Site Discussion
How about this new Natalia Trukhina pic from her instagram?
1. She already has 2000+ pics on the site, so new ones don't add a whole lot to the site.
2. While she has a ton of pics, in her newer pics the focus is rarely on the muscles. Either the implants are front and center, or they're more "glamour" type shots such as the ones I just deleted where it almost seems like she's trying to hide the muscles as much as possible.
3. She seems to have a vocal fan club on here which causes even her more mediocre pics to end up on the front page. When pictures of her are on the front page, people start uploading tons of category #2 mediocre pics which I then have to spend time deleting.
As a result I allow only the absolute best of her pictures.
it's hard to argue any of her photos are mediocre when they're professionally done
There are a ton of qualities that go into judging whether a picture should be kept, including: image quality, lighting, and the particular pose and how well it highlights muscles, just to name a few.
Another angle to consider here is that I'm in a position where I have to carefully balance the ratio of not very muscular fitness women to very muscular bodybuilders.
No images where the focus is breasts or butt rather than muscles.
...but if they were to become disproportionately popular...