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Does anyone else has a transformation fetish?

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Mar 07, 2021 - permalink

Greatest thread ever.

Mar 07, 2021 - permalink

Anyone remember Brawna.com? Literally a gold mine of FMG fantasy stories? You can find it on the wayback machine but its gone now. For those into the magic/sci-fi transformation stories its probably the best resource you'll find

Mar 07, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by damagecontrol
Mar 07, 2021 - permalink

Does anyone remember a She Hulk parody with Colette Nelson?

Mar 08, 2021 - permalink

Oh yes, always was felt some kind of awe, fear and atraction towards the power/strenght/size growth, in an story or at once.

I was a really young but remember a slide show they proyected at a birthday party, it was a comic of some doctor that saved the day by taking some tonic/formula from a vial an became super strong, unstopable.

I kind of dreaded the existance of someone so powerful and unstopable as depicted there, and then I saw that many were else. Like when in Tom & Jerry, Jerry become muscular an super strong and could just prevail in any confrontation, I kind of suffered, but it also was a thrill.

There was the Hulk tv Show, also watch it a lot as a kid... well, Superman... Supermouse... He-man, Rambo. Action figures with muscular guys, I remember being happy as my Rambo toy had some vein detail in the biceps (or it was just in the tv series, can't remember).

But it is like all those shows makes us love that powerful characters that suddendly could become so strong.

And them I started feeling aroused by girls, couldnt resist watching a big boobed girl, or a girl with a strong silhoutte (athletic). So I guess in the middle I kind of mixed the two worlds, so female transformation of girls was super hot.

For example this Jennifer Walters transformation to She Hulk an animated series


They just over did it!! Everything is so fine... I remember watching it again and again in slow motion.

Mar 08, 2021 - permalink

I kind of dreaded the existance of someone so powerful and unstopable as depicted there, and then I saw that many were else. Like when in Tom & Jerry, Jerry become muscular an super strong and could just prevail in any confrontation, I kind of suffered, but it also was a thrill.

I think I feel the same way. Like seeing a story where someone progressively gets stronger and stronger than others around them while they can't do anything about it fills me with a foreboding feeling and a frustration I can't quite describe. I saw the film "Pain and Gain" a while back with Dwayne Johnson and Mark Wahlberg. Seeing how easily they dominated and kidnapped this rich man and forced him to do what they wanted was terrifying. I hate how black and white it was that the strong simply dominate weaker people and they can use their power however they want without consequence.

Then I started to get excited by that feeling with muscular women. The dread was part of the arousal. The unstoppable march of a beautiful powerful woman was a very attractive idea.

Just wanted to share with you so you know others felt the same way as you.

Mar 08, 2021 - edited Mar 08, 2021 - permalink

I think I feel the same way. Like seeing a story where someone progressively gets stronger and stronger than others around them while they can't do anything about it fills me with a foreboding feeling and a frustration I can't quite describe. I saw the film "Pain and Gain" a while back with Dwayne Johnson and Mark Wahlberg. Seeing how easily they dominated and kidnapped this rich man and forced him to do what they wanted was terrifying. I hate how black and white it was that the strong simply dominate weaker people and they can use their power however they want without consequence.

Then I started to get excited by that feeling with muscular women. The dread was part of the arousal. The unstoppable march of a beautiful powerful woman was a very attractive idea.

Just wanted to share with you so you know others felt the same way as you.

Thank you, really appreciate it, I like reading and writing about this.

Also great comment, I checked the trailer and it seems as a super weird movie.

You know, there was an old movie, I think starred by Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin, or the like, something like "rat race" but the original, or the same kind of movie, there was some racers that got into trouble with some gas station worker, he kind of wreck the gas station in order to attack this weak guy (or guys), it also kind of mind fuckme very much, there was no justice, just the whim of some strong dude that can demolish a building if he is mad.

Mar 08, 2021 - permalink
Mar 08, 2021 - permalink

Sarah Hayes with the most memorable and insane transformation that I have personally seen!

Mar 09, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Mar 09, 2021 - edited Mar 09, 2021 - permalink

Look here

Transformation or what?!

Mar 09, 2021 - permalink

Sarah Hayes with the most memorable and insane transformation that I have personally seen!

Yeah sarah is love & don't forget lindsey cope she is so hot

Mar 10, 2021 - permalink

Here's Susanne Namaani:

Mar 10, 2021 - permalink

Look here

Transformation or what?!

you are right! but not my cup of tea, anyway

Mar 10, 2021 - permalink

Sarah Hayes with the most memorable and insane transformation that I have personally seen!

Nice kitchen transformation as well!

Mar 10, 2021 - permalink

Look here

Transformation or what?!

I wish I could unsee that!

Mar 10, 2021 - permalink

Hell yeah!

Mar 11, 2021 - permalink

Mar 11, 2021 - permalink
Mar 11, 2021 - edited Mar 11, 2021 - permalink

Liv Roth From tiny cutie to beast

Mar 19, 2021 - permalink

May 09, 2021 - permalink

whos this?!

May 09, 2021 - permalink

Anne Mohn

May 09, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
May 09, 2021 - permalink

I like it, but I would call it an interest, not a fetish. A fetish is a sexual interest in a part in place of the whole, say an article of clothing, or maybe feet rather than the whole girl.

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