I love all these forearm pics and vids. Muscular female forearms are so hot and it's great to see them being appreciated. 👍😁
I really agree, I think it makes the bodybuilder. It's the finishing touch to these muscular female bodybuilders ! Well said lovembuff!
@Downtolift... muscular forearms are the first thing I notice on a woman who is mostly covered up. I dated a woman who worked for a chiropractor years ago. I could only see her hands and part of her vascular forearms, while she was writing on a page at the front desk. I later did work for that chiropractor and she met me there, when the office was closed, for an estimate of my work. After office hours, she was dressed casual, in a sleeveless sun dress. My Femuscle radar was 100% correct. In that sleeveless dress, her muscular arms were now fully exposed! That was enough for me. I asked her out and she accepted. Turns out that she was a gymnast growing up and she continued her healthy lifestyle later in life, by hitting the weights at the gym. She was in her early 40s and hard as a rock, you could bounce a quarter off her butt!! She could never understand my infatuation for her muscles unfortunately. Sadly it didn't last long. Not because I fawned over her muscles...she just had some serious issues, that I couldn't deal with.
@lovembuff... I like your story because mine also involves a chiropractor office. This lady was the office manager and although she was very attractive, I had no idea she was a low-level fab until at one of my sessions, she told me about an upcoming local competition, and would I come out and support her. Of course I said yes. When I saw her onstage in her competition bikini, I literally swooned. Some time later I asked her to dinner, and she said yes. It never got romantic - I am quite a bit older than her - but we are still friends and I have an "in" at local competitions.
Priscila Kavaleski