Yeah, agreed, it used to be the same as images (post id rather than tagged name) but it changed some time ago.
I think the best would be the name plus a unique id attached to it
This would be the best
This is really a non-issue. If you're gonna take the time to download stuff off of GWM for your own collection, then you can certainly rename the file to whatever you please.
It just takes 5 seconds, and problem solved lol
This is really a non-issue. If you're gonna take the time to download stuff off of GWM for your own collection, then you can certainly rename the file to whatever you please.
It just takes 5 seconds, and problem solved lol
If one or two then yes but if in bulk then it's annoying. Like I said it's a pet peeves. Not an essential requirement. If Chainer fancies it he can implement it. Else we rename ourselves 😊
I can see it as a small annoyance if you were downloading a lot. Mainly to keep yourself from downloading dups. If you are naming them all manually then what is to stop you from downloading the same clip multiple times by mistake. But to me this is a very minor issue and on a site that offers stuff for free I don't like to complain.
Personally, I'd prefer the option to have the original filename provided people don't rename stuff before they upload. Saves getting dupe insta & facebook stuff.
True, but many times the filename is just "maria.jpg".
That actually seem to be handled differently depending on the browser/client. In Firefox it always names it by the ID # filename no matter what you do. Even in Chrome, if it has the "Link to full-size version" link below the clip you can right-click and save from that instead of on the video itself, and it'll use the ID # filename instead of the model name from the page.
Best to have the posted name(1st and last if possible) and date together similar to how digital cameras/sd cards handle the date it now.If its just a 1st name with no last name but has a date it would differentiate a similar 1st name on a different date and the risk is low there are 2 different women named just maria on the same date.The best way other than that is if you think youre saving more than 2 or 3 of the same person just open a new folder in that persons name and save it as a file number there.Then each file will be in chronological order as you save it even though the original image may not be.I do know when I save an image from lets say google search and its labeled with a name it is saved as is so using the same browser/client not sure why it doesnt occur here(I dont code) as the videos can be saved with a name.Saving with a name is much faster and more convenient/organized than typing it in and the few unknowns can be saved as the file # ID or whatever you type it as.
To echo what chipperip said, is this even possible to do?
I want the filename in the URL to be image_id.jpg, like 1234567.jpg (or 1234567.mp4 if it's a video). Given this, is there a way to tell browsers to give it a different name by default if the user tries to download the file?
Hey Chainer, It seems that in Chrome it picks whatever you set in the "title" attribute of the video tag. If there's no "title" attribute set, it picks the name of the file on your server, which is [post-id].mp4. As far as I see, currently for tagged videos the title attribute exists and is set to the tagged name. For untagged videos, there is no "title" and it defaults to the filename which is the post id.
Right, but the title attribute is set for images as well, but Chrome doesn't pick that up the way it does for videos. So I'm wondering if there's a way to make Chrome (and other browsers) do that.
I don't think the behavior is standardized or well defined anywhere. There may be some workarounds, such as wrapping the image in an anchor tag with the download="custom-file-name.jpg" attribute specified, but that might be buggy and generate other issues.
I think an easier and less risky approach is to set the Content-Disposition header server-side when sending the image/video like "Content-Disposition: inline; filename="custom-filename.jpg", however I haven't tested if for instance Chrome would still prefer the "title" attribute in that case.
Is the title attribute necessary for the video elements? Is it used for SEO maybe? Because if not, perhaps removing it might help at least generalize the behavior across the site.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll take a look at that.
Yeah, the title attribute is set for SEO purposes currently. Whether it actually makes a difference, god only knows.
No worries, awesome work on the site. I am clueless as far as SEO is concerned, but I noticed GWM has pretty good relevance on Google.
Hi it's a small pet peeve. When saving images we get the image name e.g img0001.jpg. But when we save videos we just get the name of the person e.g Shannon Seeley.mp4 This irritates me especially when downloading multiple video files. Chrome helps a little by adding 1,2,3 at the end of the name but this causes duplicates in the collection. It will be preferable if each file had a unique name like the images
Thank you for your time And thanks for your great work @Chainer