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Muscle Women Inspiration

Sep 02, 2013 - permalink
As a 100% heterosexual male, I find I’m most inspired by muscular women when it comes to my own work out regiments. While I respect male bodybuilders, I’m most moved to push myself when I visualize women with muscle rather than men. There are no secret fantasies of being the opposite sex – I just find muscle women come to mind rather than men. All insights welcome. Thanks.
Jan 09, 2014 - permalink
Yes I agree with you. I am not a bodybuilder, but work our 3 times at week for fitness and keep health and shape. Aren't many women working out with weights at the gym, and 99% of themn thinks only to burn calories. Just some of them use weights to tone the muscles.
I feel much more motivated and inspired to see on the web so many women training and developing their bodies with so much dedication and passion. Surely it inspires me more to working out than watching biggest men using weights that will be impossible for me.
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