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Feature Requests

Nov 11, 2010 - permalink
      Here's a running list of ideas that I think might be good to implement at some point, but I just haven't gotten around to doing them yet, in rough order of priority:
  • Correctly handle + strip exif data from uploaded images; controls for staff/uploader to rotate images.
  • Revamp the notification system for image comments. You could subscribe/unsubscribe to any image. When you comment on an image, you get subscribed to it by default (but could then unsubscribe).
  • Merge the Image Search page with the main image gallery page. This will allow you to, for example, search for a name while selecting custom orderings or filtering certain tags.
  • Re-enable the "random images" page, which was removed due to bad performance.
  • Profile message enhancements: Group messages into threads like Gmail (more important), allow sending messages to multiple recipients (less important)
  • Replace "Recent Updates" on front page with something better than individual image updates.
  • Get notifications when someone uploads pictures of a specific person
  • Thumbs up/down system for rating comments. More generally, a way for users to reward others for making good comments.

Not rejected, but low priority
  • Allow searches for one of multiple strings, using either the Google or eBay methods:
     - Google:  "heather armbrust OR policky"
     - eBay:  "heather (armbrust,policky)"
  • Ability to custom order your favorites
  • GotW: Have some days of just submitting suggestions before voting begins, so that voting isn't biased towards the earlier submissions.
  • Option for displaying time stamps of when messages were sent in the chat

  • Warning system so the site can keep track of warnings staff has given to users
  • Ability to blacklist certain names so they can't be tagged on pics.
  • Ignore function so you wouldn't see messages/comments by members you don't like
  • Global notifications - allow site staff to send a notification with a custom message to every member
  • Allow uploaders to label/name their uploads just after uploading.
  • Fix the duplicate detecting script returning false positives when uploading images
  • Deleting your own comments under images
  • Order pictures by resolution
  • Editing your own comments.
  • Way to report specific comments rather than just reporting the image they're on
  • Option to change the rating you gave an image after you rated it. Or at least, print out the rating you gave the image.
  • Ability to change your vote for Girl of the Week
  • In the ban log, show either the ban start date (in addition to the end date), or the length of the ban
  • Option to only search image descriptions (and not file names or image comments) when searching
  • Option to "hard delete" comments (in addition to the current "hide" feature)
  • When two pictures are merged, the deleted image's page becomes a soft redirect (with a link to the merged picture)
  • Private messaging on the main site. Like the public messages we have now, except private.
  • See the (about) 10 previous messages that were said when you join the chat

  • Some way to tell on the image index pages when the images have been added, so you could easily find the place you left off the last time you visited
  • Option to make your favorites private
  • Ability to tag users in comments so that they'll be notified of the comment

Please request features in this thread, and if I think they're worthwhile, I'll edit them into this post.[/list][/list]
Nov 11, 2010 - permalink
Maybe a chat archive to see what happend in the chat after you left :)
Nov 24, 2010 - permalink
I suggest giving something back to members that moderate. For example, maybe a user gets credits for each image they voted on that goes on the site (if two or more people vote on the same image, which I think is logical), and maybe taking away credits when an image is approved then removed, and so on. Then you can decide on prizes for a certain amount of credit, like a free one month membership to a relevant site, or something along those lines.
Jan 25, 2011 - permalink
I've noticed that if you 'guest moderate' and okay an image, it then becomes 'yours' and you can't rate it if/when it appears in the main gallery. Which is why I've stopped 'guest moderating.'

Incidentally, whassup with the double-underlined words in green which appear in some comment posts and link to (not necessarily relevant) ads?
Jan 25, 2011 - permalink
Those are ads that I've been trying out over the past day, but they seem pretty terrible (both income-wise and look-wise) so I'm stopping them.

Can you give me a specific example of an image that you haven't rated that you're unable to rate? I'm not able to reproduce the bug you are talking about.
Feb 26, 2011 - permalink
already on the list :)
Mar 12, 2011 - permalink
Why not create a section to identify images? There is a large number of them here.
Apr 26, 2011 - permalink
I often have images removed from the voting queue and I never know why (I know I'm not the only one). I'd like a system that sends a notification to users if their image has been removed from the queue and why it has.
Apr 28, 2011 - permalink
Usually when a picture is removed from the voting queue, it's because it was voted down by too many members. There isn't really a concrete reason, it's just the collective mind of the site at work.

And when a mod does go through the queue, it's often impractical to give a reason for every picture, because there are simply too many. If you want to ask about a particular picture, go ahead, and maybe we can give a reason:
May 20, 2011 - permalink
I just thought of something that could be useful.

Next to being able to favouriting specific images, we could perhaps favourite names of girls. We could then be notified whenever one of our favourite girls gets newly tagged in an image.

Also, I haven't kept an eye on it recently but while I'm posting anyway, is it still so that you can add a new candidate for the Girl of the Week while the voting is already underway? (I think this was the case somewhere at the start.) That's of course unfair for the later entries. It should only be possible to nominates candidates for the next vote, not for the current.
Aug 07, 2011 - permalink
You should be able to order your own uploads by "Highest Rating", "Most Favorited" etc.
Sep 06, 2011 - permalink
Well, any IP can only vote once, so just creating a new account won't work. Though I guess yours isn't a bad precaution either.
Oct 16, 2011 - permalink
How about adding a next/previous when searching a specific person's photos? That way you can just click next instead of using the back button, then clicking the next picture of that person.
Dec 02, 2011 - permalink
"Featured on websites:" and then a list of websites the woman has been featured on.
Dec 03, 2011 - permalink
Where would that list of websites come from? As in, how would it be generated?
Dec 04, 2011 - permalink
By GWM members who feel like contributing!
Dec 14, 2011 - permalink
1. Image Search Page: Put the cursor (focus) in the edit box when the page is displayed so you can start typing the query right away.

2. Chat Box Height: Either increase the default to 500 or so, or make it a settable value in the user profile.

Dec 15, 2011 - permalink
The focus is a good idea. The chat box height adjustment already exists (above the names of the chatters).
Jan 02, 2012 - permalink

I'd like to restate the earlier request for notification of moderator deletions for reasons other than being out voted.  How can I know to stop making a mistake if I don't know what the mistake was?  I was notified once and found it very helpful with future uploads.

I also just learned today that there are some women who've asked for their pictures not to be posted.  I was told that there's a list, but it won't be posted for privacy reason.  I can respect that (although if it gets to the point that someone as far down the road as me hears about someone, privacy is kind of moot), but I don't want to go thru the motions of looking up the photos, checking them for ownership and quality, copying them or the addresses and then going thru the upload process if they're just going to get zotzed for being of a woman on the list.  I'd like for their to be some sort of name check to be put in as an option when uploading so that the system will tell you right there that it can't upload because the woman is on the banned list.  It'll save me time and heartache, while keeping their names off a generally available list.
Jan 15, 2012 - permalink
I'd like only those people who've actually uploaded photos to the site be able to vote in Moderation.  They've actually done the work and contributed, but other schmucks who just sit back and criticize get to make decisions.  It's not right.  Think of it as being a citizen, and to earn your citizenship and voting rights, you have to contribute.  Until then, visitors who don't contribute are on Temporary Visas and don't have rights.
Jan 30, 2012 - permalink
Option to order the favourites not only by "Last favourited" and "Last commented", but also alphabetically.
Mar 07, 2012 - permalink
There's not much going on on the forums right now, the only reason for the recent activity being the introduction of some new feature on GWM and the nuisance of those new ads that hijack the browserwindow.
That's why I would suggest, if this is technically possible, to set up a small notifications-window on the right part of the mainsite, that always displays the newest topic that has been recently replied to in the forum, so that you can see what's going on there while not leaving GWM. If the subject interests you, you could easily switch over to the forum and join the discussion there.
I'm not thinking of unifying the forum and GWM, since this might not be possible, just to have GWM somehow "fetch" the newest feed from the forum and display it. I think this would be a great way to improve the popularity of the forum. Discussions that currently take place in the comments-section might even migrate to the forum, which would be much more appropriate for them.
Mar 13, 2012 - permalink

thanks and congrats for making that wonderful site!

I'm just wondering if there will be a subcategory like "artificial / drawn / 3d / ... girls-with-muscles " gallery in the future?

Best regards
weak boy 16
Mar 13, 2012 - permalink
a way to search by age e.g 13-17 18-25 26-40 40+
Mar 31, 2012 - permalink
It would be nice to be able to narrow down the random button like you can with search. Like choose BICEPS, CANDID and hit random and it would only bring random pictures with those tags.
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