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How approach a fbb or similar in the gym?

Dec 13, 2013 - permalink
I'm proud to say I absolutely love the way females with muscles look. They are the closest thing to goddesses on this planet. I'm a relatively muscular male myself ( 6'0 245lbs 13% BF )but I find it still hard to approach a woman in the gym because of how intense they look. Any tips? Any other way to meet these god like human beings? My line of work doesn't give me a great selection ( research scientist ) but I find the urge to meet woman like this nearly uncontrollable
Dec 16, 2013 - permalink
I feel you, Greg...  :) Goddesses, very true. Do they know what they are to us?
Dec 18, 2013 - permalink
Dude! You're a research scientist! Use that as an approach to one that catches your eye (or even better: one whose eye catches you ;)) and open up with something like: you're conducting research on the female physique and curious as to what motivates them to work so hard to achieve the results they get, etc., etc. You don't want to feed them a line of b.s. or anything but I'm sure you ought to be able to say something that gets their attention. I feel most gals would probably be open to someone who is interested in them as a person rather than a piece of meat to drool over ;D
Dec 18, 2013 - permalink
You're putting them on a pedestal, which is not very attractive. You should try to think of them less as "goddesses", and more as women who like to work out.
Jan 22, 2014 - permalink
Find a way to add value to her life. Don't just be a perv and seek to gain something for yourself. What worked for me was signing up as a distributor for health and wellness products. I talk to them about how they can leverage their hard work to earn money by becoming distributors as well. I learned about the business from www.nuskinsponsoringid.com and www.nuskinincome.com
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