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The Uberbabe Movies

May 23, 2021 - permalink

Ooo. I didn't know that Cory had done a few movies. I will have to bring her name up on the web then. That is how I found out about RoboWoman with Sue Price. That movie sounds like fun. Instead of Nemesis 4 which everyone here kinda views as porn. I think I've seen like 3 porno flicks in my life. Deep Throat out of curiosity and I don't even remember the others. Not my cup of tea.

May 23, 2021 - edited May 23, 2021 - permalink

That Ballistic movie also stars Marjean Holden. She's not really muscular, but she's six feet tall and very fit. She kicks butt in this movie, although I've only seen a few clips.


May 23, 2021 - permalink

Cool. The action movies are the best for these babes. They are literally built for it. And they look fantastic. I'll say this once and get it out of my system: It has been over forty fucking years since Rachel arrived! When is Hollywood going to realize that a lot of women want to look like this?! And a lot of us like them! They aren't going away! So wake up world and get with the program!!

Ok, I'm back now...but really...

May 24, 2021 - permalink

An old fav of mine is "The Attack of the Fifty Foot Kristi". It was a 50's movie, but it was ahead of it's time since she wasn't born until the late 70's. If it's not what you like, give it a few. She can grow on you. ;)

May 24, 2021 - permalink

Man that is an intimidating look. I know there are at least six Pugh people that never want to see that look. Kristi says she only did that movie as a contractual obligation. She said it promotes steroid use because any girl that grows to 50 foot tall must be taking something. So she refused to do the sequel. Kristi has her eyes on the She Hulk movie as her next project anyway. 😎

May 24, 2021 - permalink

Ok. Denise Masino is really a nice lady. When the DVD of Adventures Of Miss Fit showed up today it was really cool. She signed the insert/front cover. And actually included a hand written card. And a tiny still photo of Miss Fit. Now how nice is that? 😎

May 24, 2021 - permalink

Man that is an intimidating look. I know there are at least six Pugh people that never want to see that look. Kristi says she only did that movie as a contractual obligation. She said it promotes steroid use because any girl that grows to 50 foot tall must be taking something. So she refused to do the sequel. Kristi has her eyes on the She Hulk movie as her next project anyway. 😎

The judges said they wanted to see her with more size. So she added 45 feet, and said "How's this?" ;)

May 24, 2021 - permalink

Lol. Well I guess if she passes the drug test afterwards who's going to notice anything?

May 25, 2021 - permalink

Iron Eagle III started Rachel McLish

May 25, 2021 - permalink

O yes. I have watched the "Rachel breaks free" scene a lot.

May 25, 2021 - permalink

Cory Everson is so perfect.

May 25, 2021 - permalink

Boy, this one took a lot of research. I was fairly sure of the title , but couldn't find it anywhere. I couldn't remember the bodybuilder star, (Kerstin Khalfani) but remembered another bodybuilder that had a small part as a cop. It took a while but finally got Lauren Powers as the cop and then the movie title: Close Encounters of the 4th Kind: Infestation from Mars (2004). I even remembered it was filmed in Sandusky, Ohio, but nothing came up for Movies filmed in Sandusky. Anyway, the full movie is on Youtube

May 25, 2021 - permalink

Really? I didn't know Kay Baxter ever did movies. That gives me something else to look for. I did order Denise Masino's Adventures Of Miss Fit. From what I read it is supposed to be a different slant/take on the super hero genre. 😎

Both movies very cheesy. Kay Baxter looks great in both with bikini-like outfits showing a lot of muscle. In Maid of Metal she faces a guy who punches her in the stomach, and she barely flinches. Guy:"That shot would have felled a New York cop." Kay: "I'm not from New York"

May 25, 2021 - permalink

Interesting abman. You are right. Even eBay doesn't have 4th Kind in stock. The description says, "She goes on a killing rampage and is finally confronted at Cedar Point Amusement Park just as she threatens to infest the world!" Cedar Point in Ohio is the only amusement park within driving distance of Detroit. I have spent many summers there. Just how close did I come to being infested? That's scary. I kind of have to see this movie now.

May 26, 2021 - permalink

Thanks yotv. I'll put that on my "to buy" list. This WASP #23 from 1978 lists a 1957 Viking Women Vs the Sea Serpent ~ "Actress Abby Dalton runs around wearing a sleeveless top and cutoffs throughout the entire film. Abby is the most beautifully muscled actress I've ever seen. Her biceps and deltoids are outstanding and her legs and abs are great too. In one scene she defeats a man in arm-wrestling. In 1957!" Sounded interesting and only cost $12 on eBay. I'll let people know how it is.

LOL, I first discovered that movie when someone parodied it on youtube for how bad it was, but I immmediately noticed the actress even in those few clips included in the video.

May 26, 2021 - permalink

Amsterdam Heavy features Belgian gymnast Chloe Henry as a henchwoman for the bad guy. Unfortunately she is not in many scenes, but her arms and shoulders are really buff in the movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNyS4dv_C5Y

May 26, 2021 - permalink

Amsterdam Heavy features Belgian gymnast Chloe Henry as a henchwoman for the bad guy. Unfortunately she is not in many scenes, but her arms and shoulders are really buff in the movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNyS4dv_C5Y

That was a pretty sexy scene, but the camera does a lot of Bourne movie nonsense and changes cameras every 2 seconds. It ruins the effect of the fight.

But it was very sexy when she asks the other girl "want some?"

May 26, 2021 - permalink

That does remind me, didn't Chyna do a movie? I do remember her turning up on Third Rock From The Sun a few times.

May 27, 2021 - permalink

Didn't she play a dainty ballerina in something?

May 27, 2021 - permalink

On the TV show? I really don't remember what her job was. I thought she was Harry's girl or something. I do remember Sally was going to rough her up or something like that. Nope. That wasn't gonna happen. 😆

May 27, 2021 - permalink

No, I was just kidding. I think there was a movie in which she played an alien assassin, or something like that. It was just so riveting that I can't remember anything more than that.

May 27, 2021 - permalink

Don't forget about Nikki Fuller in the TV series Arli$$

May 27, 2021 - permalink

Nikki was in a TV series? I'll have to see if I can find that. It should be on YouTube.

May 27, 2021 - permalink

This is interesting though. Denise Masino's Adventures Of Miss Fit is actually a documentary. "To explore the underground world of costumed crime fighters that call themselves real-life superheroes." Well obviously Kristi is going to be in here somewhere. I do hope they have her outtakes on here also. 📼

May 28, 2021 - permalink

Oh hey, here's one, actually three, that I just remembered. "Chameleon" (1998) - starring the very beautiful Bobbie Phillips. Phillips portrays "Kam", a genetically engineered female who has enhanced strength, agility, and she can "disappear" by blending with her surroundings. Hence the chameleon name.

This was a pretty good flick as I recall. Not one of those typical films where the budget for coffee was more than they paid the actors and film crew. Phillips is a decent actress, and she looks great here. She's in great shape and fairly muscular. She is also a trained martial artist and reportedly did most, if not all of her fight scenes.

The first movie is on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS4OpW_aliw&t=484s

There were also two sequels "Chameleon II: Death Match" (1999) and "Chameleon III: Dark Angel" (2000). I'm not sure if I ever saw those or not. I did not find either of those full length on YT, but they may be out there.

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