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slender guy and muscular woman in serious romantic relationship WHY NOT?

Aug 06, 2013 - permalink
Ever since middle school I have been attracted to girls with big muscles. They make a lot of other guys feel uncomfortable, but not me. I get emotional when I see pictures of them. Sometimes I say things like, "Flex and I'm yours. If you can beat me in an arm wrestle, my heart will be yours forever. I will love you and adore you. Please look at me." But it's just a picture. I took a class called women and social change. Women excelling in areas that men once had a monopoly on. That is the sexiest thing in the world. If there are more and more relationships like this, or if women cultivate relationships like this, would men and women be better off?
Nov 27, 2013 - permalink
I found that if you want a muscular woman to be interested in you, you need to engage them socially.  You need to get out there and do activities that muscular women do and communicate with them.  You will not interest most women unless you are able to engage with their mind.  There are hundreds, if not thousands of men that would worship their body, they want someone that connects with their mind.
Best bet; find situations where there are many muscular women and talk to several, but find one that you can connect with.  If she feels a connection to you, it won’t matter what your body is in comparison to hers.  She might want you to get in the gym, but that will probably be more about spending time with you than getting you to be muscular. 
This worked for me.
Nov 28, 2013 - permalink
All good stuff but this is the pictures thread. Could a moderator move it please?
Thread locked by cgsweat.
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