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Broken on Chrome?

Nov 22, 2013 - permalink
I've had no problems with gwm on google chrome for a long time, but recently I've been unable to access anything in the upper half of the screen.  It's as if there's an image or something blocking the upper half-- nothing is clickable.

I've tested it on a few machines (using chrome), and wanted to know if anyone has run into this issue?

It seems to work fine in internet explorer.
Nov 22, 2013 - permalink
Im having the same issue. Im not very computer savy and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nov 22, 2013 - permalink
Same issue here with mozilla...
Nov 22, 2013 - permalink
Good to see I am not the only one. I'm unable to click on links or pictures unless I play around with the zoom page function on google chrome. It works fine on IE for some reason. Please get this fixed!
Nov 23, 2013 - permalink
I had the same problem with IE, Chrome, and Firefox.

Signing in on all three, solved it for all three.
Nov 23, 2013 - permalink
Me too. I used the Inspect Element feature in Safari and found out this piece of code is what's causing the trouble:

<div style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;background:transparent;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;width:100%;height:100%;"><div id="Yban3338176" style="overflow:hidden;z-index:-1;width:728px;height:90px"><iframe id="Ybif6377.559395041317" src="http://serw.clicksor.com/newServing/showbanner.php?nid=1&amp;t6377.559395041317&amp;zone=34511&amp;chad=1&amp;oe=UTF-8&amp;cs=muscle%7Cveins%7Cgirls%7Cforearms%7Cabs&amp;adtype=1&amp;sid=364333&amp;pid=228488&amp;spid=&amp;adu=2&amp;image=3&amp;c1=%23302d1c&amp;c2=%23FFFFFF&amp;c3=%23000000&amp;c4=%23666666&amp;memkey=cda8d63a0f9e0f374a2681554b174c57&amp;qp=YF4lIiz9ISh9IX0tIywlJ_35b1NXNCF9JC98JnxhTy0ufCYvJHsjL3ssLCL7-XBdMCghICUtIiYuISA&amp;bdurl=&amp;lq=0&amp;lb=33&amp;orid=3338176" width="728px" height="90px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe></div></div>

Maybe Chainer or TLinden16 could fix the site?
Nov 23, 2013 - permalink
Thanks for alerting me, I have disabled the ads (which I think are causing the problem) until I have time to look more closely at this.
Nov 23, 2013 - permalink
I'll add that I had the same problem.  I primarily use Chrome, but the problem persisted on Internet Explorer.  An invisible box blocks out the upper half of the page, making it impossible to clink on links.  The problem persisted across all pages of the site.  I likewise found a work-around by right clicking on the problematic space, and using Chrome's 'Inspect Element' feature, I could delete that node to return any page to normal behavior.

Thanks for the quick fix.  Sorry I didn't bring it up a day or two ago when I noticed it; should any future technical problems be reported in this part of the forum?
Nov 23, 2013 - permalink
All things considered, this was a pretty speedy response.  Glad it's been (sort of) sorted and hope you can get to the root of the problem.
Thread locked by cgsweat.
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