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Girls that were going to be great but QUIT!

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Jun 06, 2021 - permalink

I remember her, and I actually find it sad for a couple reasons, and none of them involve her not being into bodybuilding anymore:

She claims that since “finding Jesus” she was able to throw away all her anti-depressants. As someone who struggles with his mental health and takes medication for it, I find it to be quite dangerous. Faith can be a good thing, and can give peace to someone, but it’s not a substitute for actual psychiatric therapy. Same thing with people who claim that when they got into exercise as a “cure” for depression. I’m a very physically active guy, and while it helps with my mental health, again, it’s not a substitute for therapy.

I grew up in a pretty conservative and religious environment, and I saw how damaging extremist views can be. Personally, I think faith, regardless of religion, can be a good thing in moderation. But extreme stances are far from healthy at best and can be extremely damaging at worst.

My dad is pretty similar. Dangerously similar. I grew up in a very Catholic household. My dad is especially religious. He doesn't believe in mental illnesses because he thinks Faith is the solution to everything. He believes that mental illnesses are nothing more than an excuse for an individual to not grow up and get their shit together.

Jun 07, 2021 - permalink

Anyone remembers Laura Marulanda?

She blocked from her Instagram just becuase I tagged her in a photo I took of muscle beach.

Jun 07, 2021 - permalink

She blocked from her Instagram just becuase I tagged her in a photo I took of muscle beach.

Well that’s weird but she had a super amazing body though

Jun 07, 2021 - permalink

Sophie Arvebrink

Mallory Malcolm

Katie Sheridan

Jun 08, 2021 - permalink

I haven’t heard a peep from Janessa Het (the braided bodybuilder) in a about a year. I don’t if she was getting too many messages from weirdos, but her Instagram is private. I have no idea if she dose new posts.

Jun 08, 2021 - permalink

I haven’t heard a peep from Janessa Het (the braided bodybuilder) in a about a year. I don’t if she was getting too many messages from weirdos, but her Instagram is private. I have no idea if she dose new posts.

Oh she's still active. She's on Herbicepscam pretty frequently.

Jun 08, 2021 - permalink

Block is a bit too harsh for some.

Jun 08, 2021 - permalink

Block is a bit too harsh for some. But she’s never active on social media

Jun 08, 2021 - permalink

Candy Canary could have been a Ms. Olympia top 5 contender. She was big, beautiful, and had so much potential.


Jun 08, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Jun 08, 2021 - permalink

Wish I could see new pics of her>

She’s still around. We used to mutual follow but after she left CA she pretty much removed everyone from IG that wasn’t a family connection or a friend that wasn’t interested in buying stuff. Not a hard block, but removed and then private accounts. She messaged me prior to that saying if I wanted anything I could email or go on HBC but no more Instagram or WhatsApp.

She kinda goes thru cycles, this is not the first time I was soft blocked. Wonder if it had to do with the guy shes now dating, because prior to her clean out I think she was deleting comments that werent him but I could be mistaken. Still lifting, bulking right now, but no public internet presence

Jun 08, 2021 - permalink

remove a follower feature been available on IG since 2017, it's less harsh than a block - meant for those with private account to cut off access to their posts. Block is meant for permanent wholetime until the owner decides to unblock them.

Jun 08, 2021 - permalink

That’s why I call it a soft block. Like they don’t want me around be they don’t want to be rude about it since there’s no real reason to actually block me

Jun 08, 2021 - permalink

I was always curious about a certain girl, but I suppose I'll post it here then. I recall a couple years ago there was this massive teen girl called Romina Costanza. She instantly became one of my favs but unfortunately most of her stuff kept getting deleted, such as social media and youtube vids featuring her. Then some time passes, she posts new vids, has a new social media account and there are even more recent images of her on girlswithmuscle, but once again she vanishes. I'm mostly wondering if someone knows what happened to her and/or if someone actually backed up her stuff. Since I actually found a couple vids of her uploaded onto pornhub before the website got most of those vids deleted anyway.

Jun 09, 2021 - permalink

I remember my beloved Sarah Moon, I adored her legs, arms and abs, she could have become a formidable athlete

Jun 11, 2021 - permalink

Nadia Amy is a personal favorite… She didn’t really quit but she lost a lot of muscle when she got in a relationship and it seems she’s off social media now so I don’t know if she really quit

Jun 11, 2021 - permalink

She probably is still lifting just spending less time on social media. I think she’s close to finishing her degree if she hasn’t already so that’s probably taking time. Also dating. She’s dating a guy that’s a bit older than her and it looks like she’s gone through quite a few changes. They’ve opened two businesses together (looks like both training related and one might be a studio), found religion (not that I think that’s bad, I’m Christian myself but it might have made her a little less engaged in social, especially if she’s dating). Also she got a pretty large forearm tatt, maybe after they started dating. That’s not a big change itself but idk if she was ever planning on getting ink before that, and the guy is pretty tatted up.

She posted a lot last year but not this year, it looks like. At least you can date her photos with the sleeves since it was added last year. Stil has pretty big arms but overall not as swole looking as a few years ago

Aug 10, 2021 - edited Aug 10, 2021 - permalink

> i dont know if this counts but I feel compelled to mention Anne Freitas's downsizing. She used to be massive. > > Anne Freitas long ago > > >

> > Now > > >

You can tell she’s still training hard but is tapering down the PEDs. No matter how closely your monitor your usage and bloodwork, it’s not good in the long term.

Anne Freitas retired from the FBB scene because she miss being a girly girl. Also, it's very expensive to maintain her FBB figure year round.

Another FBB whose since quit is Laura Binetti. She was hardcore in her prime back in the 1990's. She now works as a personal trainer. Here is her website regard her personal training program. Here is the most recent picture of Laura as she is today:

Laura Binetti: Personal Fitness Trainer

Not bad for a woman whose 56 years old...

Aug 10, 2021 - permalink

Something of interest - Dani Reardon talked about how she’s been working out again on Instagram. Whether or not she’ll compete, she’s unsure. Right now, she likes working out with a different mindset - training to be healthy, not for looks. But she says that bodybuilding itch pops up every now and then.

Aug 10, 2021 - permalink

Something of interest - Dani Reardon talked about how she’s been working out again on Instagram. Whether or not she’ll compete, she’s unsure. Right now, she likes working out with a different mindset - training to be healthy, not for looks. But she says that bodybuilding itch pops up every now and then.

She still has time to jump back in, she's not too old yet. Strike while the iron's hot, as they say.

Aug 10, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by damagecontrol
Aug 10, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by frufan
Aug 10, 2021 - permalink

> Wondering if anyone here remembers Ashton Housley. I believe she had some personal issues and became a born again Christian last October. She was a personal favorite and had a lot of potential in figure. She wiped everything from her fitness career off her Instagram and now spends her days evangelizing. Kind of a shame to see that one of the church leaders she associates with posts conspiracy theories about covid... > > > >

I remember her, and I actually find it sad for a couple reasons, and none of them involve her not being into bodybuilding anymore:

She claims that since “finding Jesus” she was able to throw away all her anti-depressants. As someone who struggles with his mental health and takes medication for it, I find it to be quite dangerous. Faith can be a good thing, and can give peace to someone, but it’s not a substitute for actual psychiatric therapy. Same thing with people who claim that when they got into exercise as a “cure” for depression. I’m a very physically active guy, and while it helps with my mental health, again, it’s not a substitute for therapy.

I grew up in a pretty conservative and religious environment, and I saw how damaging extremist views can be. Personally, I think faith, regardless of religion, can be a good thing in moderation. But extreme stances are far from healthy at best and can be extremely damaging at worst.

OMG wow that's SO bad! I had no idea. I always liked how cool and funny she was.

Just looked at her Instagram, and it's pretty much a testament to how mentally unwell she is. What a shame, and hopefully she breaks free of that scene.

Aug 10, 2021 - permalink

Eva Kovalainen comes to mind. She burst on the scene real quick and then just as quickly vanished.

Oh yeah she was amazing! Such a pretty face and great muscles. I remember reading that she transitioned into a male. Here's a thread on it, though maybe take this with a grain of salt...


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