Site Discussion
Ab shots, arm shots, and calf shots are automatically no with me. Leg shots are OK as long as they at least show calf to waist level.
Surely this is too subjective. Moderation, imo, should be about what is suitable for the site, not one's personal taste. For what reason other than personal taste are leg shots ok but not arm or ab?
Personally I rarely enjoy a pic that doesn't include the girls face but I recognise that others feel differently. There has to be a solid and, as far as possible, objective reason for rejection, otherwise I accept - regardless of whether I like the pic or not. I take my guide primarily from the name of the site, and then reject watermarked, very small, and very low quality pics. And that's it.
I take the view that GWM is a community where tolerance is essential. Nobody likes every picture, if that were the criterion there would be no pics. I don't like guy face or implants so I rate them low, conversely I like a good morph.
Ratings is the place to express taste.
1) Obviously, to abide by Chainer's rules ... sometimes, when I've been impatient, I've clicked 'yes' on a pic before it's fully scrolled-down as part of the loading process, and noticed too late that it's watermarked. So apologies for that ...
2) Bearing the above in mind, I've tried to keep my own preferences out of it, and not judge an individual pic simply on the basis of whether I personally like it or not. (I've okayed some pics which feature HORRIBLE implants, for example.)
3) The main grounds on which I'd reject a pic are: (a) if it's a routine glamour/cheesecake/T&A pretty-girl pic without a significant degree of visible muscle, (b) if it shows a heavy-duty bodybuilder with an obvious manifestation of Guy Face, (c) if it's the wrong side of the line between 'teen' and 'KID' or (d) if the woman in question is, despite clearly being a bodybuilder, so heavily-clad that the muscle is only implied.
Be interested to know what criteria others apply when 'guest modding' ... or whether your decisions are purely subjective.