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Predictions for the world of female muscle in 2041

May 09, 2021 - permalink

What do you think it will be like?

I think women's figure competitors will look like today's women's physique competitors, and the physique competitors will be as big as today's female bodybuilders. The FBBs of 2041 will be the size of today's male classic physique bodybuilders.

May 09, 2021 - permalink

I don't know, I think it'll reverse

May 09, 2021 - permalink

I don’t think it will reverse at all. In fact, with better supplements/drugs, and more and more women being introduced at a young age, there will be bigger/stronger women. Even now, women are entering open powerlifting meets by weight class against men and dominating. In twenty years, there will be some women who could win a male bodybuilding contest of today.

May 09, 2021 - permalink

FBBs are already being told by judges to downsize, so why are thry going to be bigger in 2041?

May 09, 2021 - permalink

It's almost impossible to predict what will happen next month. Even if everything in the world was normal right now, I'd say you'd be better off trying to predict the sport in another 5, maybe 10 years max.

May 09, 2021 - permalink

Arnold Schwarzenegger will come out as trans and the history of female Bodybuilding will be rewritten.

May 09, 2021 - permalink

Sadly many will abuse PEDs to the extreme tons more tats and piercings and shaved heads and whatever else for some they will turn it into a show like has never been seen before but there will always be the girls that know what they are doing and for those the best female muscle that has ever walked the earth will be around in 2041. Contest results won't even matter, the days where a small handful of judges who get to decide who thrives and who withers will be completely ended. Girls with a million followers won't even bother with contest results. Utterly beautiful girls that normally would have gone into modeling and acting today will see muscle as a way they can control their own paths to fame and fortune. They will start early with a nip here and a tuck there, wise use of supplementation and media use, the best is yet to come. Some of the girls already look better than the fantasy artists can draw. And they will be so strong as well. The best is yet to come.

May 09, 2021 - permalink

"The best is yet to come."

You promised "tons more tats and piercings and shaved heads and whatever else for some they will turn it into a show like has never been seen before", so I'm sold.

Bring it on!

May 09, 2021 - permalink

Sadly many will abuse PEDs to the extreme tons more tats and piercings and shaved heads and whatever else for some they will turn it into a show like has never been seen before but there will always be the girls that know what they are doing and for those the best female muscle that has ever walked the earth will be around in 2041. Contest results won't even matter, the days where a small handful of judges who get to decide who thrives and who withers will be completely ended. Girls with a million followers won't even bother with contest results. Utterly beautiful girls that normally would have gone into modeling and acting today will see muscle as a way they can control their own paths to fame and fortune. They will start early with a nip here and a tuck there, wise use of supplementation and media use, the best is yet to come. Some of the girls already look better than the fantasy artists can draw. And they will be so strong as well. The best is yet to come.

I like the way you think!

May 09, 2021 - permalink

I am going to assume it will be similar to today but there will probably be way more muscular women than there are today because the world population keeps growing and in many poorer countries bodybuilding will become more mainstream so you will see more fbbs from Africa and south east Asia.

May 09, 2021 - permalink

Arnold Schwarzenegger will come out as trans and the history of female Bodybuilding will be rewritten.

Solid prediction! LOL! Your answer wins the Internet for today.

May 09, 2021 - permalink

I think you’re spot on. 1990-2010 saw some serious size but it was few and far between. It’s becoming more the norm, and I think it’ll continue that way versus some sort of cartoon proportion fantasy

I am going to assume it will be similar to today but there will probably be way more muscular women than there are today because the world population keeps growing and in many poorer countries bodybuilding will become more mainstream so you will see more fbbs from Africa and south east Asia.

May 09, 2021 - permalink

figure competitors are basically almost physique competitors right now. many of them are lying to themselves about where they belong lol. if i had to guess a lot of them like the more "girly" stuff of heels and jewelry of figure.

my prediction is you'll see a lot of competitive powerbuilders--crossover powerlifting/bodybuilding athletes that have a lot of influence from women in their mid 20s now. Prime example is Hunter Henderson who is prepping for her first bodybuilding show, and two weeks ago squatted 650 pounds at 165# BW, which is insane. She's one of the top 2 strongest women in history but has a pretty outrageous physique. Usually with those weights we're used to seeing some pretty heavyset people.

here's an out-there prediction: bodybuilding will become less extreme in the execution, or at least have a less extreme division added for people who don't want to get bone dry. I've asked a few crossfit competitors who would do well in figure or wellness what they thought about competing and they thought the whole process was too obsessive (ironic). so you're looking at some kind of aesthetic class with a healthier, more achievable look. personally something i'd love to see to get some of these women who refuse to touch bodybuilding with a ten foot pole flexing excellent physiques (cough, Feerozah Saghafi cough)

May 10, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
May 10, 2021 - permalink

...why so far into the future lol? Like cgsweat said, better we ask about 2025 or so.

May 11, 2021 - permalink

Training, nutrition, and drug regiments are only getting better. If the popularity of female fitness/physique/bodybuilding continues to rise on social media like it is now, we will see more genetic rarities exploit their potential. Future physique girls will likely all have genetics equal to or better than Shanique Grant, and superior resources. We may even see a 6 ft 300 pound woman with proportions like Shanique who only need a small dose of anavar to get that way. It's theoretically possible (e.g. myostatin deficiency), just highly improbable since those genetics are rare even in men, and societal barriers exist.

The biggest impact I see will be in the more average people. Today you can find muscular women guaranteed by simply going to wholefoods, or on a hike. Couldn't do that 15 ish years ago.

May 11, 2021 - permalink

Or if you look at it like you would other professional sports the freaks will intermingle with the freaks. That’s how you get Christian Mccaffrey. It’s not quite i eugenics but it might as well be. The more women that are exposed to athletics the more chances for them to shack up with athletic guys and have athletic kids with great genetics

May 11, 2021 - permalink

Green_Tea is spot on. Go to a healthy food store and you will see a lot of girls with muscle some with remarkable conditioning. As time goes on and it becomes more acceptable and desirable to have some muscle girls with unique genetic strengths that never would have seen a weight in the past are going realize the genetic gifts they have and work them hard and get fantastic results fast and show them off.

May 14, 2021 - permalink

Provided that the females of the future aren't six legged cockroaches scurrying about in radioactive rubble, I'd imagine with the rate of genetic engineering and advances in muscle enhancing drugs, female bodybuilders of 2041 will make today's fbb's look like emaciated midgets.

May 14, 2021 - permalink

Provided that the females of the future aren't six legged cockroaches scurrying about in radioactive rubble, I'd imagine with the rate of genetic engineering and advances in muscle enhancing drugs, female bodybuilders of 2041 will make today's fbb's look like emaciated midgets.

That's what I'm talking about!

May 22, 2021 - permalink

Arnold Schwarzenegger will come out as trans and the history of female Bodybuilding will be rewritten.


May 29, 2021 - permalink

all I hope for is better supplements for even bigger bodies and thus having a new, bigger category for those competitors.

May 29, 2021 - permalink

My guess is women will be shredded and more vascular on very lean bodies . . . and I can’t wait.

Jul 16, 2021 - permalink

They will be much bigger but the question is how much. I think bodybuilder competitions will consistently see women who could be close or bigger in size than to the men in 212 today

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