Is there anybody that finds Renne Toney attractive. I dont know why i am so drawn to her physically! I love muscular women but she beats even the biggest olympians by a long shot....what is it about her????
You're right there is something about her. She has worked hard to build what must be the biggest, most muscular body ever and that has to be something to admired. She has lost some of her facial beauty but I guess if you are that dedicated to muscle growth it's a sacrifice you're willing to make. Someone once in the chat room asked me if I could would I have sex with her, I answer very quickly YES and my reason, "To say I'd been lucky enough to be the most advanced female bodybuilder ever!" Some may think that really odd but like everyone on her I'm allowed my personal preferences.
I don't know her personality, but physically I'd be totally cool with her-regardless of what anyone thinks. I don't have any problems being with her intimately and for sure would not pass up the opporitunity! o.0 Thanks for sharing!
Renne a a true muscle goddess of epic proportions. She's gorgeous and sexy and strong. She's the ultimate bicep queen. A feast for the eyes and good for the soul.