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dating - where to find FBBS

Mar 18, 2021 - permalink


I'm curios where are the FBB's hiding in terms of bars and dating?

I wanna sporty or muscle woman...

Mar 19, 2021 - permalink

First off, bars aren’t going to be the places that you’re going to find FBBs. Also, If you’re ONLY looking for FBBs, you’re basically looking for a very, very, very small number of women. What about fit women in other sports/activities? There are plenty of buff women in CrossFit, Powerlifting, Olympic Lifting, rock climbing, etc.

Your absolute best bet with putting yourself in a position to meet muscular women is to actually be involved in strength sports yourself. Join a gym that caters to hardcore bodybuilders, get involved in an Olympic lifting program, join a CrossFit gym (LOTS of fit women at CrossFit gyms,) and basically get yourself into those respective communities. And by that, I don’t mean, immediately upon joining a CrossFit gym, for example, instantly hit on all the ladies there: that’s a good way to get yourself ostracized. Instead, establish a friendly rapport with both the men and women. Build your network as you get more into whatever discipline you get into. It’s gonna take some time, but pretty soon, when people at your gym and the community see you as a pretty rad dude, more opportunities will open to meet more people, and that can possibly be finding women to go out with. With the pandemic seeming to near the end, and things opening up again, you’ll see more events that you can go to. Go to competitions (as a spectator and maybe even as a competitor. Also, start going to fitness expos when they start back up. It’s just like professional networking.

If you want to date a fit buff woman, you gotta put the effort in. There is no magic dating app, no special bar that you can go to. It all comes from getting into shape yourself, integrating yourself with the community, establishing yourself as a friendly (NOT creepy) person, and building your network. Right now because of COVID, it’s hard to do, but it looks like we are approaching the end of that, so now is the time to start.

Mar 19, 2021 - permalink

Houston has had a ton of FBBs over the past 20 years or so. I have personally seen Melissa Dettwiller, Gina Davis, Nat Rochner, and Macey Toney around town in that time, so they are around. Now, meeting them and trying to date them is a different matter. Most want someone who is as into the physique industry as they are. I've lifted since I started playing jr high football, so I'm immersed in training and truly love it, but I have never been in physique sports and never have used a bit of gear. That excludes me pretty much from that world. The one of them I met was Gina Davis, though, and she was very nice and seemed very nice and open to meeting men in general.

Other than that, just hit hardcore gyms in larger towns and fitness expos. Or become a photog. They meet and befriend more muscular women than anyone. Show promoters do very well, too. JM Manion had bikini and figure girls all around him, even though he was never to be mistaken for Brad Pitt.

Mar 19, 2021 - permalink

JM Manion’s wife is present at every shoot...

Mar 19, 2021 - permalink

How about a gym...

Mar 19, 2021 - permalink

This thread pops up every week.

Hate to sound like broken record but Whole Foods is your best bet outside the gym and fitness expos.

Mar 19, 2021 - permalink

JM Manion’s wife is present at every shoot...

Yeah, and I'm sure she's got more spies than Fidel Castro.

Mar 19, 2021 - permalink

This thread pops up every week.

Hate to sound like broken record but Whole Foods is your best bet outside the gym and fitness expos.

I’ve been to Whole Foods a couple times, and each time I’m there I’m like the only non-white dude inside lol.

Mar 19, 2021 - permalink

Gatsby's first post nails it.

Mar 20, 2021 - permalink

I would think the best place to find a muscle girl would be a serious "meathead" gym, not the bar. Alcohol and fatty, fried food doesn't exactly mesh with the lifestyle.

Mar 20, 2021 - permalink

I’ve been to Whole Foods a couple times, and each time I’m there I’m like the only non-white dude inside lol.

Whereas at my Whole Foods, I sometimes feel like I'm the only white dude there lol (and exactly zero fit women in the 4 years I've shopped there)

Mar 23, 2021 - edited Mar 23, 2021 - permalink

How about a gym...

I think only those people say that who never actually been a member at a gym.

The chances of actually meeting a muscular woman in a gym is small. Despite their numbers here where it is concentrated, in actual gyms they are still a rare sight. Besides women don't go to the gym to be hit on. At best you can annoy them there.

Mar 23, 2021 - permalink

I think only those people say that who never actually been a member at a gym.

The chances of actually meeting a muscular woman in a gym is small. Despite their numbers here where it is concentrated, in actual gyms they are still a rare sight. Besides women don't go to the gym to be hit on. At best you can annoy them there.

I always like to add the caveat it depends on the gym. If you’re going to a big-box gym like a Planet Fitness or an L.A. Fitness, then no, you’re probably not going to meet a muscular woman, and while there are female bodybuilders and powerlifters who train at those places, those are not places that foster a community: their business model is for people to get In, get their workout in, and get out. Your best bet is to join a smaller, boutique gym that caters toward more specialized disciplines and foster a community and member interaction: like crossfit gyms, powerlifter gyms, Olympic lifting gyms, small, hardcore bodybuilding gyms, etc. And, even upon joining those gyms, you need to put in the work of building your network by interacting and being friendly with BOTH the men and women. You want to show that you are a committed, likable and friendly person. In other words, don’t, upon joining a Crossfit gym, immediately start flirting with the first fit woman you meet.

But back to M76’s point, bodybuilder Crystal Anthony makes a great point that, if you want to meet muscular women, going to shows is a far better way than trying to hit on people at the gym https://youtu.be/1uf73-AsTcw

Mar 24, 2021 - permalink


Mar 24, 2021 - edited Mar 24, 2021 - permalink

I have dated three women including my current partner who are/were athletic. Not Fbbs but cycling between pretty buff to normal pretty over time periods. Two I met on university campus and my current partner at a party in NYC. Here are some of my observations on this topic:

-College campus is a great place to meet buff coeds especially if you are also into sports or are buff. But also works if you have the same class and can do homework together. Many women who work out are actually pretty smart. They’re often very athletic or just want to be buff but have no real time to spend on the effort to be real fbbs and they won’t take drugs.

-Gyms are usually not a good place to meet women who are there to work out. But men often try to talk to my partner and she is friendly so she’ll engage in short conversations. I find the atmosphere in big box gyms to be less conducive to meeting women. I know a fun, rowdy meat head gym on the NJ shore where lots of buff women and fbbs work out and there is a friendly atmosphere. The owner may even introduce you if you ask. CrossFit strives to form a community so that’s also probably a good place.

-Certain cities have higher numbers of buff women than others. In my experience, Philadelphia, NYC, Toronto, Montreal, LA, Florida. Not surprising that warmer states have higher numbers. Not sure why Philadelphia but it’s typical to see a fair number going about their business. New York attracts a wide variety of people and many buff, athletic and also dancer types. Also Canada has a society that really encourages women to be buff. Not sure why but visit Toronto and you’ll see many more on the streets than expected. These women will be in the grocery stores, gyms, bars etc of their communities.

-Every time I’m in a big airport I see at least one or two buff women. Especially true for OHare for some reason.

Communities that promote healthy living, education and have night life will have buff, athletic women in the environment. I only met two real IFBB type women in the past on separate occasions. I asked them what they do for fun. Both said they are always working out and seldom go out.

Mar 24, 2021 - permalink

you want to see some next level stuff.... check this


a muscle girl admitting she was gonna walk up to him later and ask for a pic.

of course the guy is admittedly on trt amongst other drugs.

it's personal choice in the end-----look normal but nobody paying attention to you or look freaky but being constantly on drugs, injections, etc.

I can’t click on the link. Can you post it again?

Mar 24, 2021 - permalink

you want to see some next level stuff.... check this


a muscle girl admitting she was gonna walk up to him later and ask for a pic.

of course the guy is admittedly on trt amongst other drugs.

it's personal choice in the end-----look normal but nobody paying attention to you or look freaky but being constantly on drugs, injections, etc.

I don’t get how this is “next level stuff”

You don’t need PEDs to build a physique that muscular women would be attracted to. You can build a good physique that will turn heads naturally.

I got a lot more attention from fit women when I got in shape, and I don’t take anything.

Mar 24, 2021 - permalink

that's why most guys go to the gym between 17 and 30.

then they get married and forget about chasing women so they get fat and forget about it.

But then their wives get fat, so the guys go back to the internet to look at muscular girls.

It's a profound and mysterious circle of life.

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