceps Plus, which works out to about $8.30 per month. I like HDPhysiques and subscribed for many years. But there is too much free stuff now on line to pay for more than just the one site.

I may add a second pay site early next year. But I have not made a final decision nor have I thought about which one.

Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

Does Herbiceps still offer the best/most material?

not IMHO. I've not been back to them since the change to the new site and focus on VOD. Their camerawork is good when on a tripod, but the handheld stuff is all over the place and lighting indoors is pretty bad.

They get all the top models though, so if you're willing to pay VOD rates, you'll get the content.

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

I see thanks.

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

"if you're willing to pay the VOD rates......"

It should be clarified that Her Biceps Plus has a multi-faceted pricing structure. My $8.30 per month rate doesn't include any VODs. Otherwise, what I get is a nice mix of new models, and older content that is slowly being mixed in. I'm fine with most of the camera work and lighting.

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

The on demand helps me out a lot. As with any service like this there are plenty I won’t even look at but I’m happy to pony up a few bucks for someone specifically and at length

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

MM21: answers you get will depend on the perspectives of the responders. You can see what I'm saying by reading, or re-reading, the entire thread. It's not that long.

I pay $99 per year; in one payment; for Her Biceps Plus, which works out to about $8.30 per month. I like HDPhysiques and subscribed for many years. But there is too much free stuff now on line to pay for more than just the one site.

I may add a second pay site early next year. But I have not made a final decision nor have I thought about which one.

@shav...I also have the same subscriptions as the ones you described, annually for her biceps and usually quarterly for HDphysiques. Their sister site PremiumPhysiques, has incredible muscle models but not enough updates, so I only hit that one occasionally. FTVideo is also outstanding!!!!

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

luv: I dropped HD Physiques 7-8 months ago. Still like them, but wanted a change. I agree with you about Premium Physiques, but have yet to be tempted.

I took out a one month membership in FT Video around Labor Day, which I do every couple years.

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

luv: I dropped HD Physiques 7-8 months ago. Still like them, but wanted a change. I agree with you about Premium Physiques, but have yet to be tempted.

I took out a one month membership in FT Video around Labor Day, which I do every couple years.

@shav...Carli Terepka, Kate Hart, Allison Schmol and Melissa Brodsky are the ones who sucked me in at PremiumPhysiques. If you love biceps...those girls alone, are worth an occasional hit. 🤪👍

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